
发布时间:2019-06-14 17:39


Part 3

1. Why do some people buy lots of things for their home?


Well, I think it's mainly because we can make a house into more of a home. Each person will add something different to a place, whether it is furniture like I explained earlier, or maybe pictures that you can put up It's just to add that personal touch


We,don' t really like to buy many things for my home, I just keep everything simple, For others, sometimes it may because some furniture or other stuff in their home is falling apart, so they need to buy a new one to replace it, or they just want to add something to make their home become more beautiful and lively, I suppose buying a painting is a good idea to develop a sense of art or creativity


2. Do you think it is very expensive to make a home look nice?


It can be, but i don t think it has to be. My apartment was fairly inexpensive to decorate and furnish, but I didnt want to buy the most expensive appliances and posh furniture. I'm very happy with things like my sofa-bed and some simple tables and wardrobes. I suppose it kind of depends on how much disposable income you have.


haven' t had a chance to own an apartment so I am not very familiar with the decoration thing, but I have watched a reality show about how to make a home become much better without costing a fortune, so i believe that it could work as long as the owner makes a proper design and plan.


3. Why dont some people care about how their home looks?


Honestly, i dont know. For me,Ican' t think of anything worse than someone coming to my home and it looking like a pigsty, you know, being untidy or messy. Id be mortally embarrassed if that happened. Maybe some people just have any pride in where they live.


Different people have different opinions, ome of those people may only care about the function of home they would be satisfied when their house is tidy and can offer them a place to live. While others who don t care about how the place looks might not have a choice due to some financial problems.


4. In what ways is living in a flat/apartment better than living in a house?


we, for me, it's a lot easier to clean for a start. My parents' house was far too big for just the three of us, which is why they downsized it a couple of years ago. Also, think for here in Beijing, it just makes more sense. There really isnt enough room for houses everywhere, so flats are also kind of logical.


Sometimes living in a big house also means you have many things to take care of, like a garden or swimming pool, which is not very easy for someone who is occupied by work. At the same time, you re more likely to get close to your neighbours and feel a sense of community if you live in a flat.


5. Do you think homes will look different in the future?


It really depends on what you mean by different. Externally, no I don't think they'll change much other than maybe some cosmetic changes. It's the internal elements that I think will alter significantly Internet-connected housing is going to be the way to go, you know, with everything connected to each other. My fridge can order milk,my heating(暖气设备) can automatically switch on when it knows I'm nearly home, and things like that.


Yes, i think so, especially the electronic equipment.. I suppose that more AI and VR elements will be added into the design of future furniture, which will make it become possible for people to cook meals even though they are far away from their home. Also, the TVs and laptops will disappear and be changed into invisible screens, or maybe 3D holograms, which gives us more space in our home


6. Do you agree that the kinds of homes people prefer change as they get older?


That's not something I've thought about before. I suppose so, yes. As a family grows,so does the house, and when the birds fly the coop, it shrinks again. I figure that money has a lot to do with it too. As you get older, your income increases and you're able to afford a larger house. Then when you retire, you can either stay at the top of the ladder or take a few steps back down


Absolutely. In my opinion, I believe that when people are young, they are not so eager to live in very big houses, they would prefer spending time together with the family in a lovely flat. When people grow older, especially after retirement,they are more likely to feel lonely, and want to have a big house to keep more friend, children and even grandchildren around, as well as a big garden to kill some time.








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