
发布时间:2019-06-14 17:18




You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe something you liked very much which

you bought for your home.

You should say:

   what you bought

   when and where you bought it

   why you chose this particular thing

and explain why you liked it so much.

剑桥雅思14Test2雅思口语Part2参考范文 1

Well, I'm going to describe my new sofa-bed for you today. It must have been about 6 months ago and I was walking around IKEA with my parents. We were buying some new furniture for my new apartment. As we were strolling through the living room department, I noticed this huge bright red sofa and I thought that it looked just wonderful. At the time, i didn t actually realize it was a sofa-bed, I thought it

was just, you know a couch. I said to my parents that I thought it would look good in my new home, and then went over for a closer peek.

I sat on it, and well, just fell in love.. it was far beyond comfortable, more like sitting on a big red fluffy cloud, and then I found out it was a bed too, oh my, I simply had to have it. I ran over to my folks and literally dragged them over.‘You simply have to sit on this.’ I yelled a little too loudly I think, as i got a few strange looks from some of other customers.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, yes, we bought it. Well, I should say, they bought it. It was delivered about a week later and I think I spent the first few days afterwards just snuggling up in the pillows. It is, by far, my favourite piece of furniture It definitely outstrips anything else. i just wish I could find more furniture that i like as much as this. I have heard about an American-made chair called a‘lazy Boy' that,'s supposed simply heavenly, Maybe next year.


剑桥雅思14Test2雅思口语Part2参考范文 2

So, today I am going to talk about a network television which I bought last year The television in my home had been used for many years and eventually died la September. I had just got into college at that time, and i thought I could buy a new TV for my parents so that they would have chances to spend quality time together watching programs at home.

The reason why I chose a network television is that the old one in my home could only receive a few channels in our region and allow us to watch local programs, most of which are boring beyond belief. At the same time, my parents didnt

like watching videos online through smart phones or their laptops because of the small screen. As a result, it occurred to me that buying a smart new, big screen, well,huge screen actually, TV for them is a better idea, which made it available for them to watch all the online stuff on TV. My dad adores it, the tV is actually bigger than my mum Is tall.

I bought it on Jingdong, an online shopping website, which has an enormous variety as well as lower prices than physical stores, cheaper is better. I consulted the customer service rep about the functions of different kinds of unit and finally picked up the one which could easily search for and access the TV soaps, reality shows, documentaries and other stuff as long as it's connected to the Internet. it delivered to our home in three days and my family loved it not only because it gave us more leisure time, but it did let us spend more quality time together, you know. watching TV together and getting into arguments, well more heavy discussions really about this drama plot or other and help us form a stronger family bond.







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