
发布时间:2017-12-28 17:31








题目:Hypothesis about why Vikings left Greenland in the 15th century(关于维京人离开格陵兰岛原因的几个假说)


阅读1:Because of climate change the temperature got lower so the Vikings didn’t have enough food. (气候变化导致农作物减产,食物不足)

阅读2:The Vikings were driven out by the local enemies.(维京人被当地人驱赶出格陵兰岛)

阅读3:The trade between the Vikings and the European countries was cut off by Norway. (挪威王室不允许维京人和欧洲其他国家通商)


听力1: Vikings relied on fish for food and climate change didn’t change the ocean and the fish.(维京人以鱼类为主食,并没有面临饥荒)

听力2: When the Vikings left, they took away all their valuables and tidied up, if they were driven out they would have been in a rush.(维京人离开时整齐有序,并没有落荒而逃的迹象)

听力3: The formal trade was cut off but the illegal and unofficial trade was still on-going. Even the Norwegian King complained about the illegal trade was hard to control (虽然正式的贸易被禁止了,但是非法的和私下的通商依旧繁荣)


题目: 建造太阳能道路。

阅读:Build solar roads by paving glass, glass can absorb the sun’s energy and translate into electricity.


1. It is not a logical place. The roads are flat, not tilted.

2. Glass are not safe, especially in wet or icy condition

3. Will be very expensive.



1. It will be more efficient. The solar panel will produce more energy. It will reflect the sun in cloudy days not just in one direction but in many different directions.

2. A new kind of glass will solve the problem. The engineers have already researched for it, it will also useful in wet days.

3. The solar roads will produce more power which can be sold to other counties; its revenue can be the cost.


题目:Three possible theories of what a sea-dwelling microorganism’s eye might be for.


阅读1:The eye is used for following preys.

阅读2:The eye is used for sensing sunlight.

阅读3:The eye is used for aiming at having a better accuracy at other tiny life-forms when it is going to stab them.


听力1:Other closely-related microorganisms which have no eyes could follow their prey successfully. Therefore, their eyes must be for other purposes.

听力2:Scientists studying the evolution of microorganism find that they are becoming less and less dependent on sunlight for energy. Compared with their ancestors, the sea-dwelling microorganism is with a much more complex eye. So it must have other functions.

听力3:After examining the eye thoroughly, researchers find that its eye couldn’t focus quite well, thus not being able to have better accuracy at other tiny life-forms when stabbing them.


题目: Three possible theories of why sturgeon fish jump into the air.


阅读1:They need to feed themselves by the insects in the air

阅读2:They want to remove the parasites on the scales.

阅读3:They are aggressive when the tourists’ boats invade their territory.


听力1:they don’t eat in the summer since they are fed in winter with enough, and they are bottom fed, they eat from the sea floor

听力2:The most dangerous parasites are internal, not external, even some domesticated have external parasites.

听力3: The human invasion is accidently, even without the invasion, the fish also jumped.


题目: 人类登录火星遇到的三个问题。



1. 着陆的时候冲击力大容易产生损害。

2. 没有办法携带足够多的燃油,包括去程和返程的。

3. 太阳辐射会直接伤害到宇航员的身体。



1. 着陆时可以通过电脑控制或者人工控制来选择适合的着陆点并减少冲击力。

2. 只需要带去程的燃料就可以了,返程的燃料可以通过火星上所有的固态冰现做。

3. 可以在spaceship 上制造一个类似于地球磁场的防护罩,来阻挡太阳辐射的伤害


题目: 太阳能吸收器放在太空有三个好处


1. 能够吸收更多能量

2. 能过避免彗星的冲撞

3. 能够对环境有好处



1. 如果在太空的吸收器坏了。地面上要送一宇航员上去修理。这不仅非常花钱。而且,到达太空时间非常长。这一段吸收器不工作的时间,许多原本能被吸收的能量就浪费了。

2. 尽管彗星这种大的星体能够避免。但是太空中的space dust 科学家时无法跟踪的。这些dust 以非常高的速度运行,会给吸收器带来非常大的热量,从而造成损害。

3. 这些吸收器在太空吸收完能量后,会以beam 或ray 的形式把能量发回地面。Beam 和ray 会对大气层中的臭氧层造成损害,从而更多的紫外线会之间照射到人类、动物和植物。人类和动物会产生许多健康问题。植物的产量也会因此而减少。


题目: 哺乳动物的祖先从非洲大陆到达马达加斯加岛是有证据证明的


1. 是通过偶然因素才会到达马达加斯加的,比如洪水,自然灾害等

2. 周围的海水是不会把动物带到岛屿的,因为海水不会朝那个方向流

3. 大陆与岛屿之间有400 km,因此旅途会很长,动物活不了那么久


1. 基因研究发现,岛上至少有四种物种的基因来自于大陆哺乳动物

2. 通过地形地貌变化,海水流经的位置现在是向南的,可以把动物送达马达加斯加

3. 动物在旅途中会降低自己的基础代谢,消耗很少,不会渴死饿死



Caroline bays 是一些circular or oval 形状的depressions(低洼处),很多人认为Caroline bays 是由于meteorites 的撞击形成的。


1. Caroline bays 中的depressions 形状不对称,一边的沙子比另一边的沙子高。

2. 在Caroline bays 周边反向的沙子和美国东部其他地方的沙子不一样,它的铁含量很低。

3. 在Caroline bays 旁边发现了buckyball,这些是撞击的高温产生的carbon 的独特形式。


Caroline bays 是由于meteorites 的撞击形成的这个观点并不对。

1. Caroline bays 原本是在水下的,deep water current 的流动也可能会使得depressions 两边的沙子高低不一样。

2. 其他力量也可能使得沙子的铁含量降低。

3. Buckyball 不一定是由于撞击形成的,也可能是由于闪电形成的。


题目: lemur 狐猴,如何防止其灭绝,或数量下降。


1. 把那些把森林与森林之间隔开的农田变成森林走廊,这样森林之间就连上了。

2. 禁止非法捕猎,加大管理力度。

3. 囚禁(captivity)它们,人工饲养保护。



1. 猴狐生活之外的森林对于它们来说很危险,即便退耕造林建起连接的走廊,它们也不会走。

2. 不只有大量的人把狐猴抓起来做宠物,也会捕食它们,所以范围太大,方法多样,很难有效管控。

3. 狐猴的种类很多,习性不同,针对不同狐猴进行饲养可能有20 多种食物,这样可能很难保证饲养。



犀牛角非常的珍贵,以至于一些偷猎者不惜一切代价地猎杀犀牛,对犀牛的种群数量造成了严重的影响。为了保护犀牛,人们想出一种办法:把犀牛运到别的栖息地(relocation plan) ,防止偷猎者的捕杀。阅读和听力讨论这种relocation 的方法是否有效。


阅读:relocation 对保护犀牛没有用。

1. 犀牛在relocation 的过程中有2%-5%的死亡率。众所周知,犀牛是濒危物种,因此在运输过程中造成犀牛死亡,这中做法是不可取的。

2. 犀牛有着非常紧密的种族社会关系,如果把犀牛relocate 的话,就会造成公犀牛和母犀牛的数量不平衡,会对犀牛的繁殖造成影响,此外它们的种族纽带也会被切断。

3. relocation 不能完全防止偷猎者猎杀犀牛,因为犀牛角的价值很高,所以就算把犀牛运到别的地方偷猎者还是会紧随不放,所以不能从根本上解决问题。


听力: relocation 可以很好地保护犀牛种群。

1. 虽然犀牛在运输途中不可避免地会发生伤亡,但是死亡的犀牛毕竟是少数。特别是把运输途中犀牛死亡率和盗猎者猎杀犀牛导致的死亡率对比时,会发现运输途中犀牛死亡数量远远低于盗猎者猎杀犀牛的数量。相比两种情况,还是relocation 更好一些。

2. 阅读中所提到的犀牛性别不平衡问题在进行relocation 之前就可以避免。保护者们会挑选一定数量的公犀牛和母犀牛,保持比例平衡。另外带着幼崽的母犀牛不会进行relocation,不会拆散它们的社会关系。

3. 把犀牛运到别的地方,那里地域广阔,犀牛有很大的活动空间,盗猎者在如此大的范围之内发现犀牛非常困难。另外,有些地方人很难通过,偷猎者无法到达。


题目: 修补牙齿是否应该使用汞合金这种材质



1. 首先,阅读认为,汞损害人的神经、免疫等系统,危害人体健康。

2. 其次,阅读指出,从牙医诊所流出的汞合金废物经下水道排进江河湖泊之后,会污染水质,进而威胁野生动物。

3. 最后,阅读声称,还有其他材料,比如金、陶瓷、树脂等可以取代汞合金,规避其弊端。



1. 听力材料反驳说,汞合金里的汞含量很小,不足以造成人身危害,只有少数对汞过敏的人会受到影响。

2. 听力表示,安装过滤隔离装置就能防止汞流进水路,造成破坏。

3. 听力表示,在口腔这种湿润环境下,汞合金更耐用,而且单价也比金要便宜很多。


题目: 讨论五大湖(the great lakes)是否应该建立wind turbines 来发电


3 benefits can prove why the great lakes should build wind turbines to generate electricity.

1. More job opportunities could be created for the locals, which increases economical benefits.

2. The great lakes are fresh water, which are suitable for turbines, and the maintenance costs will be lower.

3. Building wind turbines to generate electricity contributes to the conservation of water resources because there is no need to create more other resources with water.


The benefits mentioned in reading are not convincing at all.

1. It is expensive for the company to build the wind turbines, so the costs will continue to increase for almost 50 years.

2. Fresh water is indeed good for the machine, but once fresh water freezes,it is more harmful for the machine, and it costs more.

3. Water flown by the turbines will be polluted by a kind of oil, which cannot be drunk again. However, millions of people depend on the great lakes for daily supply.


题目: whether people should protect prairie dogs


There are three reasons to illustrate the bad effects brought by those prairie dogs.

1. They are agricultural pests because they will compete with cattle for grass.

2. The fleas they carry can cause bacterial disease.

3. Protecting them hardly brings benefits to the ecosystem, so it is more worth protecting large mammals.


The messages mentioned in the reading are misleading.

1. The agricultural pests view is outdated. On the one hand, prairie dogs have changed their diets. On the other hand, cattle now feed on some specific areas. So there is no competitive relation between them.What’s more, the burrowing of prairie dogs does not harm the growth of grass, but in fact makes the land fertile, which facilitates the grass growth.

2. The incidence of a disease is very low. In the past 15 years, only 10 people got infected.

3. They do goods to the ecosystem. First, the burrows underground prairie dogs big are habitats of other animals such as snakes. Second, they are also food resources of large animals such as foxes. The disappearing of prairies dogs will endanger those species.


题目: about the reduction of primary care doctors


The reading points out three reasons to explain the reduction of the primary care doctors.

1. Students majoring in primary care can hardly pay off the loans and they are often low paid when they become primary care doctors.

2. Primary care doctors tend to suffer from high stress and heavy workload.

3. Opportunities to get training are not even.


Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

1. A national program can help to compensate their loan. According to the policy, after their graduation, students are required to the remote area to practice. And such experiences can be used to cover loans. What’s more, by doing so, some students are lucky to gain scholarship.

2. The government will cultivate advanced degree nurses who are able to share some of the workload of the primary care doctors, such as the jobs related to prescription medications and caring.

3. Uneven assigning the recourses results in uneven distribution of opportunities to get trained. And the government has realized this problem and will take actions to reassign the resources every three years among different hospitals.


题目: 讨论prescribed 火灾的三种危害


prescribed burns 会带来3 种danger

1. threaten the wildlife especially the young ones.

2. pollute the atmosphere

3. natural fires will also happen



1:prescribed burns 有time plan, 在animals 不是reproduce 是时候进行,就没有young 的会受威胁。不在reproduction 期间的话,就本身没有young ones,mature ones 会remove 很快。

2:forest growth will absorb CO2 quickly, forests grow fast to absorb

3: natural fires 确实有,但是没有那么大的威力。


题目: 讨论关于birds anting 这一习性的三种解释。


Demonstrate three theories to explain why birds have the habit.

1. Birds use anting to irrigate skin during feather change in summer.

2. The acid released during anting by ants can help resist parasites growing on birds.

3. Anting is a way for birds to feed on those ants.


Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

1. It is just a coincidence between the time of feather change and bird anting.

2. Anting cannot reduce the growth of parasites on some birds.

3. Birds will have other things to rub themselves, but they do not tend to eat those things.


题目: 讨论关于一种人工代糖是否有害。


Demonstrate three negative effects of sucralose on human beings

1. The immune system will be influenced, which is proved by the experiment conducted on the mice.

2. The sucralose will release toxic element in our body.

3. The sucralose cannot help to people keep shape, for they might be addicted to this kind of sugar, so actually people might absorb much more sugar.


Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

1. The immune system will be influenced only when sucralose is accumulated in a certain amount.

2. The sucralose cannot be absorbed by human digestive system, and thus it does not have the proper situation to release toxic factors.

3. The kind of sugar will not break down when heated, thus it can be used to make cakes and cookies, and by this way people can enjoy the sugar confectionery as well as keep shape.


题目:讨论健康计划Wellness Programs(即公司推出奖励计划给达到healthy-related goal 的员工) 是否对员工有益。


Wellness Programs in United States bring lots of benefits to companies and employees.

1. The programs can become a motivational tool for people to lose weight and quit smoking, bringing much healthier lifestyle.

2. Employees will be more inclined to take exercises and have wholesome diets through the motivation of the Wellness Programs.

3. Although the program might cost companies a great deal of money at beginning, it saves more compared to the spending for employees’sickness.


The program does not work.

1. The program may be an effective way to motivate employees in short term, but it cannot keep for a long period. Research shows that after several years, people are back to their bad habits.

2. The program is not fair for every employee, because cases differ. Some who have to take care of their family or cope with chores do not have enough time to exercise, while others are genetically fat.

3. Companies might suffer great financial loss in long term, because many employees will not stay in one company forever.


题目: 小行星是否是人类外太空迁移的好选择。


Sending people to asteroids for colonization is optional.

1. Low gravity in the asteroids contributes to taking off and landing safely,as well as consuming less fuel.

2. People can mine valuable and rare metals from the asteroids, thus they can gain many more profits.

3. It is easy to reach the asteroid which is near the earth.


Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

1. The lecturer refutes the point by saying that there lie many risks, for the muscle and bones will suffer if people are under the low gravity for a long time.

2. It causes a large amount of additional costs to obtain the metals.Because transporting the metals to the earth costs much, and people cannot guarantee what they unearth is just the metal they expect.

3. The asteroid’s orbit is not regular, so when it moves close the earth people can easily reach there,but when it moves far away from the earth,it is quite hard to reach the asteroid.


题目: Mary Rose 号沉没的原因。


There are three reasons to explain why Mary Rose sank.

1. The gunspot was not closed after getting fire, but they forgot to close it.Water poured in to gunspot.

2. Sailors dislike the captain and do not follow his lead.

3. French made significant damage to the ship.


Refute the three reasons mentioned in reading passage.

1. According to a research, there were still some connonballs in the gunspot, which proved that it cannot be opened.

2. Mary rose is flag ship. Sailors are all capable, so they will not fail to follow the captain’s lead under such dangerous situation.

3. Frenchmen told a lie in order to show that they were powerful than English.


题目: 公司如何继续成长。


Three ways to promote the products’ development.

1. The company can launch new version under existing products.

2. The company can launch related products.

3. The company can cooperate with another company to produce new product.


Those three ways are risky.

1. The regular customers may still prefer the old products, while new customers may feel the products is old-fashioned.

2. The related products may have bad quality, which will exert negative influence on the company’s reputation and make the sales decrease.

3. The partner company may also the new product, thus the partner becomes the competitor.


题目: 关于Pearl Poet 是谁的三个假说。


There are 3 possible hypotheses.

1. John Massey might be possible, because he lived in northwestern England, where the poems came out, and the handwritings of John Massey and Pearl Poet are the same.

2. It might be Hugh, because he wrote poems about Garwin and those 4 famous handwritten poems are also related to Garwin. What’s more,the poems all adopt the rhetorical method of alliteration.

3. The 4 poems might not be written by one person because the poems referred different areas in England.


None of the 3 hypotheses is reasonable.

1. There was same copier in 14th century. That is why the handwritings are the same.

2. It cannot be Hugh because the dialect used in the poems of Pearl Poet and Hugh is totally different.

3. The poems cannot be made by several persons, because the wording of the 4 poems is very similar, which is impossible for different authors.


题目: 【题目】修建高铁是否有益。


【阅读】The high-speed rail lines benefits people in US.

1. High-speed railway will save money spent maintaining the roads.

2. More citizens will choose to take high-speed train, which can relieve traffic congestion.

3. This means of transportation is one of the most environmentally friendly forms, because it is fuel-efficient while the train is running at a high speed.


【听力】The benefits are not as obvious as reading suggests.

1. Compared maintaining the roads, building high-speed rail lines costs more. Government in California has to borrow 100 million, which takes up 75% of annual financial avenue. It is hard to pay back alone.

2. Whether people will choose to take high-speed train depends on whether it is convenient for them to go to train station. People need driving to the train station first, which is not contributing to solve traffic jams.

3. The railway cannot cover all the areas, and somewhere in California is speed-limited, so there is nothing different from regular trains.


题目: Several theories about brochs of ancient Scottish people


1. 提供像城堡一样的防御。

2. 储存食物。

3. 为贵族阶级提供居住地。


1. 这种石墙没有窗户,没法射击前来攻击的敌人,不能起到防御作用。

2. 发现的water tank 可能使得食物腐烂,附近有生活做饭的痕迹,但是这种行为可能引发爆炸。

3. brochs 有的是单独建造的,有的是以group 形式存在的。而贵族阶级不可能居住在离村庄很远的地方,同时也不可能和其他贵族一起住。


题目: 关于降低风力发电涡轮对蝙蝠数量影响的方案。


Three solutions can be used to lower the effect of wind turbines upon bats.

1. The wind turbines should be built in the areas far away from the migratory routes of the bats.

2. The wind turbines should be turned off in the night for bats are nocturnal.

3. Radars should be used to repel the bats, for the bats hate radar waves.


Those three solutions are not feasible.

1. The migratory routes of bats are exactly the places where wind turbines should be built, for if they are built in the remote areas, such as flat plain, the wind speed will decline.

2. Though the bats are not active in the daytime, they will choose sleep on tall structures, and the tops of the turbines are such places.

3. If bats meet the electromagnetic waves emitted by radars, those waves will prominently influence the reproductive systems of the bats.


题目: 底片是不是Adam 的。


The negatives belong to Adam.

1. The pine tree in this photo is as same as another tree appearing in the photo taken by Adam.

2. The negative is in an envelope,which has his wife’s handwriting.

3. The negative is damaged by fire. It is reported that the office of Adam once got fire.


The reasons are unconvincing.

1. The pine tree in national park is very popular. Many people would take photos there, so it may not be taken by Adam.

2. There are some spelling mistakes. His wife is really familiar with that place, so she would not make such errors.

3. The negatives contain the chemical substance which is highly likely to catch fire.


题目: Beetles damage ash trees, and how to save ash trees.


There are three ways to prevent beetles from damaging the ash trees.

1. Banning transportation of ash trees, which will take beetle’s nests to other areas.

2. Drilling holes on the ash trees to inject a chemical pesticide that make beetles leave away ash trees.

3. Planting trap trees that beetles like to lay their eggs on.


The three methods mentioned in the reading are of no use.

1. They cannot prohibit private companies that cut down ash trees to be firewood.

2. Drilling too much holes will damage ash trees. The cycle of injecting a pesticide is two years.

3. Trap trees are beetles’ food, which will increase the population of beetles and hurt more ash trees.


题目: prevent jellyfish booms from happening


The writer puts forward three methods to address the problem.

1. Use chemicals to destroy the polyp.

2. Harvest for human consumption

3. The government makes stricter regulation, letting workers clean the ballast water.

听力: The measures are unconvincing.

1. The remains of polyp would breed the next generation quickly. Besides,using chemical ways might destroy other species in the marine or other places.

2. Only 12 kinds of jellyfish are edible. And people can only eat one percent of them.

3. Boat companies and fishmen will not be willing to do so, for it wastes a lot of time and has a negative influence on their economic profits.


题目: 犀鸟(toucan bird)的巨大的鸟嘴的三种功能。


3 reasons can explain why toucan evolved a bill.

1. Weapons against predators

2. Color and shape to hide from predator

3. Get rid of excess body heat


None of the 3 reasons about the bill’s function is reasonable.

1. It cannot function as weapons. It is made of hollow bones filled with air,so it is thin and lightweight or else it cannot fly. If it is used as a weapon,it will be easily damaged in activities like jabbing.

2. They have to call out to each other in order to use the color and shape to blend into surrounding areas. If they do this, they are going to draw attention from predators.

3. Healthy toucan does not use their bills. They need bill to get rid of heat in the daytime but at night when the temperature is lower, they do not.They then need to retain body heat.


题目: 该不该设立基金来定期拨钱保护森林。


A fund should be established to make regular payments for forests.

1. Reducing agricultural damage by preventing farmers from using forests as farmland for agriculture.

2. Helping the habitants living in the forest.

3. Promoting biodiversity.

听力: The payment cannot bring about these there benefits mentioned in the reading.

1. If forests are not allowed to be transformed into farmlands, food will be deficient. In order to generate more food, intensive methods will be used, thus aggravating damage.

2. The payment will not improve the forest habitants’ lives for money are first received by local government and landlords who are not forest villagers.

3. Biodiversity cannot be improved for those payment will be used for plantation forest, man-made one, in which only trees of great commercial use are planted, for example, in some plantation forest only tung trees and walnut trees grow.


题目: 讨论罗马第九军团是否在苏格兰,荷兰以及犹太存在过。


Disappeared in Scotland , Netherland & Judea.

1. The ninth legion joined the battle of Scotland and then they were wiped out.

2. The roof tile is a symbol of the ninth legion.

3. The ninth legions were wiped out in the battle of helping Judea.


The reasons are unconvincing.

1. Ninth legion had 5000 soldiers. If the joined the batter, there must be broken weapons and remained equipment, however, no remains were found.

2. Building roof tile required kiln, but there was no kiln in Netherland. So roof tile may be brought from wherever else. Anyone could do this.

3. The ninth legion were in the west, however, Judea was in the east. It was not a wise choice to choose the ninth legion to join the battle. It took long time and much money. They could send the troops which were closer to Judea.


题目: 考古学家Schliemann 发现的金面具到底是不是真的。

阅读: Heinrich Schliemann discovered a golden mask of warrior king. He claimed that the golden mask is the Mask of Agamemnon. However, the archaeology industry suspects that the golden mask is a fake. There are three reasons for that.

1. Firstly, Schliemann has a reputation of faking his discovery and excavation. He used to buy an antique from a craftsman and claim that the item is from ancient Greek until it was identified a fake. Therefore,the golden mask is very suspicious and Schliemann is incredible.

2. Secondly, some features of the golden mask are different from the authentic golden masks from Ancient Greek. Ancient Greek golden masks have very flat appearance and no pointed hairs. The golden mask of warrior king discovered by Schliemann has very well-defined lips and pointed beard. Therefore, the golden mask is a fake.

3. Thirdly, Schliemann immediately shut down the site where the golden mask is discovered after he found the golden mask. This is a very suspicious behavior. Usually archeologist will continue to excavate the site in the hope of finding more cultural information about the discovery,such as the historical context and identify whose mask it is. More information about the mask could have been discovered to identify the mask, however, Schliemann close the site in a rush, revealing his afraid of being found that the mask is a fake.


Though many archeologists think the golden mask of warrior king is a fake,but I think that is an authentic item from Ancient Greek. There are three reasons to refute the points in the passage.

1. Firstly, Schliemann did have a reputation of faking discovery and excavation. However, for this mask, it's not easy to fake. The Greek government is familiar with Schliemann's reputation of dishonesty and specifically assigned a supervisor to closely supervise and monitor Schliemann's work of excavation. If Schliemann really cheated on this discovery, it's hard to do so without being caught by the supervisor.

2. Secondly, a golden mask of lion from Ancient Greek, which was proved an authentic antique, was compared with the golden mask of warrior king. The golden lion mask also has three-dimensioned lips and nose,and all pointed hair. All the features are comparable to the golden mask of warrior king.

3. Thirdly, the timing of the site being shut down immediately after the golden mask was discovered can be explained. Schliemann was not a real archeologist but a treasure hunter. It fitted a treasure hunter's habit to close the site immediately after he depleted all the valuable things in the site. Therefore, Schliemann's behavior of shutting down the site is not suspicious.


题目: 厄尔尼诺现象产生的三个原因。


提出产生Eocene warming 三个原因。

1. Ocean current 洋流变化

2. Comet struck 彗星撞击

3. 温室气体的释放



1. 洋流的确改变了,但是热度不足以造成温度影响。

2. 陨石撞击的磁场问题不是直接原因,新的证据表明直接原因细菌造成的。

3. 要产生这样的温室气体从海底到空气中再造成升温要几千年,但是数据显示升温和释放是同时发生的。


题目: fort 能不能起到防御作用


一些考古学家认为公元前两千多年的forts 不能起到很好的防御作用

1. 不是所有的sides 都有walls 所以很容易受到敌人攻击

2. multiple entranceways, enemies are easy to enter

3. no evidence of water and wells , 当被包围的时候很容易败


这些都是误解 原因如下

1. 有些地方不用walls 就可以起到防御的, 比如有悬崖峭壁cliff

2. 敌人发现Spot 之前就block 封锁掉

3. 可能是之前挖的井干了所以后人没看到不代表没有证据;不可能存在围攻的问题,因为敌人不会一直wait out 的


题目: 讨论路的三种作用。



1. It was used to move commodities and people.

2. The road was build out of religious reason, for people living in that area

believed that their ancestors were from the north.

3. The road can be served as the function of defense.



1. At that time, they didn’t have cars and other transportation, even they did not use animal. Besides. The road did not need to be ten meters wide, and one or two meters were enough.

2. People’s religious belief in ancient times may be different from that of today.

3. If road was used for defense, there would be some traces. However, we could not find such trace. Furthermore, Enemies could take advantage of roads, thus making the invasion more easily.


题目: 防止蝙蝠白鼻综合征 (WNS)的方式。


Suggestions to fight White Nose Syndrome (a kind of fungus killed lots of North American bats in the past few years)

1. One suggestion is restricting people to access the caves where bats live,because fungus can be spread cave to cave by riding on people’s clothes.

2. The second suggestion is studying a species of bats that is resistant to fungus.

3. The third suggestion is heating the cave.


Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.

1. The lecturer refutes the point by saying that people are not main factors to help spread fungus, and it is bats themselves that spread the fungus,because in some caves where people cannot access, there’s fungus still.

2. Resistance is formed during the process of complex biological evolution.And understanding the process needs decades. However, the bats will die out in 10 years if there’s no effective remedy.

3. Bats die because the fungus wakes them up and forces them to face starvation. If the caves are heated, bats will be unable to sleep and thus suffer the starvation. Therefore this suggestion will make the situation worse.


题目: 【题目】自己开公司好不好。



1. 大公司上班有太多bureaucracy,难以实现自己的idea。

2. 大公司上班工作稳定感大大不如从前。

3. 大公司最近几年不提供extra benefits,比如退休金,更低的医疗保险。



1. 自己开公司要面对的手续会更多。

2. 自己开公司明显更有风险,稳定感更不强。

3. 自己开公司extra benefits 更没有保证。


题目: 讨论the reasons about the death of Ichthyosaurs。


Three possible reasons

1. They died of toxic algae.

2. They stranded in shallow water.

3. They were preserved in a pattern by other creatures.


The reasons are not established.

1. The fossils of ichthyosaurs show that they died in different time. Some were formed earlier than others.

2. According to the seafloor, it was deep water in the past.

3. These nine bones were put in order; however, this creature only put them at random.


题目: 禁止外来物种进口和买卖法律


The law to forbid the import and selling of nonnative species is implausible.

1. Some pet owners will be forced to turn their pet over to the authorities.

2. The law is too expensive to implement for it should examine thousands of nonnative species in US.

3. It’s unreasonable to apply one same standard to all species. Brazil rabbits cannot stand the cold weather in the north so they can’t breed.


That law is worthwhile to implement.

1. The owners’ pets don’t need to be forfeited. Only import and selling of nonnative species will be restricted.

2. The money spent in carrying out the law is much fewer than that used to remove the negative impact of nonnative species.

3. Though some animal cannot breed in another country, they may carry fatal virus which can be transmitted to other animals.



whether the canned food is the factor that contributes to the lead poisoning and the death of crew in Kaship.


1. The lead that was carefully stilled to the can would not contact the food.

2. No other evidence of death of the crew was found in other ship.

3. Water purification system may be the source of poisoning.


1. Company has limited time to finish this work. Workers are under time pressure and it is reasonable that they are careless and apply lead to the cans in a hurry way.

2. First, it is difficult to judge whether sailors are affected by lead without careful tests. Second, the symptoms of lead poisoning are common, such as feeling tired or headache and they can be easily overlooked.

3. The water in the purification system is used for ship engineering since the salt water cannot be used. The water for cooking and drinking comes from a different way.


题目: The reason that causes the low production of rhino in parks.


Three causes can explain the low production of rhino in parks.

1. Infertility results from the alfalfa and hay in animal fodder, which increasing it hormone.

2. Rhinos develop foot disease for often walking on the hard surface.

3. Brain disorder in the newborn rhinos makes them cannot live long.


The listening argues against the three reasons mentioned in the reading.

1. Infertility can be cured by regulating the rhino’s hormone.

2. Advanced radiographic image equipment can detect the early anomaly of the bone and feet, which can heal the foot disease.

3. The reason for the little rhino’s brain disorder is that its mother is so old that it carries toxic chemical element. So letting younger rhino bear child is one of the solution.


题目: hammer head shark 锤头鲨头部的功能。


1. 提高了转弯的速度

2. 提高了对电场的感知能力

3. 作为捕食的工具


1. 转弯主要是靠脊椎,同时,年轻的鱼转弯更快。

2. 试验中,把锤头鲨和其它类型的鲨鱼放在一个导线连接的有感应的池子里, 所有的鲨鱼对猎物的感知度一样,锤头鲨并没有体现出更高的敏感度。

3. 由于眼睛长在头上。因此,如果拿头去捕食,会损害眼睛,甚至会瞎。


题目: 雨蛙抵御某种真菌的三个方法是否可行。


1. 雨蛙群居可以抵御真菌感染。

2. 一种化学物质可以使雨蛙对病毒免疫。

3. 雨蛙的自身防御,一旦觉得感染了就使自己体温升高来抵御感染。



1. 那个湖中不仅有雨蛙还有其他生物,他们可以携带病毒来感染雨蛙。

2. 那个化学物质留存时间很短,在雨蛙遇到病毒之前这种物质就已经失效了。

3. 雨蛙上升自己体温来防御会消耗大量体力,就会使雨蛙特别的虚弱,抵抗力就会下降,进而就很容易死亡。


题目: 电子病历的三个优点。



1. 省钱,不会发生错误,和利于做科研。

2. 电子病例是用电脑写的,因此辨识度很高,不容易错。

3. 电子病历利于更方便的取得大量病人的相关资料做研究。


1. 教授认为这些优点是不确定的,他说,即使有了电子病历,医生们还是会把纸质病历作为备份,所以存储转移这些病历的费用并没有省下来。

2. 虽然电子病历使用电脑,但是还是难免出现错误,因为病历还是由医生手写,职员打字输入的,在辨识医生的文字和输入电脑的过程中都有可能出现错误。

3. 教授说在美国病人的病历属于隐私的范畴,有隐私法来监督,研究人员不可能随意的查看病人的病历,首先他必须经过严格复杂的程序获得很多人包括病人自己的允许才能查看病历,所以关于电子病历的这个优点是不存在的。


题目: 关于saber-toothed cat(剑齿猫)是否是群居动物。


saber-toothed cat 是群居动物。

1. Fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indicate that they were fed by other saber-toothed cats when they were injured

2. There are large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap. The sabertoothed cats hunted together. The sound of dears in the trap attracted them to fall in the trap together

3. Saber-toothed cats lived with other predators such as lions and wolves.Saber-toothed cats have to live in group to compete with those predators.



1. The fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indeed indicate that they could survive when they were injured. However it doesn ’ t necessarily mean that they have to be fed by other saber-toothed cats. Many predators can find dead animals to eat. So did the saber-toothed cats

2. The large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap doesn’t mean that they hunt together. The saber-toothed cats hunt separately. One of the saber-toothed cats heard the sound of the trapped dear, went to the trap and fell. Then another saber-toothed cat also heard the sound of the trapped dear, came to the trap and fell again

3. Saber-toothed cats were large predators. Take tigers for example, one tiger is strong enough to fight against the social predators such as lions and wolves. So the saber-toothed cats don’t have to live together to compete with lions and wolves.


题目: 大猩猩和倭黑猩猩的区别。


大猩猩chimpanzee 和倭黑猩猩bonobo 的习性区别。

1. 特点一是在控制的环境里(抓进笼子里)bonobo 更老实,less aggressive。

2. 特点二是族群中对small bonobo 有保护的 social law,所以大的bonobo 不能欺负小的bonobo。

3. 特点三是chimpanzee 会hunt 和kill 其他生物来吃肉,而bonobo 不会,它们只吃nuts 和plants。


1. 因为实验室是在控制条件下而非野外环境中进行,所以动物不会表现得像在野外环境中那样。

2. 因为bonobo 族群也存在欺负弱小的现象,只不过是在没有别的东西在的时候,研究人员都去观察chimpanzee 了所以没有发现。

3. 因为人类行为影响到了chimpanzee 的素食来源, 所以它们才去hunt 和kill其它动物,当前的bonobo 的habitat 离人类比较远,所以人类没有影响到它们。如果有一天人类活动影响到了bonobo 的habitat,估计bonobo 也会因为食物不够而去猎杀其他动物。


题目: 植物的叶子在夜间闭合的三个理论。



1. 个理论:有助于保温。

2. 第二个理论:防止真菌感染,不让雨水进去。

3. 第三个理论:避免接受月光,以此跟随季节变化。



1. 个理论:没有帮助。因为植物没有internal heat,在遇到冷的天气,尤其是冰点以下时不能避免冻害。

2. 第二个理论:下雨时即使叶子闭合,也会有少量雨水进入,而真菌只需要少量的雨水即可,因此是没有意义的。

3. 第三个理论:举一个反例。在一些denser 的森林中,有些植物即便在树荫下接收不到月光,也会闭合叶子。因此需要其他的解释。


题目: Arizona 发现一个2 亿年前的虫子的巢化石是不是蜂巢。



1. 2 亿年前还没有蜜蜂,哪里来的蜂巢;

2. 2 亿年前连flowering plants 都没有,怎么会有需要吃花蜜的蜜蜂;

3. 现代蜜蜂的巢都有个盖子cap,那个化石没有,所以这个巢很可能是其他虫子的。



1. 没有发现有200 百万年前的蜜蜂化石不代表没有200 百万年前的蜜蜂,那时候蜜蜂筑巢的树比较难留下来,所以没有化石也正常。

2. 古时候的蜜蜂就一定要吃花蜜吗?他们不能吃nonflowering plants 吗?

3. 没有盖子cap 可能因为化学原因, 腐蚀掉了什么的,再说为什么要跟modern bee 一样呢?



Whether the declining of bison was caused by the European American settlers.


About bison, a kind of animal, something like cattle or horse. The passage suggests that the declining bison was due to the European American settlers:

1. When European American cross prairies, they hunted bison as food because there is no food in prairies.

2. They brought cattle and horses, which competed with bison for resources.

3. The evolving technology, especially guns, let hunters kill several bison in a short time.


The professor contradicts each of these three points:

1. The European American moved from east to west, but the bison decline in the western part of America. The pattern of how bison disappeared gradually was different from that of movement of European American.

2. Bison have double furs covering their bodies and unique head structure,which allow them to live in harsher and colder areas. The areas were unreachable for cattle and horses. How could different spices compete with each other in separate territories?

3. The advanced technology should not be blame worthy for the decreasing bison. The ancient methods are as effectively as guts. Skilled ancient American hunters could kill several bison with short intervals.




有袋动物marsupials 比无袋动物placental 更原始。

1. 因为幼崽在母亲的袋子里生活使得发育不完全,免疫能力差。

2. 第二它们对温度的控制能力差。

3. 第三在澳洲有袋动物占多数因为没有太多无袋动物,而其他地方有袋和无袋生活在一起有竞争,所以说有袋竞争不过无袋动物。



1. 有袋幼崽其实发育的很好,它们喝奶的时候同时也从奶中获得了抗体因此免疫好。

2. 第二有袋动物体温会变是为了适应环境,比如降低体温来减少能量消耗。

3. 第三很久以前在澳洲有袋和无袋一起生活的,而后来有袋占多数说明无袋竞争不过有袋。


题目: 关于Chesapeake Bay 生态环境恶化,水生生物受到威胁,该如何解决。



1. 限制捕捉螃蟹。

2. 引入中国Oyster 解决disease 影响。

3. 教育农民少用化肥。



1. 螃蟹是专业渔民的生计,所以人民不接受。

2. 中国oyster 可能带来新disease,这种办法太冒险了。

3. 减少化肥使用,要涉及6 个state,人太多、面积太广,不可能完成。


题目: Agricultural subsidies 农业组成经济是否有好处。



1. Lower the price of crops

2. Solve the issue of world hunger

3. Ensure job security



1. 虽然可以稳定价格,但这总价格减少的原因是政府投入了资金,这些资金来自税收,所以间隔减少的这个幅度最终的买单者是人民。

2. 不能帮助弱国,当贫困国家出现粮食危机需要进口的时候,他们会发现进口的价格低于本地的粮食价格,因而不能保护当地农民的利益。

3. 不能增加就业。农业补贴只能用于一部分农作物如crops,当农业贴补加大,那么为了提高生产力,crop 的生产方式会高度机械化,所以不用人工劳作。而且,种植其他品种的企业会没有优势,从而倒闭,加深了就业问题。


题目: 讨论wetland 里面的鬼火( will-o'-the-wisp)形成的原因是什么。


有3 个可能的原因。

1. Protection against cold (losing heat).

2. Protection against fungal spores infection, block out water so insects have meanings of fungal infection.

3. Eliminate night time light, in order to track up to the regular time to produce flowers.


1. The plants have no source of internal heating, so whether folding or unfolding suffer the same freezing damage.

2. Even though the plants are folding, they cannot block out all the water and fungal spores only require a few water.

3. Some plants in densely shaded area where no light is reaching still fold their leaves, therefore some other reasons may explain.


题目: 讨论是在北美发现的土堆(Mima Mound)形成的原因是什么。


Three theories to explain how the Mima Mound is formed.

1. Mima Mounds were formed by human labor because they were arranged in order.

2. Mima Mounds were caused by earthquake. After shaking, the land becomes loose and reshape to the Mima Mound.

3. Build by pocket gopher to build nest.

听力: These three theories are all unconvincing at all.

1. It cannot be created by human labor because there are no human activities and remains to support the theory.

2. Earthquake is impossible to take place in where Mima Mound existed.Besides, there were no enough earthquake to loosen the soil.

3. There are gophers nowadays, but no new Mima Mounds have been found.


题目: 讨论翼龙Pterosaurs 是否会飞。


Three reasons to explain why Pterosaurs cannot fly.

1. Pterosaurs are cool-blooded, thus cannot produce enough energy to fly.

2. Pterosaurs are too weighty to take off from ground.

3. Pterosaurs have a different muscle from that of birds. Their back leg muscles are too small and weak.


Explain three reasons to contradict with reading.

1. Pterosaurs can actually be considered as warm-blooded, since they always have dense covering hair.

2. The bone structure of Pterosaurs is different. It is hollow not solid.

3. Pterosaurs are different from birds in that they stand with four limbs while birds with two limbs. And Pterosaurs are just like bats which can push off the ground.


题目: 讨论stop the decline of frog population 问题。


Provide three methods to the decline of frogs.

1. Prohibition of using pesticides can relieve this phenomenon.

2. Implement the large-scale of treatment.

3. Control the decline of water habit.


These methods are ineffective and useless.

1. It is not financially economical. Farmers will suffer more, if they do not use pesticide.

2. This treatment has to apply to each frog, and people would be easily get infected. This way is expensive and hard to implement.

3. It is not human action that leads to the decline of water habitats, but global warming. Even though human actions are controlled, it cannot solve the whole problem.


题目: 北美的早期人类是从欧洲还是从亚洲移民过去的。



1. spear points 的刀锋和欧洲的一样

2. bone & skull 和欧洲的像

3. 他们可以穿越Atlantic ocean 因为那时候全结冰了。



1. 北美和欧洲的spear point 确实像,但是独立发展的,因为那有大型哺乳动物,他们各自发展了spear point 来hunt。

2. 一个skull 的例子不能说明问题 随便找个bone 都能跟欧洲的像。

3. 穿越大西洋很危险,几乎没有机会存活。而且他们没有这样的经验。


题目: Why erdstalls(tunnel systens)were dug.



1. Shelter livestocks in winter and store grains

2. Hiding places(from attacks)

3. Religious purpose(residents believe in souls and spirits)



1. Erdstalls get rainfalls in winter so impossible to shelter livestocks, and no trends of grains and other crops shown.

2. Too small to contain even a family, easy to run out of oxygen, each has only one entrance which is impossible for people to escape.

3. People all share the same religious belief, however, only some communities built Erdstalls while other didn't.


题目: 讨论一种鲸鱼的角的用途(Narwhal Tusk)


Three theories to explain what the tusk for.

1. Narwhal lives in Arctic Ocean, where many ice sheets floating there. They need to pierce these ice sheets with their tusks for breathing fresh air.

2. Narwhals’tusks are the tools that help the male Narwhal to fight with others to win its mate.

3. Millions of microscopic pores on tusks are used as sensors to detect the ocean environment.


The function of tusk cannot be simply explained by these three theories.

1. It is impossible to penetrate ice sheets because they are 750px thick. The phenomenon that reading mentioned might be caused because those ice sheets have broken before.

2. The misunderstanding in reading caused by distant observation, while close observing indicates that it is gentle communication.

3. The phenomenon described in reading passage cannot explain the female Narwhal lives longer, but few female Narwhal own tusks.


题目: 解决这种狮子鱼lionfish 破坏珊瑚礁的三种方法。



1. 人工捕捉它们来protect coral reef 生物系统。

2. 把他们引入鱼市场,这样可以减少对本地鱼的需求,让它们能有时间恢复。

3. 人们可以把它们用于日常饮食,因为它们高蛋白低脂肪。



1. 人工捕捉无法区分lionfish 和其他鱼,很多稀有的鱼也都在coral reef ,会减少其他鱼种。

2. 引进市场会导致有人人工养殖。lionfish 会从 fish farm 逃离,这就造成了更严重的invasive 问题。

3. 教授说有些lionfish 是有毒的,吃了以后会造成vomiting,numbness,arching,我们无法检验每一条鱼 所以吃他们不安全。


题目: 讨论腓尼基人有没有航行到欧洲过。


Phoenicians had not been sent to sail around the Africa.

1. 船及设备太简陋,跑不了那么远(simple technology)。

2. 埃及统治者对航海没有兴趣, 国王也没有理由去雇佣 sailors。

3. 这可能就是一个故事,因为当时有了sea monster 和magical islands 的故事,所以sailor 的故事也可能是编造的。


Phoenicians 的确sail 到过欧洲。

1. 尽管当时的船跟simple, 但是后来有科学家仿造了他们的船,并用这个船到达了非洲。

2. 虽然其他埃及统治者不感兴趣,但是N 二世和别的帝王不一样,他喜欢water trading,他有可能派人去find new trading patterns。

3. 有很多确定的细节,比如确定的日子,和天气,如果是编的,不可能如此详细。


题目: 讨论冠恐鸟Gastornis 是不是食肉鸟类。


Gastornis is a carnivore bird.

1. Its overall appearance resembles other meat-eating birds like terror birds.

2. It has a large, powerful beak to cut through meat and bones.

3. It has large talons at its feet to capture foods.


1. It resembles both meat-eating and plant-eating birds so the appearance cannot determine it's a carnivore. Eg. It has the same feature as the ostriches and emus.

2. It has a straight beak instead of curved beak. The straight beak is more likely to be used on plants such as nuts.

3. The foot prints left by Gastornis don't show claws. The last bone of its foot maybe the structure, not a talon.


题目: 应不应该在海里建人工珊瑚礁artificial reef。


应该建人工珊瑚礁,有3 个好处。

1. 人工珊瑚礁给鱼类更多聚集和繁殖的空间,鱼类数量可以得到增加。

2. 人工珊瑚礁可以改进小渔民的竞争力。

3. 人工珊瑚礁可以用于回收无用的materials。



1. 鱼的overall population 不一定就grow larger 了。只是因为reef 吸引鱼,所以鱼都跑reef 那去了。总体的population 都跑那去了,decrease 了。

2. 不应该让私人搞小reef。不然有safety problem:其他渔夫不知道的,下网了以后就会死菜。在shallow waters,小船还会整个崩掉cracks。

3. 会cause environmental problems。被风吹了会散开,然后把很多marine plants 和animal 搞死了。


题目: 是否要保护野生犀牛。


1. 把牛角给卸了,这样猎人就不高兴去杀犀牛了

2. 教育消费者,告诉他们犀牛角有药用价值是不科学的。可以改用其他的东西代替犀牛角。

3. 政府来合法卖牛角,如果政府卖低价,非法商人就没利润了。



1. 把所有牛角都卸了本身就不可能,另外对犀牛也没好处。

2. 人民对牛角的需求是有传统的,他们相信牛角牛逼。

3. 人们认为买牛角是合法的,所以更多人去买了,这样牛就要大放血了。


题目: 威胁Inuktitut 加拿大语言的三个要素


Inuktitut 这种语言是在加拿大一部分地区被人使用的语言,由于说这种语言的人很少,政府采取措施保护这种语言,但是很多人认为威胁这个语言的还有一些其他因素,列举的三个威胁Inuktitut 语言的因素如下:

1. 调查表明,当地有少于25%的16 岁以下的人说这种语言,如果如此少的年轻人说这个语言的话,那么它传承下去的可能性比较小。

2. 当地很多的家长是渔民,需要用英语做生意,很多家长意识到了英语的重要性,于是让孩子学习英语,这个也会威胁Inuktitut 语。

3. 电视和其他的媒体方式对孩子的影响比较大,但是当地Inuktitut 语言的电视节目比较少,且最近还关掉了两个Inuktitut 语言的节目。


并没有这么多的其他因素可以影响到Inuktitut 语言的使用情况。

1. 调查的数据不准确,另一批研究人们研究表明,当地说Inuktitut 语言的人并不是低于25%,只是说传统的Inuktitut 语言的人比较少,大部分的人都是在使用现代版的Inuktitut 语言。

2. 很多家长在意识到英语的重要性之后,让孩子说两种语言,及英语和Inuktitut语言都使用。

3. 再一次的调查研究表明Inuktitut 语言节目在当地不论是电视还是电台都有strong appearance,并不像文章中说的那样。


题目: 卡尔·威廉·诺道夫(Karl Wilhelm Naundorff)是不是真正的法国王子。


Wilhelm Naundorff 是法国lost 的 prince。

1. 这个人深知王子早年的生活习惯和王室的利益和习惯还有家庭情况。

2. 王室早期的仆人们都觉得他的行为举止很想当年的王子。

3. 王子被认为是arsenic 毒死的,在Naundorff 骸骨的骨头里发现了砷。


但是lecture 的professor 认为,他不是王子。

1. 首先,王子的习惯法国的历史都是可以经过研究学习的,而且这个人的法语很烂。

2. 其次,这个人一直给真王子的姐姐写信,姐姐都不见他,而且,姐姐看过照片都认不出这个人是王子。

3. 最后,教授认为arsenic 在naundorff 身上的微量砷可能是吸收了棺木里的,如果真的是被毒死的应该在骨头里的砷含量应该很高。所以教授认为reading不可信。


题目: 讨论新品种西兰花会带来的好处。



1. 新品种西兰花不再像以前一样只能从加州通过运输转运到东海岸来卖高价,当地消费者可以购买当地种植的新品种西兰花了。

2. 新品种是用传统方式种植的, 不像玉米是用了genetic modifications technology,消费者会认同这种种植方式,因此会购买。

3. 新品种西兰花可以直接在当地收获,保存得好,越新鲜营养越丰富。



1. 生产率低,产物少价格就高,跟运输费抵消了。

2. 新品种和玉米都是一个公司的产品, 人们不相信这个公司用genetic modifications technology 生产的玉米,自然也不会相信新品种西兰花。

3. 有些东部的蔬菜同样也有相同的营养,而且可以在夏天秋天冬天生长,不像西兰花只能在夏天生长。人们应该吃那些已经available 的蔬菜。


题目: 为什么一种叫Warrah 的fox-like animal 会跑到某个island。


文章说是humans 带过去的。

1. 原因1 是islands 以前那有人生活的痕迹。

2. 原因2 是fox-like animal 是那儿的mammal,不可能float on ice 过去。

3. 原因3 是animal 不怕人,说明被人养过。



1. 这个animal 很早就过去了,那时候还没有人。

2. animal 在 float 的时候可以feed on small mammal。

3. 因为animal 在那没有天敌,所以没有对人产生afraid 的倾向。


题目: 罗马人受到lead 的毒害因此产生了很多diseases。


认为Romans 受到lead 的毒害,因此会产生一些diseases,甚至导致instability of upper class。

1. 罗马人用很多creams 一类的化妆品,是lead compounds, 会危害身体。

2. 罗马人喝的水是通过lead pipes 运输的,所以lead 会溶解在水里。

3. 罗马人会在喝酒时加sapa, 而sapa 是boiling grape juicy in lead pots, 所以sapa 里会含有溶解的lead。



1. 那些化妆品是external 的,不是internal 的,所以lead 不会进入身体产生毒害。

2. 水中含有很多mineral,会沉淀形成a protective coating 隔离water and lead。

3. 罗马人会把酒和sapa 混合起来,同时还会加入大量水,因为酒里的含量不足以产生危害。


题目: 讨论古巴比伦空中花园是否存在。


1. 很多Greek 的伪史学家都有清楚记载了它的大小和细节并且细节都相互支持联系。

2. 大帝建造过很多建筑令人印象深刻,因此也有可能建造过空中花园,此外还在花园里发现了R(?)。

3. 历史学家发现一些遗迹复合描述,文中还提到一群德国小队发现了花园地下有大孔有可能是水泵可以用来把水引到屋顶上去,来给花园灌溉。



1. 虽然被提及过,但是这些伪史数据并没有明确说明其所描述的就是巴比伦全中花园:此外,Greek 的伪.史学家那时还没有出生,他们的记录都是在很多年后的并且他们从未去过那里。

2. 虽然他的建筑令人印象深刻,但是建筑用的的clay 粘上无法与植物需要的R 共存,即便当时有一个以适应的clay 但是也在那里很难找到。

3. 花园和建筑都和复杂,大孔可能不是用来做水泵的.就算是水泵可是花园离水源太远当时的枝术是很难实现的。


题目: 除草剂是否导致针叶木的死亡



1. 这种除草剂在投放市场之前经过了政府机构详细的长达数年的测试木有问题。

2. 并非所有的针叶树木受感染,还有好多其他种类树木木有问题。

3. 发现这段时间气候突然变化(变冷)可能是因为气候原因导致树木死亡。



1. 政府的测试主要是针对人和动物的安全测试,没有太多对植物的。

2. 那些没有被感染的树木发现都是在高处的,而低处的都被感染了因为是流经附近社区的河流将除草剂带到了公园里这些树木的根部。

3. 气候变化应该是那些枯黄的老树叶先死掉,而事实上很多新绿的树叶也掉落了。



coal ash 的污染很严重,需不需要new much stricter regulations on handling and storing coal ash。



1. 相关的regulation 已经存在,要求company to use LINER on the ponds 什么的。

2. 他怕新的严格的规定,会让人们不敢再买recycled coal ash。

3. increasing cost. 电费会涨十倍,大众会不接受。



1. 原本的规定只要求company 在新的ponds 上用liner,old ones are not required。所以现在old ponds 还是会产生许多coal ash, 会进入地下水,最后污染饮用水。

2. professor 举了mercury 的例子:在mercury 的问题上也有很严格的regulation, 但是人们依然在买recycled mercury for over 50 years。

3. 电费确实会涨到多少billion,但是平均到人头上,每个人的电费就只涨了1%而已。It is not a big price to pay to have a cleaner environment.



飞蛾扑火的三个说法是否正确。moth 飞蛾,总是围绕人造(human made lights)灯光的地方甚至crush into lights。


文章给出三个possible explanations。

1. 飞蛾有飞向moon 的本领。为了躲避青蛙等predator,它总是往上飞也就是moon 的所在方向, 所以飞蛾可能误认为human made lights 为moon。

2. 飞蛾飞向人造灯或许因为有heat。

3. 飞蛾也许误认为人造灯光是食物源food resource。



1. 如果飞向人造灯是为了躲避predator,那么飞一会儿就得了,干嘛还要围绕几


2. 飞蛾有辨别食物散发出来的carbon dioxide 的本领。人造灯没有释放二氧化碳。

3. 有些人造灯,例如fluorescent lights 散发出来的heat 少之又少,甚至少于natural light.


题目: 讨论防止飞船与太空垃圾发生碰撞的三种方法是否行得通。


Three ways to avoid space debris from colliding with spaceships.

1. Tracking technology;

2. Spaceship shield;

3. Laser broom.


The professor is against three methods:

1. Tracking technology will only track bigger debris. Small debris travel fast and collision caused them are fatal. E.g. a chip of paint from one spaceship collided with another spaceship. The small debris smashed on another spaceship’s wall and created a hole.

2. Shield method is not good too since it adds extra weight to the spaceship. We need to develop more powerful rocket to deliver the spaceship to the space. The challenge is harder for us.

3. Finally, the professor doesn’t like laser broom idea. A laser broom with such power could be used a military weapon in space, which violates the international agreement.


题目: 天然气的开采是否应该减少。


1. 不是干净能源,会排放温室气体;

2. 产生污水;

3. 噪音和光影响社区。


1. 确实不是干净能源,但是风能太阳能不能满足现在需要,而且天然气产生的温室气体是煤的一半;

2. 污水不被吸到地面也会渗透地底同样污染水源;

3. 开采管道都会off 社区,还有公司会给钱,这些钱可以改善社区环境。


题目: 使用分散剂(dispersant)对消除oil spill 对海洋造成的破坏作用到底有没有效?



1. 不能彻底解决问题,因为只是使石油颗粒变小,burning 才能彻底消除。

2. 分散剂对海洋里动物有害。

3. 产生有毒物质。

听力: 教授认为有效:

1. 焚烧只在特定环境下才有效,当海洋风浪较大或流速过快时不能解决问题,分散剂把石油颗粒变小已经很不错了,因为这样就可以进一步借助海洋里的细菌,分解作用消除石油颗粒。

2. 之前都是实验室的样本,浓度大,现实中用的不会有危害。

3. (缺)


题目: 讨论用施铁肥法减缓全球变暖有没有用。


为了减低全球气候变化,吸收更多的二氧化碳,有一个办法是IF(iron fertilization),将更多iron 倒入海中,帮助一种phytoplankton 生长,吸收更多的二氧化碳,从而减缓全球变暖。The passage disagrees with this way for three reasons.

1. 实验证明IF 方式并不effective。

2. 过多的iron 导致过多的phytoplankton,造成ocean toxin,对环境也不利。

3. 对ecological system in the ocean 会造成不好的影响。



1. 实验持续的时间太短,一般只有一个月,也许在第二、三个月的效果就会飞速增长。

2. 如果某个area 的phytoplankton 太多了, 我们就停止这种方法,phytoplankton 就会因为养分不足而死亡,不会 有什么负面影响。

3. 尽管会对生态造成影响,但是我们必须 take the risk,因为全球变暖造成的影响会更加恶劣。



Asian carp, in the Greek Lakes, that has too much will damage the local environment.


There are three measures to prevent :

1. Build a wall;

2. Use electrical devices;

3. Two-step measure. First, use poison kill all the fish, second, reintroduce the local species.



1. Factories near the lake, they use cargos and ships there. It will cost a lot.Ships upload on one side of the wall, and another ship reload at the other side.

2. Small fish still could swim through the device, they grow up and reproduce in lakes.

3. Drastic. No prediction, cannot ensure not pollute the lakes in the future.



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