
发布时间:2017-05-09 14:26

  SAT巴朗3500词汇表 是每个SAT考生必备的词汇书,如果你还没有,请:SAT巴朗(3500)词汇书PDF网盘下载

  bullion N. /金条,银条/gold and silver in the form of bars. Much bullion is stored in the vaults at Fort Knox.

  bulwark N. /壁垒/earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends. The navy is our principal bulwark against invasion.

  bumptious ADJ. /盲目自大/self-assertive. His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs.

  bungalow N. /小平房/small cottage. Every summer we rent a bungalow on Cape Cod for our vacation home. The rent is high, the roof is low-it's a basic bungalow.

  bungle V. /搞砸/mismanage; blunder. Don't botch this assignment, Bumstead; if you bungle the job, you're fired!

  buoyant ADJ. /可漂浮的,乐观的/able to float; cheerful and optimistic. When the boat capsized, her buoyant life jacket kept Jody afloat. Scrambling back on board, she was still in a buoyant mood, certain that despite the delay she'd win the race.

  bureaucracy N. /官僚机构/over-regulated administrative system marked by red tape. The Internal Revenue Service is the ultimate bureaucracy. taxpayers wasted so much paper filling out IRS forms that the IRS bureaucrats printed up a new set of rules requiring taxpayers to comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act.

  burgeon V. /发芽,成长/grow forth; send out buds. In the spring, the plants that burgeon are a promise of the beauty that is to come.

  burlesque V. /作秀,滑稽/give an imitation that ridicules. In Spaceballs, Rick Moranis burlesques Darth Vader of Star Wars, outrageously parodying Vader's stiff walk and hollow voice.

  burly ADJ. /魁伟,结实/husky; muscular. The burly mover lifted the packing crate with ease.

  burnish V. /擦拭/make shiny by rubbing; polish. The maid burnished the brass fixtures until they reflected the lamplight.

  bustle V. /喧嚣,繁忙,熙熙攘攘/move about energetically; teem. David and the children bustled about the house getting in each other's way as they tried to pack for the camping trip. The whole house bustled with activity.

  buttress V. /支持/support; prop up. The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to buttress his weak case. also N.

  buxom ADJ. /丰满;充满活力;欢快/plump; vigorous; jolly. The soldiers remembered the buxom nurse who had always been so pleasant to them.

  cabal N. /内阁/small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests. The cabal was defeated when their scheme was discovered.

  cache N. /藏身之处/hiding place. The detectives followed the suspect until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot. He had cached the cash in a bag for trash: it was a hefty sum.

  cacophonous ADJ. /不和谐/discordant; inharmonious. Do the students in the orchestra enjoy thecacophonous sounds they make when they're tuning up? I don't know how they can stand the racket. cacophony, N.

  cadaver N. /尸体/corpse. In some states, it is illegal to dissect cadavers.

  cadaverous ADJ. /尸体似的,苍白的/like a corpse; pale. By his cadaverous appearance, we could see how the disease had ravaged him.

  cadence N. /平仄,重音/rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat. Marching down the road, the troops sang out, following thecadence set by the sergeant.

  cajole V. /哄骗,勾引/coax; wheedle. Diane tried tocajole her father into letting her drive the family car.

  cajolery, N.

  calamity N. /灾难,不幸/disaster; misery. As news of the calamity spread, offers of relief poured in to the stricken community.

  calculated ADJ. /预先计划好的,算好的;合适的/deliberately planned; likely. Lexy's choice of clothes to wear to the debate tournament was carefully calculated. Her conventional suit was one calculated to appeal to the conservative judges.

  caldron N. /大锅/large kettle. "Why, Mr. Crusoe," said the savage heating the giant caldron, "we'd love to have you for dinner!"

  caliber N. /能力;品质/ability; quality. Einstein's cleaning the blackboards again? Albert, quit it! A man of yourcaliber shouldn't have to do such menial tasks.

  calligraphy N. /漂亮的书法/beautiful writing; excellent penmanship. As we examine ancient manuscripts, we become impressed with the calligraphy of the scribes.


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