
发布时间:2017-05-09 14:17


  bovine ADJ. /牛的;迟钝的;耐心的/cowlike; placid and dull. Nothing excites Esther; even when she won the state lottery, she still preserved her air of bovine calm.

  bowdlerize V. /删除/expurgate. After the film editors had bowdlerized the language in the script, the motion picture's rating was changed from "R" to "PG."

  boycott V. /抵制/refrain from buying or using. To put pressure on grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workers' health, Cesar Chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes.

  braggart N. /自夸,吹嘘/boaster. Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.

  brandish V. /挥舞/wave around; flourish. Alarmed, Doctor Watson wildly brandished his gun until Holmes told him to put the thing away before he shot himself.

  bravado N. /虚张声势/swagger; assumed air of defiance. The bravado of the young criminal disappeared when he was confronted by the victims of his brutal attack.

  brawn N. /强壮的肌肉/muscular strength; sturdiness. It takes brawn to become a champion weightlifter. brawny,ADJ.

  brazen ADJ. /厚颜无耻;傲慢/insolent. Her brazen contempt for authority angered the officials.

  breach N. /违约;突破;打破/breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap. Jill sued Jack for breach ofpromise, claiming he had broken his promise to marry her. They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines. alsoV.

  breadth N. /宽度/width; extent. We were impressed by the breadth of her knowledge.

  brevity N. /简短,短暂/conciseness. Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.

  brindled ADJ. /有条纹或斑点的/tawny or grayish with streaks or spots. He was disappointed in the litter because the puppies were brindled, he had hoped for animals of a uniform color.

  bristling ADJ. /竖立的/rising like bristles; showing irritation. The dog stood there, bristling with anger.

  brittle ADJ. /易碎的;困难的/easily broken; difficult. My employer's self-control was as brittle as an egg-shell. Her brittle personality made it difficult for me to get along with her.

  broach V. /介绍,提出,引见/introduce; open up. Jack did not even try to broach the subject of religion with his in-laws. If you broach a touchy subject, it may cause a breach.

  brochure N. /小册子/pamphlet. This brochure on farming was issued by the Department of Agriculture.

  brooch N. /胸针/ornamental clasp. She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom.

  browbeat V. /吓唬/bully; intimidate. Billy resisted Ted's attempts browbeat him into handing over his lunch money.

  browse V. /吃草;浏览/graze; skim or glance at casually. "How now, brown cow, browsing in the green, green grass." I remember lines of verse that I came across while browsing through the poetry section of the local bookstore.

  brunt N. /冲击/main impact or shock. Tom Sawyer claimed credit for painting the fence, but the brunt of the work fell on others. However, he bore the brunt of Aunt Polly's complaints when the paint began to peel.

  brusque ADJ. /唐图;直率;粗暴无礼/blunt; abrupt. Was Bruce too brusque when he brushed off Bob's request with a curt "Not now!"?

  buccaneer N. /海盗/pirate. At Disneyland the Pirates of the Caribbean sing a song about their lives as bloody buccaneers.

  bucolic ADJ. /田园的/rustic; pastoral. Filled with browsing cows and bleating sheep, the meadow was a charmingly bucolic sight.

  buffet N. /自助餐/table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that's been set out. Please convey the soufflé on the tray to the buffet. (Buffet rhymes with tray.)

  buffet V. /殴打,斗殴/slap; batter; knock about. To buffet something is to rough it up. (Buffet rhymes with Muffett.) Was Miss Muffett buffeted by the crowd on the way to the buffet tray?

  buffoonery N. /滑稽的/clowning. In the Ace Ventura movies, Jim Carrey's buffoonery was hilarious: like Bozo the Clown, he's a natural buffoon.

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