雅思口语范文:Describe a person who has apologized to you

发布时间:2017-05-17 14:17

       雅思口语范文:Describe a person who has apologized to you,我们整理了三篇范文,不知道烤鸭中意哪一篇呢!

  Describe a person who has apologized to you.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  When this happened

  What this person said for apologizing

  and explain how you feel about the apology.

雅思口语范文:Describe a person who has apologized to you


  You know, when mentioned about this question, a person immediately came into my mind, and he’s my roommate in university, whose name is David. We are best friends, I can even say that we share weal and woe just like brothers. But there’s one thing that I would never forget. That is he once played a trick on me and of course he made an apology to me finally.

  That was happened on April Fools’ Day. To be frank, I didn’t realize that it was April Fools’ Day at that time, so I had no defense. When David handed me a bag of multicolored(彩色的) sandwich biscuits and said: “hey! There are some left-here.” I took one out and bit into it without thinking. I swore(发誓) that I would never forget that terrible taste. It tasted like some kind of toothpaste(牙膏)! I felt sick and spitted it out while David burst into laughing.

  However, he at once apologized to me, and explained that it was April Fools’ Day, and he just wanted to make a joke. You know, we are good friends and had no reason to stay angry with him, so I forgave him. Of course I curiously asked him what he had put into the biscuits, he told me that is was really toothpaste, toothpaste with all kinds of colors. His words made both of us can’t stop laughing.

  I still remember this small joke now, because it always remind me of the freedom days in university and the cherish friendship between David and me.



  Describe a person who has apologized to you.,其实就是讲一个别人“对不起你”的故事。事儿太小,感觉没啥可讲的;事儿太大,感觉光道歉还有点儿不好使。所以很多孩子好犯愁啊,这个道歉的原因到底可以是什么呢?肿么跟雅思考官说出来呢?此时,影视剧里的狗血剧情就派上用场了!大家肯定见过家长偷窥孩子日记的故事吧!看下雅思口语里该怎么说:

  I’d like to talk about the time when my momapologized to me.

  Back in my high school, I was pretty rebellious. You know how girls can be when they areteenagers, right? I didn’t talk to my parents about my feelings at all, and I automaticallyassumed that all their opinions were wrong. But I needed to vent my feelings in some way, soI kept a journal/diary. I would write down the stuff that happened in school, my relationships, my complaints, and most importantly, the person I adored.

  And one day, at dinner table, my mom asked me abruptly “Who’s the boy you are seeingright now?” I was taken by surprise, but a moment later, I started to wonder, how on earthcould she know that? I didn’t mention it to anyone except my “Dear Diary”, so there was onlyone explanation, she must have peeked into my journal. I was furious. I felt that my privacygot invaded, so I just stormed out in a rage without finishing the dinner. I went back to myroom, refusing to open the door no matter how hard my mom knocked.

  Before I went to bed, I saw a letter coming through the gap at the bottom of the door. Itwas addressed to me from my mom. And it turned out to be an apology letter. She said, sheonly wanted the best for me, and she really wanted to know what was going on in my life, butsadly she adopted a wrong approach. She was sincerely sorry, and she promised that shewould never do that again.



  apologized to you.”,脑海里立马就呈现了各种情感大戏!艺术源于生活么,然后再加入一些现实生活的小片段小对白,一篇感情深刻扣人心悬的雅思口语答案就脱口而出了!雅思考官不管你说的真假哦,况且在听惯了千篇一律的答案之后,突然眼前一亮,你可能就这样拯救了一位昏昏欲睡的考官哦!


  The person who has apologized to me is my ex boyfriend. We met at my friend’s birthday party a few years ago. It was not exactly love at first sight, but we did hit it off right away, I mean, he’s humorous and just knows the right thing to say to crack me up. After the party, I gave him my number, and we started to chat on Wechat. A few days later he asked me out on a first date, so we started to go out, kind of a cliché, right? Anyway, everything went perfectly until his parents sent him abroad. And that was when he apologized, because he decided to break up with me. I still remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I just had that sinking feeling before he said anything, because I know bad news always comes after “we need to talk”.

  He doesn’t believe long-distance relationship would ever work out. And even if he does, it would be unfair for me to wait for him to come back.

  I just wish he had some other reasons, really. It’s not like that “there’s someone else” or we had a fight. Everything happened so fast and it didn’t make any sense to me. I was furious, ‘cause he didn’t get to end a relationship like that, I mean, what about my feelings? But it turned out, my feelings didn’t matter, and he just made up his mind.

  Fortunately, right now, I’ve moved on and I met the cutest boy, who later became my current boyfriend, so I’m grateful that he made that decision, I’m sure it must have been hard for him as well.


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