Describe a person whose job is important to the society

发布时间:2017-05-03 18:40

  Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  what job he or she has

  how you know this person

  and explain why his/her job is important to the society.


  Let me tell you about my friend whose job, in my opinion, is critically important and indispensable in every part of the society. He is an IT engineer. He has been working in this industry for over ten years to accumulate the necessary working ability and experience. We got to know each other because we are neighbours, so we can meet frequently.

  I think his job is really important because nowadays, the whole country, including the various business and non-profit organisations, are running on the IT systems. So he should shoulder the responsibility to develop and maintain the system operating smoothly and can, of course, work under great pressure.

  Moreover, as far as I know, IT engineers need to design, develop the core systems of many other industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing and so on, which heavily rely on their information systems to operate their own business. Therefore, I guess their systems are the driving force behind their business and so are essentially important to them.



  I would like to talk about my teacher Mrs. Tang. She was the Chinese teacher when I was in high school and that's how I know her.

  She was in her twenties at that time and I’d say all my classmates admired her because she was not only taught the knowledge in books but also various worldwide cultures which benefited for us. And she is very nice. As far as I can remember, there are something I think her job is important.

  One thing that was special and important about her was that she had never pushed us to feed up with studying. Extending our knowledge is what her capital theory. It is vital to a teacher who can guidance amount of students who will be the country's talents. She never gave up teaching us hold a curious essence to explore unknown. For example, she played a movie that relates a forgotten love story and a period history in 60's China at class. It is unbelievable for a high school teacher showing her students a movie, however, from this time, I was attracted by movies, and finally, I chose film art for my major.

  The second reason is that she taught us establish individual differences becoming independent people that will inspect society very much.

  One time, she gave me a poetry book for present and recommended me to read more poems that would be useful for me. She always gave us available advices which definitely leaded us explore unknown curiously and avoid terrible influence.

  In mental part, she helped us become better adult good for society.


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