Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper

发布时间:2017-05-02 20:41

  雅思口语part2范文:Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper

  You should say:

  what the article was

  when and where you read it

  what you learnt from the article

  and explain why you think it is a good or bad article.



  Several days ago, I read an article about introducing a bunch of health tips for healthy living in the local newspaper column, which provides easy-to-read, in-depth medical information for its readers.

  This article is designed to give tips to readers about how they can improve or augment actions in their life to have a healthy lifestyle. It provides loads of feasible practices of eating, physical activities and exercise, mental health, tobacco use and etc, so you can see, all these aspects are very important and closely related to the healthy life. For example, it advises me to get to know the source of all stress to help me fell in control because the more control I feel I have over my life, the less damaging the stress in my life will be.

  Therefore, I felt that the article was really helpful because it clearly uncovered some advantages and drawbacks of different lifestyles and provided me the most healthy way beneficial to my body.



  I usually read newspaper daily and I also enjoy reading some technology and lifestyle related magazines. There are lots of, thought provoking and intriguing articles. Today I would like to talk about one article that I recently read from a newspaper. It was about environment changes and human activities. This is not a new topic but the article I am talking about was written in a defferent perspective. It highlighted changes that happened in the last decade and how those changes have already impacted our environment and life. I read this article 2-3 weeks ago and this was written by a famous environmental scientist.

  I think it is a informative and inspiring article. You know, the article is a research and statistical fact type that showed the environmental changes in recent years, and impacts on our lives and other species, then it showed our ignorance about the severity of pollution and some solutions to minimize the problem.

  This article alerted us and showed us our unawareness of environmental issues and then gave the hope of making positive changes. I felt the need to read more on environmental protection. The news also helped me understanding how each of us can contribute to alleviate the severity of pollution.

  这个暑期来新航道上海雅思辅导班 ,我们给你!

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