
发布时间:2021-09-24 14:42

剑16完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的唯 一官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用最 新的剑16可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思16Test3听力part3答案及解析的信息,一起来看看吧









artificial adj.人工的

sweetener n.甜味剂 

sample n.样本 

unsuitable adj.不合适的 

grinds 磨碎,碾碎 

package n.包装盒

weighing scales 磅秤 

obesity 肥胖(症) 

low-calorie adj.低热量的 

manufacturer n.制造商 

deliberately adv.故意地 

overestimate 配对 ……估 计过高

leave sth. out遗漏,省去某事

subject n.实验对象 

unaware of不知道

fat content脂肪含量

tutor n.助教

slide n.幻灯片

label n.标签

confusing adj.令人困惑的,模糊不清的

on purpose故意地

objectively adv.客观地

motion sensor运动传感器

escalator n.自动扶梯

minor n.小的,不重要的

modification n.改变


keep track of sth.记录某事的动态

nutritional adj.营养的

packet n.(装商品的)小包,小盒,小袋

absorb v.吸收

problematic adj.成问题的

reckon v.认为

item n. 一件物品

high in…(食物等)富含……的 

quarter n.四分之一 

approach n.方法

brisk adj.轻快的,矫健的 

unconsciousa adj.(动作)无意的 

add up积少成多


1. "It took me ages to decide exactly how I'd organize it, especially how I could make sure that people didn't know which drink I was giving them."(我花了很长时间才决定如何组织这 个实验,尤其是如何确保实验对象不知道我给他们的是什么饮料。)其中It takes sb. ages to…意为"某人做某事花了很长时间";make sure ( that) 意为“确保.

2. “It was hard to keep track of it all, especially as I had so many people doing it - I had to make sure I kept a proper record of what each person had had."(很难做到随时 了解所有情况, 尤其是有这么多人在参与这个实验——我必须确保我对每个人喝的东西都做了适当的记录)其中keep track of sth.意为“记录某事的动态”;as此处作连词,引导原因状语 从句,意为“因为" ;keep a record意为“记录

3. "I think I should probably have ground up the nuts more than I did."(我觉得我原本应该把坚果磨得更碎一些。).其中“should +完成时”为虚拟语气,意为“本应该做某事”; ground是grind的过去分词,注意grind的过去式和过去分词形式都为ground; grind up意为“研磨”。

4.“So, if you put the low-calorie items at the beginning and end of the menu, people will probably go for the food with fewer calories, without even realizing what they re doing.M (因此, 如果你把低热量的食物放在菜单的开头和末尾,人们可能会选择低热量的食物,甚至 没有意识到自己在做什么。)其中go for sth.此处意为“选择某物",跟choose同义;此 外go for sb./sth.还可表示“非常喜欢,倾心于某人或某物;适用于某人或某物,

5. “If people reach the stairs before they reach the escalator when they're leaving the station, they're more likely to take the stairs.” ( 如果人们在离开车站时先到达的是楼梯而不是 自动扶梯,他们就更有可能选择走楼梯。)其中escalator表示“自动扶梯”,注意它跟“直梯”的区分:lift (英式)/elevator (美式);be likely to do sth.意为“很可能做 某事”。


Questions 21 & 22 答案 C&D

听前预测:定位词 experiment、artificial sweeteners;提示词 Adam。

题目解析:本题长选项信息较多,首先审题时需注意提取每个选项中有价值的信息点。另 外注意题干中的提示词Adam (男生),人名限定提示我们听男生的观点。本 题定位不难,题干中的experiment、artificial sweeteners都原词出现,主要难点 在于干扰项的排除。在录音中,首先男生提到“It took me ages to decide exactly- how I'd organize it,”,表明Adam花了很长时间决定如何组织这个实验,这跟B选项矛盾,因此排除B选项;接着男生提到“make sure that people didn't know which drink I was giving them” “I had so many people doing it” 分别对应 D、C 选 项,因此正确答案为 C&D。录音中的 I hadn't thought they would be able to ( tell the difference) , but most people could说明实验结果跟男生的预期不一样,跟A 选项矛盾,因此排除A选项。另外,E选项在录音中未提及.

Questions 23 & 24 答案 C&E

听前预测:定位词fat content、nuts;提示词Rosie。

题目解析:本题长选项信息较多,首先审题时需注意提取每个选项中有价值的信息点。另外注意题干中的提示词Rosie (女生),人名限定提示我们听女生的观点。本题 定位不难,题干中的fat content、nuts都原词出现,主要难点在于干扰项的排 除。在录音中,首先女生提到“I reckon the package information was right.",这跟D选项中的incorrect矛盾,因此排除;接着女生提到"I should probably have ground up the nuts more than I did."(我本应该把坚果磨得更碎一些),说明其实她磨得不够碎,跟C选项内容相符;接着女生又提到“It's possible that the scales for weighing the fat weren't accurate enough",(测脂肪的秤可能不够精确),跟 E选项内容相符,因此正确答案为C&E。另外,A选项中的wrong和B选项中的 unsuitable在录音中都未提及,属于部分信息缺失,因此排除。

Question 25 答案 C


题目解析:定位词原词出现,题干中Adam这个人名限定提示我们听男生的观点。在录音中,男生建议 "if you put the low-calorie items at the beginning and end of the menu, people will probably go for the food with fewer calories.", 其中 put the lowcalorie items at the beginning and end of the menu指的是把菜单换一种排列方式, 跟C选项内容相符。注意A选项中的fewer options和B选项中的more low calorie foods在录音中并未提及,属于部分信息缺失,因此排除

Question 26 答案 A

听前预测:定位词 food manufacturers;提示词 students agree、deliberately。

题目解析:定位词原词出现,注意题干中的限定词students agree提示我们答案句必须是两个人达成的一致意见。在音频中,女生提到“when manufacturers put calorie counts of a food on the label, they're sometimes really confusing and I suspect they do it on purpose.",其中 on purpose (故意地)对应题干中的 deliberately; confusing 对应A选项中的hard to understand。接着男生表示同意,并且举了 pizza的例子来支持女生的观点“Yeah, so if you look at the amount of calories in a pizza,they'll give you the calories per quarter pizza and you think, oh that's not to bad. But who's going to eat a quarter of pizza?"(如果你看一份披萨的热量,他们会给你每四分之一份披萨的热量,你会想:哦,还不错。但是谁会只吃四分之一份披萨呢?)因此答案为A选项。录音中并未提及热量总数的准确性以及减少热量的方法是否有效,因此排除B和C选项。

Question 27 答案 B


题目解析:定位词原词出现,题干中Rosie这个人名限定提示我们听女生的回答「女生先提到 uabout 40% of men and 30% of women say they do this (exercise)/5,接着答案句由 but 弓 | 出 “but when you objectively measure the amount of walking ... you find that only 6% of men and 4% of women do the recommended amount of exercise",说明人们高估了自己的运动量,对应B选项中的。verestimate (过高估计)。注 意录音中提到了目前英国推荐的运动量(at least 30 minutes of brisk walking, five days a Week),但女生并未评价运动量太少,因此排除A选项;录音中也没有对 比女性过去和现在的运动量,因此排除C选项。

Question 28 答案 A

听前预测:定位词 location、width、stairs、train station;提示词 Adam。

题目解析:定位词原词出现,题干中Adam这个人名限定提示我们听男生的观点。在录音中,男生首先提到“If people reach the stairs before they reach the escalator .... they're more likely to take the stairs”,说明楼梯的位置会影响人们对它的使用; 接着又说"And if you increase the width of the stairs, youll get more people using them at the same time.”,说明楼梯的宽度也会影响人们对它的使用,最后男生总结 "It's an unconscious process and influenced by minor modifications in their environment.", 其中 minor modifications 对应 A 选项中的 practical changes, 因 此正确答案为A选项。B选项中的mobility problems和C选项中的accidents在录音中并未提及,因此排除

Question 29 答案 A

听前预测: 定位词 reference、exercise、presentation; 提示词 students agree。

题目解析:本题定位词exercise、presentation原词出现,注意题干中的限定词students agree提示我们答案句必须是两人达成的一致意见°在录音中,男生开始提出疑 问 "I'm not sure if we should be talking about exercise in our presentation.", 然后解释道 “our tutor did say that we need to focus on causes and solutions in terms of 

nutrition," 女生最后同意 "OK, well that will be simpler",其巾 simpler 也表明应删除跟运动相关的内容,simpler对应A选项中的leave it out。B和C选项都 与录音中的内容矛盾,录音中女生提到"we've done quite a bit of reading about it (exercise)这与B选项矛盾;男生提到"our tutor did say 说明他们已经跟导师讨论过了,与C选项矛盾。

Question 30 答案 C

听前预测:提示词 students、going to do next。

题目解析:本题无合适的定位词,可通过男生的提问“So what shall we do now?”定位。接着女生回答 "Let's think about what were going to include and what will go where.",其 中 what we're going to include 和 what will go where 分别对应 C 选项中的 content 和 organisation,接着男生表示同意“OK,fine.",表明两人达成了一致,因此正确答案为C。根据录音中“Then we can decide what slides we need?'可知,A选项是以后要做的事情,因此排除;录音中并未提及做presentation的时间,因此排除B选项。

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