
发布时间:2021-09-24 11:52

剑16完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的唯 一官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用最 新的剑16可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思16Test3听力part2答案及解析的信息,一起来看看吧









Ihorticulture n.园艺(学)

above-average adj.超过平均值的

flexible adj.灵活的

overseas adj.海外的

physical adj.身体的

fitness n.健康

permanent adj.永 久的

essential adj.重要的,必要的

intensive adj.短时间内集中紧张进行的

overtime n.加班

promotion n.提升,晋升

accommodation n.住处 

commercial adj.商业的 

produce n.农产品

technician n.技艺精湛者,巧匠

be stuck with sth.无法摆脱某事

juggle sth. with sth.(尽力)同时应付

remote adj.偏远的

career ladder 事业上的阶梯

maternity cover 生育保险

chain n.连锁店

be prepared to do sth.愿意做某事

cottage n.乡村小屋

estate n.住宅区


recruitment n.招聘 

consultant n.顾问 

specialise in 专门从事 

sector n.部门,行业 

maintenance n. 维护,保养 

rural adj.农村的 

guarantee v.保证 

challenge n.挑战 

profit margin 利润率 

sociable adj.好交际的 

nutrition n.营养 

harvesting n.收割,收获 

perk n.(工资以外的)补贴,额外待遇

pest n.害虫

legislation n.法律,法规

administration n.行政,管理

competitive adj.竞争,性强的

vacancy n.(职位)空缺

forestry n.林学,林业

conservation n.保护

candidate n.申请者

a clean driving licence驾照没有违规记录 

procedure n.程序,步骤

sowing n.播种

tractor n,拖拉机


“For a start, they often offer opportunities for those who don't want to be stuck with a 40- hour week, but need to juggle work with other responsibilities such as child care - and this is very important for many of our recruits.n ( 首先,它们通常会为那些不想一周工作40个 小时而需要兼顾工作和照看孩子等其他责任的人提供机会——这对我们的许多新员工 来说非常重要。 其中be stuck with sth.意为“无法摆脱某事";juggle sth. with sth.表示 “(尽力)同时应付";recruit在此处用作名词,意为“新招聘的员工”。

2。“They operate in a very fast-paced environment with low profit margins - the staff there work hard, but they play hard as well, so if you ve a sociable personality this may be for you. " ( 它们在一个快节奏但低利润的环境中运作——那里的员工工作努力,但他们也玩得很尽兴, 所以如果你善于交际,这样的工作可能很适合你。)其中fast-paced意为“快节奏的”; profit margin意为“利润率”;as well意为“也''

3. “There are good opportunities for the right person to quickly make their way up the career ladder, but a deep knowledge of the agricultural sector is expected of applicants.n ( 对合适的 人来说,这里有很好的机会迅速在职业阶梯上上升,但需要应聘者对农业领域有深刻 的了解。)其中make one's way意为"前往,前进”;career ladder意为“事业上的阶梯”;be expected of sb.意为“某人被要求.

4・ “You need to have experience in administration, planning and buying in the fresh produce industry, and in return will receive a very competitive salary."(你需要在生鲜农产品行业的 管理、策划和购买领域有相关经验,作为回报你将会获得非常有竞争力的薪水)其中produce此处用作不可数名词,意为“农产品";industry此处意为“行业”;in return 意为“作为回报


Questions 11 & 12 答案 A&C

听前预测: 定位词 agriculture and horticulture sectors; 提示词 main advantages

题目解析:定位词agriculture and horticulture sectors原词出现后,首先由For a start引出 第1个答案句"For a start, they often offer opportunities for those …",其中 those who don't want to be stuck with a 40-hour week 禾口 juggle work with other responsibilities 对应C选项中的flexible working opportunities ;第2个答案句由But引出 “But there are certainly health benefits …“,其中 jobs where youre not sitting all day looking at a screen对应A选项中的active lifestyle0因此答案为A&C。注意排除本题的其他三个干扰项.录音中提到"Some people like working in a rural setting, ”,对应E选项,但随后给予了‘否定“although we can't guarantee that”,因此排 除 E 选项; 录音中提到 "Salaries can sometimes be good too, although there's a lot of variety here"这与B选项中的above-average意义不符,因此排除B选项; 

最后录音中提到 travel overseas,但接着提到“although that obviously depends on the job, 说明不是每个职位都有这个福利,因此排除D选项。

Questions 13 & 14 答案 B&C

听前预测:定位词 working outdoors;提小词 disadvantages

题目解析:定位词working outdoors原词出现,录音中的challenges对应提示词disadvantages。 首先通过 but 引出第 1 个答案句 can be extremely unpleasant when it's cold and windy, 其中cold and windy对应C选项中的difficult weather conditions;第2个答案句也 由 but 引出 “if you like a lively city environment surrounded by lots of people, these jobs are probably not for you - theyre often in pretty remote areas '', 其中 pretty remote areas 对应B选项的very quiet location。注意排除本题的其他三个干扰项。首先录音中 的"'You may need to be pretty fit for some jobs"的确对应E选项,但录音随后给予了否定 though with modern technology; that's not as important as it once was.",因此 排除E选项;接着录音提到fewer work related accidents,其中fewer与A选项中 的increasing矛盾,因此排除A选项;最后录音中提到"some people worry about finding a suitable place to live, but in our experience, this usually turns out fine.”, 由此可见,录音中讲述的是能够找到合适的住处,并未提到the cost of housing ( 住房成本),因此D选项也可排除。

Question 15 答案 D

听前预测: 定位词 Fresh food commercial manager。

题目解析:定位词原词出现,录音中的very fast-paced environment、work hard对应D选项 中的intensive work这个信息点;play hard as well对应D选项中的fun,因此答 案为D。

Question 16 答案 F


题目解析:定位词原词出现,根据定位词快速锁定答案句""There are good opportunities for the right person to quickly make their way up the career ladder“, 其中 quickly make their way up the career ladder 对应 F 选项中的 chance for rapid promotion 。 注意录 音中的 advising farmers on issues such as crop nutrition, protection against pests, and the latest legislation on farming and agricultural practices 指的是应聘者需要向农民 提供哪些方面的咨询,并非表示工作强度大,因此不能选D。

Question 17 答案 A

听前预测:定位词Fresh produce buyer。

听前预测:定位词原词出现,录音中提到a 12-month maternity cover contract ( 一份为期12 个月的包括生育保险的合同),其中12-month表示这份工作合同有时间限制, 对应A选项not a permanent job (不是长期工作)。B选项干扰性较强,虽然 leading在录音中原词出现,但录音中提到的是A leading supermarket,而B选项 中的leading a team意为"应聘者领导一个团队”;E选项干扰性也较强,虽然 录音中的receive a very competitive salary 对应 E 选项中的 earn more, 但录音中并未提及overtime (加班)。

Question 18 答案 H

听前预测]: 定位词 Garden centre sales manager

题目解析:定位词原词出现,录音中是visiting centres in the region对应H选项中的local travel 。G 选项干扰性较强,录音中提到“This post is only suitable for someone who is prepared to live in the region“ ( 这个岗位只适合愿意住在该地区的人),但并未提及公司会提供住宿,因此排除G选项。

Question 19 答案 C

听前预测:定位词Tree technician

题目解析:定位原词出现,录音中提到“A year's experience would be preferred but the company might be prepared to consider someone who has just completed an appropriate training course“ ( 有一年工作经验者优先,但公司可能会考虑刚刚完成适当培训课程的人),说明工作经验不是必需的,对应C选项中的notessential。注意根据逻辑信号词抓重点信息,此处but表转折,表明but后的信 息更重要。此外,录音中提到"Candidates must have a clean driving licence”,此处clean意为“无污点的",a clean driving licence意为"驾照没有违规记录”,不能对应H选项中的local travel。

Question 20 答案 G

听前预测:定位词Farm worker。

题目解析:定位词原词出现,录音中提到the possibility of renting a small cottage on the estate,对应G选项accommodation available。E选项有较强干扰性,录音中提到了 the chance to earn a cmpetitive salary,但并未提及加班overtime,因此排除 E选项。

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