词汇,是雅思考试中重点考察的知识内容,也是考生在平时的备考中需要重点关注和掌握的内容。但是,由于缺乏明确的词汇复习范围,以及词汇复习的方法, 考生往往凭借自身的感觉和经验进行随意性的复习,导致对词汇的掌握仅仅表现为词汇拼写和读音知识的掌握,对词汇的意思表达缺乏准确掌握,直接影响了词汇复习的效果。事实上,小编建议大家在词汇复习时,更多地要关注词汇的意思表达。下面,小编就以锦标赛为例,为大家梳理一些相关英文词汇知识,供考生参考。
1 关于锦标赛的英文
championship contest
2 关于锦标赛的参考例句
GT Championship RacingGT赛车锦标赛
Champions of each league meet annually in the World Series.每一协会每年在世界棒球锦标赛上决赛
The two girls struck up an acquaintance at a table-tennis tournament.那两位姑娘是在一次乒乓球锦标赛上结识的。
We '11 revenge the insults to our team by beating them in the championship.我们一定要在锦标赛中打败他们以洗雪我队因败北所蒙受的耻辱。
The championships include 5 categories of swimming, diving, water ballet, water polo and long distance swimming本届锦标赛共设游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球和长距离游泳5个大项。
Cuba heat China 15-4,16-14,15-12 to retain their women's World Volleyball Championship on Thursday in Osaka,Japan.星期四,在日本大阪举行的世界女排锦标赛中,古巴队以15:4,16:14,15:12击败中国队,成功卫冕。
The World Women's Volleyball Championships世界女子排球锦标赛
Our team got left in the World Table Tennis Championships我们的乒乓球队在世界乒乓球锦标赛中被击败了。
When were the first World Fencing Championships held?届击剑锦标赛是什么时候举行的?She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament...她一直在制作锦标赛集锦的录像。
3 关于锦标赛的相关词汇
n. 称号;锦标赛
The team won the divisional championship.该队赢得了小组。
He gloried in his winning the championship.他因获得而洋洋得意。
He has won a national championship in the dashes.他赢得了在短跑方面的全国。
n. 竞赛,比赛;争夺;竞争;竞选;争论,争辩;
v. 与...竞争;争夺;竞争;争辩
contest a statement对一项声明提出质疑
I challenged him in the contest.我在竞赛中向他提起挑战。
The seat was successfully contested.成功地争得席位。
n. 称号;锦标赛
The team won the divisional championship.该队赢得了小组。
He gloried in his winning the championship.他因获得而洋洋得意。
He has won a national championship in the dashes.他赢得了在短跑方面的全国。