
发布时间:2017-04-27 14:34

  剑桥雅思9Test2雅思口语Part1-gifts 话题。该话题也是近期雅思口语高频话题 之一,之前新航道雅思 团队也分享过相关范文。

  PART 1

  1. When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

  这个题目属于一般情况下的总分结构,先总说“People will send gifts in a variety of ways, such as…, besides, …mostly…”,然后联想到生活中的实例,比如birthdays、important festivals 或者important occasions(如promotion、celebration、graduation ceremony 或wedding ceremony)。

  2. Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? [Why/ Why not?]



  3. When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]

  答案中要出现when、who、what 和how did I like it,这是发生在过去的事情,所以注意要用过去时态。

  4. Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? [Why/ Why not?]




  c) 参考答案(每个问题两个回答)


  PART 1

  1. When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

  In my country, people generally give gifts on people’s birthdays. Usually, children tell family members what they would like, but people outside the family often do not know what the children would like, so they often give the children money, and let them buy whatever they want. Adults often receive things like books and DVDs, but a husband or wife will usually buy something more expensive, like a nice watch.

  In my country, gifts are mostly given at important festivals. In my culture, the price of the gift is important, so people often spend a lot of money on gifts for people. I think that the most popular gifts are toys for children and clothes and electronics for adults, but it really depends on the person.

  2. Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? [Why/ Why not?]

  Yes, I like to take some flowers if I am visiting a woman or a family. In my country, men don’t expect a gift from visitors, but it is often a good idea to take something to eat or drink together, like beer or potato chips. Then we can share the snacks and have a drink while we chat.

  No, I don’t usually take a gift when I visit someone. I might take something if I am visiting someone for the first time, but I don’t take anything when I visit my family or friends, unless it is a special occasion, like a birthday or a festival. However, whenever my parents visit me, they bring something. Usually my mother brings something delicious that she has cooked!

  3. When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]

  The last gift I received was a bunch of roses from my boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. Most people bought red roses, but my boyfriend found some blue ones. Blue is my favourite colour. He gave them to me when he arrived at my home to take me to dinner. It was very romantic!

  The last gift I received was from my father on my twenty- first birthday. It was a car. I had wanted one since my eighteenth birthday, but my father thinks that eighteen is too young to drive. Actually, as I was at university, I didn’t need to drive, but now I think I do. Anyway, I passed my driving test a few months ago, so I can drive whenever I like.

  4. Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? [Why/ Why not?]

  Yes, I do. I think it is very important to get the right gift and I spend quite a lot of time on it. I usually go shopping for gifts with friends, so that they can help me to choose something suitable. We often go to a shopping mall near the place we live, because there are lots of shops with different things and the prices are reasonable. Of course, we often buy some gifts for ourselves too.

  No, I don’t like finding gifts for others. I like giving gifts to other people, but I don’t like shopping and I find it very difficult to choose what to buy. Generally, I look for something online, because I can do it easily from home whenever I have time. Furthermore, the prices are often lower than in the shops, so I save both time and money.

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剑桥雅思9Test2雅思口语Part3:new things话题
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