首页>雅思>剑桥雅思6解析>剑6test4雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important choice you had to make in your life

剑6test4雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important choice you had to make in your life

2017-04-21 01:47来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑6test4雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important choice you had to make in your life

  剑6test4雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important choice you had to make in your life

  Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

  You should say:

  when you had to make this choice

  what you had to choose between

  whether you made a good choice

  and explain how you felt when you were making this choice.

  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

  You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

  You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


  Let me see...some time ago,I had to decide whether or not to move from the city I lived in to go to another city to study.

  This wouldn’t have been a very hard decision, because I wasn’t really happy about where I was living; I didn’t feel like my life was going anywhere, and I needed a change. It wouldn’t have been a hard decision, except for the fact that I’d be leaving my boyfriend. We’d been together for almost a year, and were extremely close. It’s always been difficult for me to make decisions, and I procrastinated a long time before making this one; I felt confused, unhappy, and so very tired. I knew that if I stayed with him I probably would have been very happy…but who knows for how long, right? So I decided to move to a different city.

  Even though it was hard at first, and I was very lonely, I think that I’ve learned a lot, made a lot of progress, and my character has changed and developed for the better. I don’t re, et making this choice, although I still miss my boyfriend and sometimes I wonder what life might have been like, if we were still together.



  I guess the most important choice I made was to study abroad. I made the choice last year, when Ijustgraduated from the university. Upon graduation I facecl a fork in my future way:to pursue my postgraduate study abroad or to start a decent job like most of my classmates. Actually, it had been my dream to further my study in Britain or Australia. But on the other hand, I hadreceived at least two offers from different companies with whom Iinterviewed, which was really hard-won in

  the competitive job hunting. And more imponantly, the salary they would offer was quite appealing. It wasreally a tough choice, so I asked my parents and friends for advice. Unsurprisingly, most of them tried to talkme into the choice to receive the job. Studying abroad, they said, would take lots of time and money. In addition, it was unpredictable whether I would get such a good job even ifl retumed with a Master's Degree.

  What they said seemed reasonable, but to my mind, the experience of getting improved mattered more. Ididn't want to be stuck into the nine-to-five grind at such an early age. What's more, I had prepared for thestudying abroad for over one year, learning English and锄dng classes on relevant subjects. There was noreason to give up my dream and pursuit. After the sound consideration, I made my choice to further myoverseas study. Although it's still hard to say whether it was a good choice or not, I feel pleased that I holdonto my wish.


  The most important choice I've ever made is a life choice. In fact, I think it's a daily choice everyone ofus has to make: what do you choose to face life?

  My friends say I'm always upbeat and in good mood. I explain to them how I do this. Every morning Ilook in the mirror and say good morning to myself. I see a note on the mirror that says, "Choose", which reminds me I have a choice: I can let my worries and disappointments dominate my thoughts and spread gloom

  wherever I go, or I can choose to be in a good mood no matter what and spread sunshine. I've learned that when I'm enthusiastic about life, I feel better. Usually so do others.

  Years ago, I was caught by a car crash and nearly died but I chose to live. When I regained consciousness and saw the doctors look at me as ifI were dying, I told myself "I could accept that my injuries were fatal, or I could choose to live. I chose to live. " My friends remarked surely it wasn't that easy. I said to them, "Look,

  I choose to live. Can you make that happen? I'll do my best. "Maybe my positive attitude helped, maybe it didn't.I choose to believe it did










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