

2021-03-05 13:36来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:  借鉴托福写作范文的方法很多,当然如果大家能够对范文的含义非常的理解,那么对于托福写作考试的考察方式和考查目的也会有更加详细的了解。下面,小编给大家整理三篇有关托福考试中不同的交通方式的范文。小编希望大家都能考出理想的成绩哦!




  You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.


  Now I face a choice that I am in decision which transportation I should take to go to another city, which is 40 miles from my location.

  While by bicycle, train, bus, and on foot are the basic four choices for me. THe first one is a good way to excise my body, but too tiring and time consuming; The sencond way is economical to  save time, while not always convenient, for sometimes there is no train at the exact time that  available for me,that is to say, maybe I need to wait more than half an hour for the train;As for the last method, it is not in my consideration at all for I do not think one can do a good job by driving as long as forty miles expect that he has ever do some professional training in long run.

  Obviously, I would like to choose bus as my tool for this journey. Firstly, bus facilitate me in schedule, for , as a matter of fact, almost there is a bus available each ten minutes for my travel or  even more often.Secondly,it is also efficent by bus to fulfill this journey.Thirdly, I will really enjoy myself during the travel for the comfortable in bus, with TV or music supplied through out the traveling time.

  To summary, having a journey like forty miles, bus,as a transportation, is definitely the firt choice.while if it is a much longer one, train will promote to be a replacement among these four. Lastly, bicycle or runing can fit for a short one.


  Now I face a choice that I need to go to another city which is 40 miles from my location, and decide which transportation I take.

  While by bicycle, train, bus, and on foot are the basic four choise for me. THe first one is a good  way to excise me, but too tiring and time consuming; The sencond way is economical to save time while not always convenient, for sometimes there is no train at the exact time that available for me;As for the last method, it is not in my consideration for I do not think one can do so good job like that expect he has ever do some professional training in long run.

  Obviously, I choose bus as my tool for this journey. Firstly, bus facilitate me in schedule, for , as a matter of fact, almost there is a bus available each ten minutes for my travel or even more often.Secondly,it is also efficent by bus to fulfill this journey.Thirdly, I will really enjoy myself during the travel for the comfortable in bus, with TV or music through out the time.

  To summary, having a journey like forty miles, bus,as a transportation, is definately the firt choise.while if it is a much longer one, train will be better one. Then bicycle or runing can fit for a short one.


  There are many different types of transportation which I could use to travel 40 miles from my  home. The type of transportation I would choose depends mainly on how fast I need to get there  and how much money I have. Some possibilities are walking, horseback riding, driving, or using a taxi, bus, or train.

  The most economical choice is walking. It costs nothing, is healthful, but it is time consuming. The  average person can walk about 4-5 miles per hour, so this trip would take at least 10 hours to  complete. That means I would probably have to spend the night somewhere along the way. If I  have to spend money for a hotel, then this choice really isn't free. Plus, I might arrive at the end  tired and with sore feet! After walking comes animal transportation. In my area, horses are notcommon, so it wouldn't be a likely choice. I believe that a 40-mile trip would take 2 or 3 hours on a horse. If I had free access to a horse, the cost would be minimal. Of course, I'd have to knowhow to ride!

  With a car, the travel time is minimal (under one hour), with only the cost of gasoline to consider. However, I don't own a car, and car rentals are expensive. Shared taxis are one form of affordable  transportation, with 4 or 5 people sharing the cost of a car trip to a common destination. The only downside is finding people to share the fare with me. Fortunately, I live in an urban area, where there are buses and 'trains to ride. One of these would be my first choice.

  In short  the kind of transportation depends on how fast I need to get to my destination and how much money I have. If I need to get there fast, and money isn't important, I can hire a private taxi. Since I don't own my own car, I don't have that option, and I have never walked 40 miles in one trip. I usually depend on the bus and trains, and would do so in this circumstance. They are cheap, dependable and reliable.


相关热点: 托福交通作文






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  • 托福一对一
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托福基础走读班(6-10人) 6-10人 144课时 ¥29800 在线咨询
托福全程走读班(6-10人) 6-10人 192课时 ¥39800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程班(20-30人,走读) 20-30人 192课时 ¥13800 在线咨询
托福强化班(20-30人,走读) 20-30人 96课时 ¥7800 在线咨询
托福冲刺班(20-30人,走读) 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福基础班(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 144课时 ¥28800 在线咨询
托福全程班(4周,住宿) 6-10人 304课时 ¥41800 在线咨询
托福长线班(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 380课时 ¥46800 在线咨询
托福词汇语法住宿班(6-10人) 6-10人 48课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精听精读住宿班(6-10人) 6-10人 48课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福冲刺班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福一对一 1 按需定制 ¥980元 在线咨询
托福精听精读十一特训班 在线咨询
托福免费试听课 ¥0元 在线咨询


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