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托福TPO56听力原文+题目+答案解析:listening L1

2020-12-18 14:42来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



Listen to part of a lecture in an art history class.

Ok. At the end of our last class, I started to talk a little bit about a _______ movement in the United States painting in the late nineteen forties and the nineteen fifties. And I said that the artists involved shared a spirit of revolt against tradition and belief in _______ freedom of expression. This significant art movement is known as abstract expressionism.Now, abstract expressionism is kind of hard to define, but it it’s basically an attempt by the artist to _______ meaning or feeling in an abstract way. So the artists didn’t worry about whether they were painting familiar subject matter, like the kinds of things you’d see in the world around you. They paint… well abstract things on a huge canvas which itself was a break from traditional technique.And it was common among artists to _______ the paint to the canvas very rapidly and with great force.

So let’s look at the work of the most famous American abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock. There was nothing in Jackson Pollock’s training as an artist that suggested he would come to be seen as some sort of artistic revolutionary.In the nineteen thirties, he studied drawing and painting at the art students league of popular art school in New York Cities. What he did later in the nineteen forties was a startling innovation.Jackson Pollock used a technique, the so called pour and drip technique, for which he is best known. He didn’t use the traditional _______. He laid his wall sized canvas flat on the floor so he could move around it and work it from all sides. Then he poured and dripped his paint onto the canvas without touching it with a brush, just poured and dripped.

Now, the physical movements involved in polished painting technique have led people to call it action painting, which almost suggests that the process of creating the painting physically was at least as important as the end product itself. In fact, people used to watch him work in his studio,dripping and pouring paint and other materials onto his canvases. This could make you think of Pollock works being kind of like wild or chaotic or _______.But the truth is that Pollock was in complete control of his materials and his paintings, Pollock, pour and drip works were quite revolutionary. And at first they shocked the art world. Pollock used massive canvases. They see more like portable murals than anything else.

A good example of his technique is the painting “Autumn Rhythm”, which Pollock painted in nineteen fifty. Autumn Rhythm, at first glance, looks like basically just a whole lot of _______ lines,rather bizarre, just like a bunch of pointless drips and _______. But if you look closely, you will see why it’s so admired. Beneath all the apparent chaos, there’s really a very definite structure of lines,rhythms, and _______ that makes the whole piece work._______ randomness would not be nearly as visually appealing as this painting is. You need some structure, even if it’s not readily apparent. I’ve read some articles by other scholars who in their discussion of Pollock, uh… some of them like to point out that he painted his canvas is why looking down at them since they were on the ground, as I said, but when we go to a museum, they’re up on a wall. They think this is significant, because it makes our perspective different.

But I mean, well, think of photography. We’ve all seen photos of the sky, the ground, meaning that the photographer was shooting from different _______. Does that mean that we should put a photo of the sky on the ceiling? Of course not. It wouldn’t matter if you’re looking at it on a wall or in a photo album on your _______. And…and I think it’s the same with Pollock. It doesn’t matter from which angle we view his paintings. Its ok that he painted on the floor and we look at it on the wall.

But in spite of his work being shocking and even misunderstood at first, Pollock’s work became so influential in the development of abstract expressionism that the artistic community started to_______ its attention from Paris, which had been the center of the art world, to New York, where Pollock lived and worked. So Pollock’s breakthrough work helped move the focus of _______ art,and that’s one of the measures of his greatness really.





1. Why does the professor discuss Jackson Pollock?

A. To point out a common misconception about Abstract Expressionism

B. To help students understand the nature of Abstract Expressionism

C. To compare Pollock’s technique to that of other Abstract Expressionist painters

D. To defend Pollock and the abstract Expressionists from criticism

2. What point does the professor make about Jackson Pollock’s training as an artist?

A. It motivated him to rebel against art he claimed was boring

B. It contrasted with the type of art he later created

C. It taught him how to paint using unconventional methods

D. It was very different from the type of training most artists receive

3. What were two features of Jackson Pollock’s painting technique? Click on 2 answers

A. He used walls as a painting surface

B. He painted the canvas while it was on the floor

C. He applied paint by pouring or dripping it

D. He allowed visitors at his studio to help with the painting

4. What is the professor’s attitude toward the term “action painting”?

A. He thinks it correctly describes Pollack’s painting technique

B. He considers it less appropriate for Pollock than for other abstract expressionists

C. He believes that it represents the sense of movement displayed in Pollock’s paintings

D. He is pleased that contemporary critics rarely use the term

5. What feature of Autumn Rhythm does the professor imply is representative of Pollock’s works?

A. It symbolizes the passage of time

B. It reveals a lack of control over emotions

C. It combines structure and the appearance of chaos

D. It combines tradition and innovation

6. Why does the professor discuss photography?

A. To emphasize how different it is from painting

B. To make a point about its increasing popularity in New York’s art world

C. To show the extent of Pollock’s influence

D. To support his argument about the way people look at Pollock’s paintings、





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