

2017-06-24 20:15来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上一篇文章,我们分享了:托福独立+综合口语TPO41(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载),本篇文章,新航道托福 继续和大家分享托福独立+综合口语TPO42(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)。托福独立+综合口语TPO42音频,百度云盘下载链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boZ7q7H

  上一篇文章,我们分享了:托福独立+综合口语TPO41(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)本篇文章,新航道托福 继续和大家分享托福独立+综合口语TPO42(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)。托福独立+综合口语TPO42音频,百度云盘下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1boZ7q7H

  托福口语TPO42 Task1:An Accomplishment

  托福TPO42口语task1题目 Question:

  Choose an accomplishment that required you towork very hard. Explain what the accomplishmentwas and why it was important to you.

  托福TPO独立口语42 TASK 1范文:

  范文:The biggest accomplishment I’ve ever achieved is an assignment from my computer science class last semester. It required us to create a program that simulate the system of school library which including the book searching and borrowing as well as returning, and even the renewal. And each one of our class had to be creative to get a relatively high mark. And it took me more than a week with only a little sleep to get it done in time and luckily for me, I got an A on it. This project was quite important to me because it accounted for sixty percent of my final score in this course. And I was really glad it turned out that I accomplished a pretty good job.

  托福口语TPO42 Task2:Big City or Urban Area


  Some people prefer living in a big city. Other peopleprefer living in the countryside, away from urbanareas. Which do you think is better? Explain whyusing specific details in your explanation.

  托福TPO独立口语42 TASK 2 范文:

  范文:Compared to living in a city, I would like to live in the countryside. The reasons are as below. Firstly, living in the countryside means we can appreciate the healthier environment. Nowadays, people living in city have to suffer the air and water pollution caused by the high speeding development of industry. Secondly, we can enjoy the slow pace of life in the countryside. In big cities, pedestrians are always walking fast and it seems like they would feel unwilling to stop. But with the easy life style of countryside, they don’t have to deal with the high pressure resulted from working and living. So it’ll be much more comfortable to live there. That’s why I prefer to live in the countryside.

  托福口语TPO42 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):No More Evening Classes

  Reading Part:

  No More Evening Classes

  The administration has announced that startingnext fall, the university will stop offering eveningclasses in many departments. According to auniversity administrator, the decision wasprompted by a steady decline in enrollments inevening classes. Evening classes are just too small, the administrator said. When asked to explain the decline in enrollments, the administratorpointed to the fact that most evening classes are taught by teaching assistants, who are usuallygraduate students. Surveys show that students prefer to take classes taught by experiencedfaculty members, the spokesperson said, " Probably because they simply know more thangraduate teaching assistants do.  听力部分


  The man disagrees with the decision announced inthe student newspaper. Explain why the universitymade the decision and why the man disagrees with.

  托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 3范文:

  范文:The school has implemented a new policy that the university will stop offering evening classes in many departments starting next fall due to the small scale of them and the unexperienced teaching staff. And the man holds a negative view towards the announcement. The first reason he gives is that thanks to the small classes, students can participate more and be more actively involved, get more attention and learn more. And the second one is based on the fact that some experienced teachers are lack of enthusiasm because they may have been teaching the same subject for too long. In contrast, if this is their first or second time teaching a class, it’s going to be so exciting to them and they’ll definitely dedicate more. Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion.

  托福口语TPO42 Task4(阅读+题目):Habituation

  Reading Part:


  Habituation is a form of learning that is quitecommon among animals. When an animalexperiences a situation for the first time, particularlyone it considers threatening, it may instinctivelyrespond by running away or by warning othermembers of its community with alarm calls. Normally, it responds this way each time the situation occurs. However, if through continuousand prolonged exposure the animal learns that the situation is harmless the behaviorgradually diminishes. Ultimately, it will stop responding to the situation altogether. Thus, through habituation a natural or instinctive behavior gradually changes.


  The man disagrees with the decision announced inthe student newspaper. Explain why the universitymade the decision and why the man disagrees with.

  托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 4范文:

  范文:In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that through habituation a natural behavior gradually changes. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave an example in his speech. That is, assume prairie dogs live in an area where human beings frequently come and go. The first time the animals see a person, they’d react by barking like a dog and jumping up and down instinctively to warn or alert other prairie dogs nearby, they’d do the same to the animal that preys on them, such as a snake or a hawk. This kind of reaction is out of their fear. And they’d keep an eye on the human beings until these possible threatening individuals are gone. However, if people pass through the area day by day without hurting them, then the prairie dogs will gradually stop barking and jumping up and down when they see a person passing through the area, they’d stop reacting to humans as a threat. And that's the example the speaker presented to explain his idea.

  托福口语TPO42 Task5:Possible Solutions


  The speakers discuss two possible solutions to thewoman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend andwhy.

  托福TPO综合口语42 TASK 5范文:

  范文:In this conversation, the woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that the documents she needs to use in her history assignment isn’t available right now, so she can’t work on her paper. And the man offers her two possible solutions. One is to change what she is writing about, that is to choose a topic that doesn’t involve those documents. But the woman has already collected a lot of information and if she changed her topic of the paper, she couldn’t use any of them. The other is postpone working on the paper and wait until the documents available again. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former one, because in this way, she can work on the paper right away. Since the documents have to be available in two weeks, which means she has to do a lot of other things in the last week of the school term, and it’ll leave her no time to finish the paper.

  托福口语TPO42 Task6:Climate Change

  题目:Using the example of the thunder bird, explain apossible effect of a major climate change.

  范文:In the lecture, the professor provides an examples to illustrate the theory that when a major climate change occurs, it may lead to the extinction of various animals and plant species. That is, a giant Australian bird called thunderbird became extinct due to a climate change. Researchers have found many thunderbird bones all together in one spot which is really rare. So they believe that there is a climate change behind it. The hypothesis is, they think that during a long and dry period, the birds may have flocked together at this lake. And if it lasts too long without raining, the birds have to gather there and die. Scientists think the lake where they found the bones was one of the last remaining sources of freshwater during the drought. So the birds gathered there and struggled for a while and eventually the lake dried up and the species was extinct. And that's the example the speaker presented to explain the theory.


  以上是新航道托福培训 分享的关于托福独立+综合口语TPO42(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)的信息.更多托福TPO下载托福TPO在线模考 ,请:https://sh.xhd.cn/toefl/tpo/

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  • 托福一对一
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托福基础走读班(6-10人) 6-10人 144课时 ¥29800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福基础班(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 144课时 ¥28800 在线咨询
托福全程班(4周,住宿) 6-10人 304课时 ¥41800 在线咨询
托福长线班(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 380课时 ¥46800 在线咨询
托福词汇语法住宿班(6-10人) 6-10人 48课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精听精读住宿班(6-10人) 6-10人 48课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福冲刺班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福一对一 1 按需定制 ¥980元 在线咨询
托福精听精读十一特训班 在线咨询
托福免费试听课 ¥0元 在线咨询


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