

2017-05-09 14:44来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:今天新航道SAT培训 教研组分享的是SAT巴朗3500词汇表 之第32篇,之前的词汇,同学们都掌握了吗?SAT想要考高分,词汇千万不能偷懒哦!

  今天新航道SAT培训 教研组分享的是SAT巴朗3500词汇表 之第32篇,之前的词汇,同学们都掌握了吗?SAT想要考高分,词汇千万不能偷懒哦!

  carat N. /克拉;开;K/unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold. He gave her a three-carat diamond mounted in an eighteen-carat gold band.

  cardinal ADJ. /主要的/chief. If you want to increase your word power, the cardinal rule of vocabulary-building is to read.

  cardiologist N. /心脏病/doctor specializing in the heart. When the pediatrician noticed Philip had a slight heart murmur, she referred him to a cardiologist for further tests.

  careen V. /倾斜/lurch; sway from side to side. The taxicab careened wildly as it rounded the corner.

  caricature N. /歪曲;漫画;讽刺画/distortion; burlesque. The caricatures he drew always emphasized a personal weakness of the people he burlesqued. alsoV.

  carnage N. /残杀;大屠杀/destruction of life. The film The Killing Fields vividly depicts the carnage wreaked by Pol Pot's followers in Cambodia.

  carnal ADJ. /肉体的;欲望的/fleshly. Is the public more interested in carnal pleasures than in spiritual matters? Compare the number of people who read Playboy daily to the number of those who read the Bible or Koran every day.

  carnivorous ADJ. /食肉的/meat-eating. The lion's a carnivorous beast. A hunk of meat makes up his feast. A cow is not a carnivore. She likes the taste of grain, not gore.

  *carping ADJ. /挑剔的,吹毛求疵/finding fault. A carping critic is a nit-picker: he loves to point out flaws. If you don't like this definition, feel free to carp.

  cartographer N. /制图者,制地图的人/map-maker. Though not a professional cartographer, Tolkien was able to construct a map of his fictional world.

  cascade N. /小瀑布/small waterfall. We were too tired to appreciate the beauty of the many cascades because we had to detour around them to avoid being drenched by the water cascading down.

  castigate V. /严厉批评;惩罚/criticize severely; punish. When the teacher threatened that she would castigate the mischievous boys if they didn't behave, they shaped up in a hurry.

  casualty N. /严重的事故;伤亡/serious or fatal accident. The number of automotive casualties on this holiday weekend was high.

  cataclysm N. /巨变;剧变;灾难/upheaval; deluge. A cataclysm such as the French Revolution affects all countries. cataclysmic,ADJ.

  catalyst N. /催化剂/agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged. Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst.

  catapult N. /弹弓;弹舐器/slingshot; a hurling machine. Airplanes are sometimes launched from battleships by catapults. alsoV.

  cataract N. /大瀑布;白内障/great waterfall; eye abnormality. She gazed with awe at the mighty cataract known as Niagara Falls.

  catastrophe N. /灾难/calamity; disaster. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was a catastrophe thatdestroyed most of the city. A similar earthquake striking today could have even more catastrophic results.

  catcall N. /嘘声/shout of disapproval; boo. Every major league pitcher has off days during which he must learn to ignore the catcalls and angry hisses from the crowd.

  catechism N. /教义问答手册;FAQ,Q&A/book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer. He taught by engaging his pupils in a catechism until they gave him the correct answer.

  categorical ADJ. /无条件;直截了当/without exceptions; unqualified; absolute. Though the captain claimed he was never, never sick at sea, he finally had to qualify his categorical denial: he was "hardly ever" sick at sea.

  cater to V. /迎合/supply something desired (whether good or bad). The chef was happy to cater to the tastes of his highly sophisticated clientele. Critics condemned the movie industry for catering to the public's ever-increasing appetite for violence.

  catharsis N. /导泻,通便;疏泄/purging or cleansing of any passage of the body. Aristotle maintained that tragedy created a catharsis by purging the soul of base concepts.

  catholic ADJ. /一般的,普遍的;天主教/broadly sympathetic; liberal. He was extremely catholic in his taste and

  read everything he could find in the library.

  caucus N. /核心小组会议(秘密)/private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy. At the opening of Congress, the members of the Democratic Party held a caucus to elect the Majority Leader of the House and the Party Whip.

  caulk V. /填;补漏/make watertight by filling in cracks. Jack had to caulk the tiles in the shower stall to stop the leak into the basement below.

  causal ADJ. /因果关系的/implying a cause-and-effect relationship. The psychologist maintained there was a causal relationship between the nature of one's early childhood experiences and one's adult personality.

  causality, N.


  新航道上海sat培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,团队一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。







  • SAT考前模考冲刺班
  • 走读班(3-6人)
  • 住宿班(3-6人)
  • SAT一对一
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT考前模考冲刺班 40课时 ¥3800 在线咨询
SAT十一特训班 6-8人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT模考刷题班 不限 4天 ¥5800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥21800 在线咨询
SAT冲刺班(3-6人.走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥11800 在线咨询
SAT精英班(3-6人,争1500分) 3-6人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT预备班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥10800 在线咨询
SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥20800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT一对一 1 按需定制 ¥980元 在线咨询


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