
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团



  Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



  In this essay, I will argue that university students should only be taught subjects which contribute to society in general, and that all other subjects are a waste of time and money.

  One of my friends studied literature at university, focusing on the so-called “classic” literature produced in her country over two thousand years. She studied this because she had a strong drive to understand her culture and its contributions to the world. While she enjoyed the subject and had a lot of fun in university, when she graduated she found it very hard to find a well-paying job. Now she is teaching literature in a high school and can barely afford to pay her rent, let alone buy the products she wants. On the other hand, another friend of mine studied finance at university. He is now earning a very high salary and owns three houses, two of which he rents out for a very high profit. He can buy anything he wants to and regularly eats at the finest restaurants in town. I think everyone should be like him.

  Ultimately, studying what you want in university is a selfish act. While you may enjoy yourself, you contribute nothing to society when you graduate unless you have studied a scientific or financial subject - this is just the way the world is today. Some people argue that society needs artistic types, but I disagree. Movies, music and books are not necessary in a society - the only things a society really needs are businessmen and scientists.

  The future is probably going to be a lot like the present - things will still be sold and money will continue to be the only reason to live. Therefore, studying the humanities will continue to be a waste of time and money.

  (302 words)


  我的一个朋友大学期间学习文学,主攻方向是所谓的“古典”文学,即研究两千多年来的本国文学,她学习这个专业是因为她迫切地想要了解本国文化及其对世界的贡献。她非常喜欢这个学科,并且愉快地完成了大学学业,但毕业时,她发现很难找到一份薪资满意的工作。现在她在一所高中教语文,工资仅能够支付房租,更别说购买她想要的东西了。另一方面,我的另一个朋友大学期间学习财务。他现在的工资很高,并且拥有三套房产, 其中两套外租收益很高。他可以购买他想要的任何东西,还经常进出城市里的餐厅。我想每个人都应该像他一样。








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