今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年7月10日托福写作考试真题机经【新航道版】,每次考试后新航道托福小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆
Task 1
为了减缓气候变化,科学家建议通过frilizing iron dust来增加浮游植物的数量,吸收:二氧化碳,阅读不赞同这种做法。
1. There are few evidences to prove fetilzing iron dust is fficient.二氧化碳吸收量有限。
2. frilizing iron dust能增加浮游植物的数量,但同时也会产生毒素,对捕鱼业造成破坏,进而损害人体。
3. 从长远来看,它会改变海洋生态平衡,一 些物种甚至会消失。
1. The experiment is too short to prove the eficiency of fertizing iron dust.
2一 旦出现毒素污染就停止添加iron,浮游植物就会灭绝,毒素的浓度也会降低,因此frilizing iron dust并不会造成长期的损害。
Task 2
Sometimes people wish to be more confident-for example, they may want to express their opinions more frequently in meetings at work, or they want to contribute more to class discussions at school. which one do you think would best help to increase confidence in these types of work or school situations? why?
1. Spending more time preparing for class discussions at school or meetings at work.
2. Leamning and practicing techniques to help improve confidence.
3. Ask a more experienced person for advice to handle the situations.