托福TPO64阅读Passage 2题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-04 17:29

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托福TPO64阅读Passage 2题目

1. The word "initially" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. usually

B. at first

C. to some extent

D. basically

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize auditory capability in infants?

A. Infants have good auditory capabilities in extreme frequencies rather than in middle frequencies.

B. Infants have no experience with auditory stimuli before they are born.

C. Infants are more capable of hearing high and low frequencies than adults are, and this capability increases during the first two years of life.

D. An infant' s sensitivity to frequencies in the middle range improves as the infant grows older.

3. Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 2?

A. A brief discussion of two changes in auditory perception together with possible explanations of them

B. Two hypotheses about auditory perception, followed by summaries of experiments that have tested those hypotheses

C. A brief history of studies of auditory perception, followed by a discussion of two recent studies

D. A comparison of two different answers to an important question in the study of auditory perception

4. According to paragraph 3, which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize infants' sound localization capabilities?

A. The sound-localization capabilities of infants do not improve steadily: but the reason for this is unknown

B. Infants' ability to localize sound declines steadily after two months of age but then increases after the age of one.

C. The comparatively short distance between the ears of infants makes their sound localization potentially less exact than that of adults.

D. By the age of one year, infants' sound-localization capabilities are similar to those of adults.

5. Which of the following statements describes a finding from the classic study on infants' auditory perception that is discussed in paragraph 4?

A. Infants are more interested in sounds of spoken language than they are in other kinds of sounds.

B. Infants show more interest in some consonant sounds than others.

C. When the sound infants are hearing is changed, the infants lose interest

D. Even very young infants are able to notice slight differences in sound

6. The classic study discussed in paragraph 4 supports which of the following claims?

A. The infants' sucking responses would have been different if a different pair of consonants had been used.

B. The infants in the study had previous exposure to a language in which the difference between "ba" and "pa" is important.

C. Infants are more interested in what is new or unexpected than they are in any particular consonant sound

D. Infants are able to produce the distinct consonant sounds that they hear as distinct.

7. What is the main point of paragraph 5?

A. Very young children can distinguish between the sounds of different languages even though they cannot speak.

B. Many children are exposed at an early age to both English and Spanish

C. Meter and speed of recitation are two characteristics children use to distinguish one language from another.

D. Children recognize similar sounding words in different languages

8. Why does the author discuss the voices of fathers and other males in paragraph 7?

A. To emphasize the difference between the auditory abilities before and after a child is born

B. To provide evidence that infants* listening preferences are shaped by what they hear in the womb

C. To argue that very young infants may have difficulty distinguishing between two similar sounding voices

D. To argue that infants are less interested in male voices than female voices

9. Paragraph 6 answers which of the following questions about the auditory abilities of infants?

A. What quality of a voice allows an infant to distinguish between different voices?

B. Can newborns distinguish between tapes of their mother reading different stories?

C. Can newborns distinguish between tapes of different strangers reading the same story?

D. Can infants notice when the reader of a recorded story is changed?

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.

This question is worth 2 points.

Studies have shown that auditory perception in infants is quite sophisticated.

Answer Choices

A. Infants' ability to hear high and low frequencies is better than that of adults, and their ability to locate the source of a sound is also surprisingly good

B. During the first two years of life, infants' sensitivity to middle-range frequencies improves more rapidly than their sensitivity to sounds at extreme frequencies

C. Studies have shown that the liquid environment of the womb prevents a father's voice from being heard, which causes a newborn to prefer its mother's voice

D. At an early age, infants are able to make auditory discriminations between two similar sounds, different languages, and different voices.

E. In one classic study, infants sucked vigorously on a nipple when they heard a recording of a person saying "ba" but lost interest once the sound changed to "pa"

F. The preference of newborns for their mother's voice and melodies the mother sang during pregnancy suggest that prenatal exposure affects auditory development in the womb.



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