托福TPO62阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-01 09:52

托福TPO试题基本所有参加托福考生必做试题,在下文中上海新航道托福培训小编整理了托福TPO62阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏),希望对大家有所帮助!

前面咱们阅读了托福TPO62阅读Passage 1完整原文,下面一起来做一下托福TPO62阅读Passage 1题目吧!

托福TPO62阅读Passage 1题目

1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of trees like maples and oaks?

A. They have leaves that are resistant to frost

B. They are unable to survive if their leaves are damaged

C. They have buds that do not produce new leaves until temperatures rise

D. They can delay the production of buds until the arrival of spring

2. Why does the author ask the question, "How do such evergreen plants escape intracellular freezing (freezing within Cells and tissue destruction when temperatures may drop to -40 degrees or colder in

the passage?

A. To introduce an account of the ways evergreen plants protect themselves from the cold

B. To suggest that losing their leaves would allow evergreens to escape damage from the cold

C. To point out that scientists do not fully understand how evergreens survive cold temperatures

D. To emphasize that studying evergreens may hold the key to understanding how all forest plants survive cold


3. The word "onset" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. start

B. threat

C. force

D. return

4. The author mentions 'antifreeze in automobiles' in the passage in order to

A. emphasize the difficulty trees such as conifers have in surviving

B. point out that freezing temperatures can seriously damage tree tissue

C. illustrate a chemical process in plants that prevents them from freezing

D. explain how conifers are able to raise the temperature in their tissue

5. The word "synthesis" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. replacement

B. separation

C. change

D. combination

6. The word 'prevalent" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. most common

B. most interesting

C. most effective

D. best known

7. According to paragraph 2, conifers avoid damage from freezing in all of the following ways EXCEPT

A. They reduce the amount of water that is contained in their cells.

B. Their cell walls resist damage from ice forming on the outside of the cells.

C. They use the mechanism of supercooling.

D. They drop those leaves that they do not need.

8. According to paragraph 3, why does the mass of a cactus influence its ability to resist freezing?

A. Larger cacti tend to have less water in them, making freezing less likely.

B. Larger cacti can store more heat in their tissues and thus stay warmer at night.

C. Cacti with more mass tend to have deeper roots that take longer to freeze.

D. Cacti with more mass exchange more moisture with the air, which protects them from the cold.

9. The word "prolonged" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. unexpected

B. extreme

C. frequent

D. extended

10. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following claims about the ability of saguaro cacti to survive freezing temperatures?

A. Saguaro cacti, whether large or small, have no resistance to freezing because they seldom face freezing temperatures.

B. Saguaro cacti living in the Sonoran Desert are less likely to die from freezing than those living in other areas of the North American southwest.

C. In different ways, both young and mature saguaro cacti are protected during a freezing night by heat that had been stored during the day

D. Mature saguaro cacti can survive in areas that are too cold for the frost tolerant shrubs that shelter young saguaro cacti.

11. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that saguaros are limited to areas in which

A. young cacti can grow taller than the shrubs surrounding them

B. temperatures remain below freezing for periods that do not exceed 24 hours.

C. daytime temperatures are sufficiently high to enable cacti to store a lot of heat.

D. there is enough heat radiated from the ground to protect cacti from freezing air temperatures.

12. All of the following questions are answered in the passage EXCEPT:

A. How does supercooling work to prevent liquids in plants from freezing?

B. Why does the loss of water from plant cells and the collection of water in extracellular areas protect the water inside the cells from freezing?

C. How do members of the cactus family limit heat radiation during daylight hours?

D. How do frost-tolerant shrubs help protect young saguaro cacti from being damaged by extreme nighttime winter temperatures?

13. Look at the four squares ⬛ that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

Other plants, however, possess additional defenses against freezing temperatures.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square⬛ to add the sentence to the passage



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