托福TPO60阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-01-25 17:25

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托福TPO60阅读Passage 1题目

1. Select the TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 1, indicate what scientists believed before the 1980s about underground organisms. To receive credit, you must select TWO answers

A. It was impossible for organisms to live beyond just a few meters underground

B. Organisms were filtered into the soil from ocean sediments.

C. Organisms that were supposedly found at great depths were actually from the surface layers

D. Contamination from the surface layers of the soil was seriously affecting life underground.

2. The word "pristine" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Suitable

B. Pure

C. Precise

D. solid

3. According to paragraph 1, what is the purpose of using concentrated tracer material during drilling?

A. To lubricate the drill

B. To obtain uncontaminated rock samples

C. To cut away the samples of rock

D. To identify rock sample types

4. The word "revealed" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. added to

B. made known

C. restricted

D. replaced

5. According to paragraph 1, what can be inferred about the new techniques for the identification of underground microorganisms?

A. They depend on growing microorganisms in culture.

B. They sometimes add contaminants to the sample.

C. They involve DNA analysis

D. They cannot demonstrate the presence of different types of microorganisms.

6. Why does the author use the phrase "rather less usefully" in the passage?

A. To question the usefulness of microorganism identification

B. To identify two negative effects of pollution, the second one more dangerous than the first

C. To compare the scientific usefulness of two theories

D. To contrast a possible benefit of the existence of subsurface organisms with a potential danger

7. according to paragraph 2, what is the greatest depth at which life has been found to this day?

A. 500 meters below ground

B. 35 kilometers below ground

C. 4 kilometers below ground

D. 7 kilometers beneath the seafloor

8. The author asks "what do the bacteria feed on?" for the purpose of

A. presenting a problem that scientists have not yet been able to solve

B. expressing doubts about the theory that bacteria can live at great depths

C. introducing the explanation that answers the question

D. arguing against the idea that bacteria form part of a subterranean food chain

9. The word "compacted" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. complicated

B. strengthened

C. absorbent

D. compressed

B. strengthened

10. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the organisms in cracks and fissures in igneous rock?

A. They produce the cracks and fissures in the rock

B. They grow in the molten magma that forms the rock.

C. They can survive changing temperatures

D. They have not originated in the igneous rock

11. The phrase" rely on" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. use up

B. head for

C. depend on

D. pass on

12. According to paragraph 3, why are chemotrophic bacteria important to their ecosystems?

A. They compete with other microorganisms.

B. They allow other bacteria to use organic compounds

C. They do not depend on the iron or sulfur compounds that other microorganisms consume.

D. They process material and solar energy for other underground organisms to use.

13. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

However, it would be wrong to think that these factors make life at great depths impossible.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [] to add the sentence to the passage.

[ Paragraph 2] The first scientists to use these techniques were involved in the Subsurface Science Program of the United States Department of Energy (DOE). They were interested in the possibility that if organisms existed in the depths of Earth, they might degrade organic pollutants and help maintain the purity of groundwater or, rather less usefully, degrade the containers in which the DOE was proposing to deposit the radioactive waste from nuclear facilities. They demonstrated the presence

of many different types of microorganisms in rocks at depths down to 500 meters beneath the surface. [ A ] Pressure and temperature increase as you go deeper into Earth. [ B] Some scientists think that subsurface bacteria could withstand temperatures as high as 150°C. [ C] This would allow organisms to exist to depths of about 7 kilometers beneath the seafloor and to 4 kilometers below the surface of the land. [ D] Although the organisms are often sparsely distributed, this is such an enormous volume that it has been estimated that the total biomass of deep subsurface organisms exceeds that of those living on, or just below, the surface.

14. It is only recently that living organisms have been found below the top few meters of the soil or ocean sediments.

Answer Choices

A. It became necessary to develop techniques that would prevent the lubricating fluid on the drill from contaminating the samples recovered from the depths.

B. Subsurface life is thought to live at greater depths and to resist higher temperatures than was once thought possible

C. Rather than consuming other food available, chemotrophs process some minerals they find in rocks to obtain the nutrients they need

D. The discovery of subsurface life was enabled by the development of sophisticated drilling and microorganism identification techniques.

E. Scientists involved in the Subsurface Science Program found underground life accidentally while studying the effects of pollution on groundwater

F. The food chain below the surface involves fungi, protozoa, bacteria, and the organic material and minerals in or derived from sedimentary and igneous rock.



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