托福TPO58阅读Passage 2题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-01-19 14:49

托福TPO试题基本所有参加托福考生必做试题,在下文中上海新航道托福培训小编整理了托福TPO58阅读Passage 2题目+完整原文(已收藏)),希望对大家有所帮助!

前面咱们阅读了托福TPO58阅读Passage 2完整原文下面一起来做一下托福TPO58阅读Passage 2题目吧!

1. The word utterly in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. practically

B. frequently

C. increasingly

D. completely

2. The word "facilitate" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. useful

B. necessary

C. available

D. adapted

3. According to paragraph 1, mycorrhizal fungi need to live in root systems of trees in order to

A. absorb minerals

B. gam energy

C. help the trees photosynthesize

D. evolve

4. The word "partake " in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. discover

B. see

C. remove

D. consume

5. Which of the following can be inferred about pinyon pines from paragraph 2 ?

A. Seed predators other than pinyon jays feed on pinyon seeds

B. Pinyon jays must eat many pinyon seeds to obtain adequate nutrition

C. Seeds located in the interior regions of pinyon pines are particularly attractive to pinyon jays.

D. Pinyon pines signal jays to eat only those seeds that are unable to grow.

6. According to paragraph 2, all the following are characteristics of pinyon pine seeds that

make them attractive to seed predators EXCEPT:

A. The seeds are highly visible

B. The seeds contain a large amount of energy

C. The seeds pass unharmed through the predator's alimentary system

D. The seed coat is thin.

7. What purpose does paragraph 2 serve in the passage as a whole?

A. It presents an exception to the ideas about coevolution provided in paragraph 1

B. It presents a puzzle about pinyon pines that later paragraphs will resolve.

C. It introduces for further discussion the fact that pinyon pines do not produce poisonous seeds.

D. It formulates a hypothesis that the rest of the passage will support about why pinyon pines attract seed

8. The word "providing" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Once

B. Since

C. Whenever

D. If

9. The phrase "so many seeds" in the passage refers to

A. a number of seeds greater than jays can eat immediately

B. a number of seeds greater than jays can bury immediately

C. the number of seeds produced by one tree

D. the number of seeds that jays in a region need to eat

10. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the reason the pinyon jay population in an area declines for several years in succession is that

A. after several years during which pinyon trees produce no seeds, there are not enough young pinyon trees producing seeds to feed the jays

B. for several years after a heavy seed crop, pinyon pines stop producing enough seeds to support a large population of jays

C. for several years in succession, pinyon jays spend most of their energy in collecting and burying seeds rather than in reproducing

D. over a period of several years, the pinyon jays in an area are displaced by other seed-predator species

11 . According to paragraph 4, which of the following is a reason why pinyon pines do not produce a bumper seed crop every year?

A. Pinyon jays would stop burying pinyon seeds if a bumper crop of the seeds was produced every year.

B. Pinyon pines are genetically programmed to produce annual seed crops of varying sizes.

C. With any fixed level of seed production, populations of seed predators would eventually increase to consume the available crop of seeds

D. The environment cannot support as many pinyon pines as a yearly bumper seed crop would produce

12. What purpose does the discussion of paragraph 5 serve in the passage as a whole?

A. It shows that the population size of pinyon jays depends on pinyon pines but that the population size of pinyon pines does not depend on pinyon jays

B. It provides evidence that pinyon trees benefit more from pinyon jays than the jays benefit from the pines.

C. It establishes that, fully understood, the relationship between pinyon pines and pinyon jays is one of coevolution

D. It explains why in years of bumper seed crops, pinyon jays are unable to increase their population to match the increase in the number of available pinyon seeds

13. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

As a result, less energy will be needed to produce a crop of seeds large enough to flood the reduced market for

[ Paragraph 4] It requires a great deal of energy to make so many seeds, so much energy that it is unlikely that a pinyon population could produce such a bumper seed crop every year. More important, however, it would be to the severe disadvantage of the trees to produce large seed crops annually, even if they could. Doing so would make the resource not only abundant but also predictable Seed predators could, over the years, steadily build their populations, eventually increasing so much that they could, indeed, consume virtually all of the seeds. It is much more adaptive for the plants to produce seed cornucopias intermittently. [A] Doing so has several major advantages. First, energy can be stored for some years and then devoted to cone and seed production, ensuring adequate energy to produce a large seed crop. [ B] Second, seed-predator populations will decline in years of low seed production, either through starvation, reduced reproduction, or emigration. [ C] Pinyons in most areas have a roughly six-year interval between heavy seed crops. [ D]

14. Although many trees have evolved ways to protect their seeds from predators, pinyon pines attract the seed predators with which they have coevolved.

Answer Choices

A. The reproductive cycle of pinyon jays is controlled in part by the variable availability of pinyon seeds.

B. Pinyon pines ensure a good germination rate for their seeds by producing every few years seeds in such abundance that pinyon jays bury many of them.

C. Pinyon pines adjust their seed production to the size of the local pinyon jay population so as to assure that each year some pinyon seeds will be buried by jays.

D. By a process of mutual adaptation, predators and the plants or animals they prey on always come to form a balanced and mutually advantageous relationship.

E. By using color coding prominent display, and high nutritional value, pinyon pines make their seeds worth eating and storing by pinyon jays.



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