
发布时间:2016-05-19 16:37



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

One of the best ways that parents can help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take a part-time job.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



According to a recent statistic on the internet, the number of single-child families occupies 75 percent of Chinese families, and undoubtedly have a tendency of increasing. It follows that parents or other adult relatives may likely pay more attention to their children, for the reason that the energy of parents has been saved a lot compared to those who own several children. They insist that teenage children should not take a part-time job, considering that they are too young to adjust themselves to complicated society and taking a job may disturb their study which is most

important in this stage of life. However, others believe that encouraging teenage children to take a part-time job is one of the best ways that parents help them to prepare for adult life. From my part of view, I completely agree with the latter idea.

To begin with, the significance of taking a part-time job to developing independent personality and sense of responsibility can never be exaggerated. My friend, Tom, was a spoiled boy a few years ago. His parents did everything for him: cleaning his room, making his bed, and rescuing him from troubles. After Tom graduate from high school, his parents encouraged him to take a part-time job in summer holiday. It was so boring for him to stay at home all day, so he took the advice and worked as a waiter in a restaurant. At first, he could not adapt himself to the work he is doing and always got scolded by the boss. But he worked hard and learned quickly. After one month, he could deal with all the problems during work and he changed greatly, being responsible for his action and doing his work independently without others’ demands, and these are absolutely the prerequisites for adult life. What happened to Tom struck me tremendously and made me realize that how important taking a part-time job is for teenagers.

In addition, taking a part-time job can offer teenagers an opportunity to make friends with different people outside school and to widen their horizon. Teenage children spend most of their time studying and hardly have time to keep abreast of what’s going on in the world. To some extent, it is very bad to teenagers’ development if too much stress is laid on school work, for they have to put the theory into practice when they grow up to be an adult. Consequently, if you want your children to prepare for future career, please encourage them to take a part-time job, and there they can meet interesting people and learn something new, in the belief that they may one day need just those people or things.

Finally, it is easier to find a satisfactory job for the college graduates with part-time job experience. It is known to everyone that graduates face with a brutal competition in job marketing. Only ones who are more competent can won a great job and a brilliant future. And a background with doing a part-time job in the past can give you a license of becoming one of promising candidates for the job that numerous applicants are desiring.

In a word, there is no better way to help teenage children to get ready for adult life than encourage them to take a part-time job. It has always been a mystery to me why some parents, who desperately want their children to be responsible, independent and successful, obstinately maintain that teenagers should not take a part-time job.





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