托福TPO59听力原文+题目+答案解析:Listening L2

发布时间:2021-01-20 16:01

托福TPO试题基本所有参加托福考生必做试题,在下文中上海新航道托福培训小编整理了托福TPO59听力原文+题目+答案解析:Listening L2,希望对大家有所帮助!

TPO59Listening L2听力原文+题目

Listening L2

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

A. The popularity of city scenes in nineteenth century paintings

B. A popular nineteenth‐century art form that is little known today

C. Techniques developed by nineteenth‐century artists to make t heir work look realistic

D. Reasons that art became a popular form of entertainment in the nineteenth century

2. What was one significant contribution that Robert Barker made to the development of panoramas?

A. He was the first person to create a panorama from photographs

B. He determined how to enlarge miniature panoramas

C. He constructed buildings for panoramas throughout Europe

D. He designed a building suitable for viewing panoramas

3. According to the professor, what are some of the reasons that panoramas seemed so realistic to viewers?

Click on 3 answers

A. They were displayed without frames

B. They were painted by skilled artists.

C. They were copied from photographs

D. They were shown in spaces with only artificial light

E. They were sometimes displayed together with plants

4. According to the professor, why were so many spectators interested in seeing a panorama titled A View of Paris from the Roof of the Tuileries?

A. It was a rare opportunity for London residents to see a realistic depiction of Paris

B. It was the first time that an artist had created a p ainting while working on the roof of a high‐rise building

C. They had heard that it offered a view of Pans that no one had ever seen before

D. They knew that they would be able to confirm the accuracy of the painting 's details for themselves

5. Why does the professor mention the practice of charging admission to buildings that displayed panoramas?

A. To help explain why many panoramas no longer exist

B. To illustrate the high construction costs typical of the period

C. To describe how artists were paid for their paintings

D. To explain why panoramas were not popular

6. Why does the professor say this

A. To suggest that the development of panoramas could not have been predicted

B. To give examples of nineteenth‐century inventions that were more important than the panorama

C. To emphasize the point that people were beginning to see their surroundings in a new way

D. To indicate that he is not certain which of the inventions he mentions came first



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