
发布时间:2020-12-11 14:42


23. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To compare current theories about an astronomical phenomenon

B. To describe the growth of knowledge about an astronomical phenomenon

C. To illustrate how astronomical theories based on incorrect assumptions canlead to important discoveries

D. To demonstrate that astronomers are able to predict events on the Sunbased on conditions on Earth

24. According to the professor, what theories were proposed in the 1700s toaccount for the occurrence of auroras?Click on 2 answers

A. Auroras are caused by light refracting off ice and snow.

B. Auroras are caused by CMEs.

C. Auroras occur when gases from sunspots hit glaciers.

D. Auroras occur when an electric current between Earths poles is disrupted.

25. Why does the professor mention the duration of solar eclipses?

A. To demonstrate the importance of the coronagraph as a research tool

B. To describe the effects of solar eclipses on auroras

C. To support a conclusion about the connection between sunspot cycles andother solar events

D. To explain why auroras are infrequent

26. How do sunspots contribute to auroras?

A. Sunspots increase the intensity of Earth's magnetic field at the poles.

B. Sunspots emit charged particles that collide with atoms in Earth's upperatmosphere.

C. Sunspots bombard Earth with oxygen and nitrogen atoms.

D. Sunspots cause temperature changes at Earth's poles.

27. What point does the professor make when he talks about disruptions totechnology?

A. Disruptions are more prevalent in the northern hemisphere than in thesouthern hemisphere.

B. Observing aurora activity has proven to be a better way to predict CMEs than using technological devices.

C. CMEs and other magnetic activity on the Sun can have a far-reachingeffect.

D. Most information about aurora intensity has been obtained throughobservation with the naked eye.

28. Listen again Why does the professor say this:

A. He hopes that one of the students will explain the answer to the others.

B. He believes that the answer should be obvious to the students.

C. He thinks the point is not relevant to today's lecture.

D. He does not remember if he covered the point in another lecture.


29. What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A. Evidence that clarifies the ancient uses of the Stonehenge monument

B. Other Bronze Age monuments that have similarities to Stonehenge

C. Why the builders of Stonehenge did not use local stones in its construction

D. The possible origins of some of the stones that make up the Stonehengemonument

30. Why does the professor mention small pieces of bluestone found atStonehenge?

A. To provide evidence that bluestone was believed to have healing properties

B. To stress that bluestone is not as durable as local stone

C. To help explain how builders selected the particular stones used for'Stonehenge

D. To express frustration with the way some researchers gather evidence atStonehenge

31. What is the significance of the axheads that the professor discusses?

A. They prove that bluestones were transported across Europe.

B. They provide evidence that bluestones were not sacred to Bronze Agecultures.

C. They may explain how the builders reduced the size of some of the stonesthat were transported.

D. They helped researchers determine the place in the Preseli Hills where theStonehenge bluestones originated.

32. What evidence suggests that glaciers may have carried stones to theStonehenge site?

A. The stones used to build Stonehenge all came from the same place inWales.

B. Some stones have markings that could have been caused by glacialactivity.

C. Some bluestones were present on the Salisbury Plain before Stonehengewas built.

D. Bluestones were found in several places on a proposed travel routebetween Wales and the Salisbury Plain.

33. What does the professor imply about the recent analysis of the bluestonesat Stonehenge?

A. It does not conclusively identify the bluestones1 place of origin.

B. It does not provide strong evidence for either the human-transport or theglacier-tr ansport theory.

C. The methods used to test the bluestones were questionable.

D. The analysis does not explain how glaciers could move such large stones.

34. According to the professor, what might have contributed to the popularityof the human-transport hypothesis?

A. New physical evidence of transport devices used in the Bronze Age hasbeen found.

B. The hypothesis has become familiar over time.

C. Until recently, no other hypotheses had been suggested.

D. The scientists who support the hypothesis are well respected.




23. 答案:B


It took centuries to figure out what's behind these beautiful colors in the night skies. 仅凭这句不足以判断但是可以从一定程度上知道内容

24. 答案:A\D


In the 1700s 后面的内容和本体相关

Scientists propose that there was an electric current that stretched between the north and south poles. When this electric current was disturbed an aurora would form. 是两极间的电流被干扰形成的。D正确 Others that the phenomenon caused by light that refracted off glaciers and snow in the arctic.

25. 答案:A


With the coronagraph you can observe the corona continuously anytime you want.前面讲了eclipse和corona这里指出coronagraph很关键

26. 答案:B


The charged particles interact with earth's magnetic field, and they are pouredtoward the south and north poles. Some of them make it to our upper atmospherewhere they collide with atoms with oxygen and nitrogen atoms. This collisioncauses the atoms to light up to glow. Different types of colors glow in differentcolors. And this is what is happening when we see an aurora. 完整对应了B的过程。

27. 答案:C


Through out the history we have noticed the relationships between aurora andtechnical problems dsrption......


28. 答案:B

分类: B;


29. 答案:D



30. 答案:A



31. 答案:B


Multiple ax heads that are m ade of blue stones, which could mean that Bronze ageculture didn 't actually value the blue stones that highly.证明蓝石头并不神圣

32. 答案:C


There are however blue stones on the Salisbury plain that predate Stonehenge.They were there before the builders even begin constructions which makes the glacier seem more likely最后--个定语从句直接表明前面的内容是答案。

33. 答案:B




34. 答案:B





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