
发布时间:2016-11-28 17:39







  Write an essay in which you explain how Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to Americans. In your essay, analyze how Goodman uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Goodman’s claims, but rather explain how Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience.


  Media presentation from across the globe is vital to the upkeep and maintenance of our society. How this information is obtained and presented. If presented at all, is a different story, however. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage to the Americas through the presentation of statistics, connections to social media as well as using specific diction to establish his argument.

  Goodman uses statistics and facts, as presented by the AJR, in order to show the loss of foreign correspondents reporting to the U.S. in order to persuade his audience that there is a need for more professional coverage. He begins his essay with the statistic saying that the level of professional foreign correspondents dropped from 307 fullOtime people to 234. This conveys that the number of people providing legitimate and credible information to news services in the U.S. is going down, thus alluding to the overall decrease in foreign Media. Goodman uses this to build his argument by envoking his audience to think that they may not be getting all the true media and facts presented. He uses the statistic of the shrinking correspondents to establish the fact that if this number is continually decreasing, there may be in the future a lack of unbiased media presentation, asking his audience to consider importance of foreign news coverage.

  Goodman connects to the vast implications of bias presented via social media to further build his argument. Reporters “know the power of Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media” and, as they continue to rise in popularity in the distribution of media, are enabling the genesis of “citizen journalists who function largely as funnels ... pouring white noise into the mix”. Goodman further builds his argument here in order to persuade his audience by showing how with the rise of soclal media, more biased and superfluous information can be projected and wrongly viewed.

  Goodman says this to evoke a concern within his audience about the truth in media. Blatantly put, Goodman accounts for that if you want unbiased foreign media people must turn from social media such as Twitter and Facebook and turn toward professional foreign media presentation. Presenting this idea of a possible falacy within social media greatly establishes his purpose as well as affirms his audience on weather they agree with him or not.

   Also, Goodman uses specific diction to further establish his argument to persuade his audience. Goodman uses personal prounouns such as “we” to show that he personally is a part of the media presentation community, not only establishing his credibility on the subject, but also aiding in his persuasion of his audience by allowing them to think he is an expert in the field. Through his word choice, Goodman further establishes his argument by ascribing the need for more foreign reporter not as a burden but as a challenge. This adds in the persuasion of his audience by showing them that this is a real problem and that there are people rising up to it, and so should they.

  Goodman's use of upOtoOdate references as well as connections to social media, use of statistics, and diction establish his argument of the need for more foreign reporters as well as persuading his audience of the heed to do so.



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