
发布时间:2018-07-21 17:47



phlegmatic ADJ. /冷静的;平静的;不易被激起的/calm; not easily disturbed. The nurse was a cheerful but phlegmatic person, unexcited in the face of sudden emergencies.

phobia N. /恐怖/morbid fear. Her fear of flying was more than mere nervousness; it was a real phobia.

phoenix N. /凤凰(象征不死和重生、涅磐)/symbol of immortality or rebirth. Like the legendary phoenix rising from its ashes, the city of San Francisco rose again after its destruction during the 1906 earthquake.

phylum N. /门;语群/major class of plants; primary branch of animal kingdom; division. In sorting out her hundreds of packets of seeds, Katya decided to file them by phylum.

physiological ADJ. /生理学的/pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms. To understand this disease fully, we must examine not only its physiological aspects but also its psychological elements.

picaresque ADJ. /以歹徒为题材的文学作品的/pertaining to rogues in literature. Tom Jones has been hailed as one of the best picaresque novels in the English language.

piebald ADJ. /花斑的;斑驳的/mottled; spotted. You should be able to identify Polka Dot in this race; it is the only piebald horse running.

piecemeal ADV. /一次一个的,逐个的;渐渐的;碎的/one piece at a time; gradually. Tolstoy's War and Peace is too huge to finish in one sitting; I'll have to read it piecemeal.

pied ADJ. /杂色的;斑驳的/variegated; multicolored. The Pied Piper of Hamelin got his name from the multicolored clothing he wore.

piety N. /虔诚;孝行/religious devotion; godliness. The nuns in the convent were noted for their piety; they spent their days in worship and prayer. Pious,ADJ.

pigment N. /色素/coloring matter. Van Gogh mixed various pigments with linseed oil to create his paints.

pillage V. /掠夺/plunder. The enemy pillaged the quiet village and left it in ruins.

pine V. /消瘦,憔悴;渴望;松树/languish, decline; long for, yearn. Though she tried to be happy living with Clara in the city, Heidi pined for the mountains and for her gruff but loving grandfather.

pinnacle N. /;顶点/peak. We could see the morning sunlight illuminate the pinnacle while the rest of the mountain lay in shadow.

pious ADJ. /尽职的;虔诚的/devout; religious. The challenge for church people today is how to be pious in the best sense, that is, to be devout without becoming hypocritical or sanctimonious. piety, N.

piquant ADJ. /开胃的;辛辣的;刺激的;淘气顽皮的/pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating. The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal. piquancy, N.

pique N. /愤怒;不满/irritation; resentment. She showed her pique at her loss by refusing to appear with the other contestants at the end of the competition. alsoV.

pique V. /激起,煽动;激怒/provoke or arouse; annoy. "I know something you don't know," said Lucy, trying to pique Ethel's interest.

pitfall N. /缺陷/hidden danger; concealed trap. Her parents warned young Sophie against the many pitfalls that lay in wait for her in the dangerous big city.

pithy ADJ. /精炼的;抓住灵魂的/concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty. While other girls might have gone on and on about how uncool Elton was, Liz summed it up in one pithy remark: "He's bogus!"



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