
发布时间:2018-05-23 18:03



narrative ADJ. /解说的/related to telling a story. A born teller of tales, Tillie Olsen used her impressive narrative skills to advantage in her story "I Stand Here Ironing." narrate,V.

nascent ADJ. /初生的/incipient; coming into being. If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their nascent state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years.

natty ADJ. /穿着整齐干净的/neatly or smartly dressed. Priding himself on being a natty dresser, the gangster Bugsy Siegel collected a wardrobe of imported suits and ties.

nauseate V. /令人作呕的/cause to become sick; fill with disgust. The foul smells began to nauseate him.

nautical ADJ. /航海的/pertaining to ships or navigation. The Maritime Museum contains many models of clipper ships, logbooks, anchors and many other items of a nautical nature.

navigable ADJ. /可以通航的/wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered. So much sand had built up at the bottom of the canal that the waterway was barely navigable.

nebulous ADJ. /暧昧的,混浊不清的/vague; hazy; cloudy. After twenty years, she had only a nebulous memory of her grandmother's face.

necromancy N. /巫术,妖术,招魂术/black magic; dealings with the dead. The evil sorceror performed feats of necromancy, calling on the spirits of the dead to tell the future.

nefarious ADJ. /十恶不舎的/very wicked. The villain's crimes, though various, were one and all nefarious.

negate V. /拒绝,否定,取消/cancel out; nullify; deny. A sudden surge of adrenalin can negate the effects of fatigue: there's nothing like a good shock to wake you up.

negligence N. /疏忽,没能尽力的/neglect; failure to take reasonable care. Tommy failed to put back the cover on the well after he fetched his pail of water; because of his negligence, Kitty fell in.

negligible ADJ. /可忽略不计的/so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded. Because the damage to his car had been negligible, Michael decided he wouldn't bother to report the matter to his insurance company.

nemesis N. /复仇的人;寻衅者/someone seeking revenge. Abandoned at sea in a small boat, the vengeful Captain Bligh vowed to be the nemesis of Fletcher Christian and his fellow mutineers.

neologism N. /新生词/new or newly coined word or phrase. As we invent new techniques and professions, we must also Invent neologisms such as "microcomputer" and "astronaut" to describe them.

neophyte N. /新入教者;新信徒/recent convert; beginner. This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes.

nepotism N. /偏袒的人(亲戚)/favoritism (to a relative). John left his position with the company because he felt that advancement was based on nepotism rather than ability.

nettle V. /烦恼;激怒;荨麻/annoy; vex. Do not let him nettle you with his sarcastic remarks.

neutral ADJ. /中型的;自然的;中庸的,公允的/impartial; not supporting one side over another. Reluctant to get mixed up in someone else's quarrel, Bobby tried to remain neutral, but eventually he had to take sides.

nicety N. /准确,精密/precision; minute distinction. I cannot distinguish between such niceties of reasoning.

nihilist N. /虚无主义者/one who believes traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist. In his final days, Hitler revealed himself a power-mad nihilist, ready to annihilate all of Western Europe, even to destroy Germany itself, in order that his will might prevail. The root of the word nihilist is nihil, Latin for nothing. nihilism, N


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