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Passage 1



Content Review

A case of study of the eco-tourism, Couran Cove Resort, Queensland, Australia


South Stradbroke became a separate island in 1898, Some visitors to the island arrived unexpectedly when their ships were wrecked. The Scottish Prince came to grief in 1887 without loss of life while the Cambus Wallace was wrecked near Jumpinpin in 1894. The Cambus Wallace cargo contained large quantities of dynamite which was later ignited.

Design Figures of the Resort

There are many wonderful places to visit and spaces to enjoy at Couran Cove Island Resort.

Water, Energy and Pest Control

There are some underground lack to provide water. LPG power, solar power, diesel power are all used on this island. The large number of tourist caused the short-term use of pesticide.


Questions & Answers

Questions 1-5 Choose the correct letter,A, B,Cor D.

1. What is the beginning of the Stradroke islands separating into two parts?

A. explosion of a dangerous material

B. erosion from the lack of trees

C. Construction and development of the European settlers

D. The excessive use of resources by local residence


2. Why the laundry on the Stradroke islands need to be done on the mainland?

A. save the time

B. save the energy

C. reduce the cost

D. reduce the pollution


3. What sort of energy was used to heat water for custom accommodation?

A. LPG power

B. solar power

C. wind power

D. diesel power


4. What are we told of the pest control?

A. The use of natural predators are successful

B. The use of the chemical treatment is not been considered

C. The large number of tourist caused the short-term use of pesticide

D. The small number of the pest did not affect customers


5. What is the impact of the resort to the wildlife?

A. They can hardly find food

B. The contact with people caused them ill

C. The reduction of habitant affect them

D. Some species extinct.

Questions 6-12 Complete the summary below.

Choose No MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

The Design Figures of the Resort

The only one way to get to the resort is 6. ferry service .On the Island, guests can travel on foot, by 7. bicycle or use the special transport. Guests can stay in the eco-cabins to

reduce the use of 8. air-conditioning. Verandahs were modified to protect the guests from 9. mosquitoes. Guests can check their use of water and energy simply by switching on the10. television Outside the cabins, there are 11. walkways to protect the forest land. There is also a 12. tower. which provided the best view of the landscape.

Question 13

What is the writer finally recommended?

A. It is necessary to attract tourists from further places

B. It is necessary to reduce the number of tourist

C. They need to build better accommodation

D. They need to construct more environmental friendly resorts.




Content Review

Follow your nose

---- Smell always triggers more memories than any other senses. Lanra Spinnery set up a new experiment to draw on the link to help treat psychological conditions

A There are conflicting views about "aromatherapy". Some people think it is good for our health and cure of diseases. Others insist the smell can play a role only when people

believe it. But scientists only agree on the treatment of animals.

B Rachel Herz's experiment: by perfume, one of women subjects recalls her mother. It proves smell can trigger certain memories. But it can't help us to remember details clearly.

C This is not surprising. The reason: the part of brain which controls the smell is the same one which controls the emotions.

D Confronting the different ideas, Eric Vermetten's experiment checked unreliable evidence about flashback. The conclusion is that the smell does trigger fear responses.

E Vertmetten continued to carry on another experiment: PTSD ( a kind of patients) are provided with coffee to stimulate their memories. It proves the pleasant smell is better

armed against the flashback. But nobody knows the reasons.

F Herz insists the problem of smell les in their unreliaillty. People are often tricked by smell. People tend to depend upon seeing and hearing. Oenology study by another

scientist confirms that.

G Jay Cottried and Ray Dolan's experiment: people can identily or remember sth faster when smell and proper pictures show them together. Herz holds the same ideas.

Questions & Answers

Questions 14-18 Heading

I Remembering the past more clearly

II Bring back some painful memories

I Originally an alarm signal

IV ...

V checking unrelability

VI Reinforcing one sense with another

VIl proleion ainst e-Ving the past画。


IX Conflicting views

14. Paragraph A

IX Paragraph B

IV (已给)

15. Paragraph C III

16. Paragraph D V

17. Paragraph E VII

Paragraph F ViII (已给)

18. Paragraph G VI

Questions 19-24 Matching NB

19. Bring back to brain the images of horrible events B(D段)

20. memories do not appear sharper when triggered by smell A (B段)

21. Recognize memories faster when two senses together D(G段)

22. Common senses interact under unpleasant conditions A (C段)

23. Impossible to isolate smell from visual clues C (F段最后一句)

24. Emotions can be stronger by smell than by images A (G段)

List of people

A Rachel Herz

B Eric Vermetten

C Guillaume Gentil

D Jay Gttried& Ray Dolan

Questions 25-26 multiple choice

25. According to the writer, what is the current position of aromatherapy?

A. scientists think conclusiely it will help people

B. only agree on treatment of animals (A段)

C. people who use it beleve it can play a role

D. can replace the conventional treatment

26. From Rachel Herz, why people do not depend on the sense of smell?

A. the sense of smell varies individually

B. believe more in their sight (F段)

C. too many artificial odours

D. dificult to describe the sense of smell

Passage 3



Content Review

Arts-based training for engineers

An assessment of how an effective programme is in improving the skills of communication for trainers

Aims to assess the effectiveness of arts-based learning for technical trainees.

Considers the CONNECT Program in the Engineering School of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.

Communicating with an audience is essentially a social skill, behavioral in basis, a fact that becomes all too apparent when one's audience has a divergent set of expectations.

Failing to meet an audience's expectations opens up what is called an "audience gap."

There are at least three approaches: apprential approach, demonstrative approach and another one.

Of value to anyone, particularly technical personnel and trainers, interested in closing the audience gap and learning how to communicate effectively with those with a less technical

background, be they internal or extemnal customers.

Questions & Answers

Questions 27-32 Summary

The concept behind the CONNECT programme is that the 27. G. failures of communications the engineers have experienced due to their tendency to concentrate on the technical 28. C. efficiency rather than to meet with 29. F. expectations of their audiences. This is mainly because they are focusing on the currency of their technique and ensuring that it's compiled with 30. D. regulations.

31. A

32. H

Questions 33-36 YIN/NG

33. The research shows that any one of the communication trainee has the ability to become the expert communicator.YES (para. 3)

34. The employers said they has particularly keen on choosing the one who has attended the training sessions. NOT GIVEN

35. The training has led to changes for the trainees. NO (para. 4)

36. It is studied that the graduates are too young to accept the idea of this training. NOT GIVEN

Questions 37-40

37. What did the author say in the fifth paragraph?

B. Explained how the rules of effectiveness arrive at

38. What did the author say about the activity of passing a ball of energy" in seventh paragraph?

C. The timing has been an important element to assess whether the trainers are suitable to be a communicator.

39. What did the author atribute the success of demonstrative approach to? D

40. What did the final paragraph talk about? B. Put into practice

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