
发布时间:2021-03-11 16:10

今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年3月6日雅思考试阅读真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1




1. Ultraviolet lights and a special type of __ was included in the early invention of

barcodes. ink

Silver and Woodland applied techniques of morse code and creating movie __ in theprocess. soundtracks

3. The early models of barcode was not widely applied due to the recognition device being___unreliable

4. Cheaper___made huge improvement in developing more popular barcodes.lasers

5. One of the major challenges for barcodes to be used in retails stores due to the lack of standardization

6. The _ of checkouts, fewer labour requirements and shortening inventory checking time lead to barcodes being vastly popular in retails stores. speed Nowadays barcodes are often used in other areas, including: Hospital staffs

7. Participants running.marathons

8. Scientists studying__bees


9. Woodland was invited by an owner of retail store to develop a method to check inventories and their information. False

10.UPC has made several standards for barcodes to make them easier to use and lessexpensive. True

11.Laurer disagreed that government policies should interfere with business policies. Not Given

12.Many retail stores cannot afford the new barcode system when it was first launched. Not Given

13.lt takes quite some time for customers and retails stores to gradually accept using barcodes. True

Passage 2


The Motor Car

九分达人6Test 5 Passage 2原文和题目有变动

The Motor Car

The start of the automobile's history went all the way back to 1769 when automobilesrunning on the steam engine were invented as carriers for human transport.In 1806, thefirst batch of cars powered by an internal combustion engine came into being, whichpioneered the introduction of the widespread modern petrol-fueled internal combustionengine in 1885.

lt is generally acknowledged that the first practical automobiles equipped withpetrol/gasoline-powered intemal combustion engines were invented almost at the same time by different German inventors who were working on their own. Karl Benz first built theautomobile in 1885 in Mannheim.Benz attained a patent for his invention on 29 January 1886,and in 1888, he started to produce automobiles in a company that later became therenowned Mercedes-Benz.

As this century began, the automobile industry marched into the transportation marketfor the wealth. Drivers at that time were an adventurous bunch; they would go out regardless of the weather condition even if they weren't even protected by an enclosedbody or a convertible top.Everybody in the community knew who owned what car, andcars immediately became a symbol of identity and status.Later, cars became morepopular among the public since it allowed people to travel whenever and wherever theywanted.Thus, the price of automobiles in Europe and North America kept dropping, andmore people from the middle class could afford them. This was especially attributed toHenry Ford who did two crucial things.First, he set the price as reasonable as possible forhis cars; second, he paid his employees enough salaries so that they could afford the carsmade by their very own hands.

The trend of interchangeable parts and mass production in an assembly line style hadbeen led by America, and from 1914, this concept was significantly reinforced by HenryFord.This large-scale, production-line manufacture of affordable automobiles was debuted.A Ford car would come off all assembled from the line every 15 minutes, aninterval shorter than any of the former methods. Not only did it raise productivity, but alsocut down on the requirement for manpower.Ford significantly lowered the chance of injuryby carrying out complicated safety procedures in production—particularly assigning workers to specific locations rather than giving them the freedom to wander around.Thismixture of high wages and high efficiency was known as Fordism, which provided avaluable lesson for most major industries.

The first Jeep automobile that came out as the prototype Bantam BRC was the primary light 4-wheel-drive automobile of the U.S.Army and Allies, and during World War lland the postwar period, its sale skyrocketed.Since then, plenty of Jeep derivatives withsimilar military and civilian functions have been created and kept upgraded in terms ofoverall performance in other nations.

Through all the 1950s, engine power and automobile rates grew higher, designsevolved into a more integrated and artful form, and cars were spreading globally. In the1960s, the landscape changed as Detroit was confronted with foreign competition.TheEuropean manufacturers used the latest technology, and Japan came into the picture as adedicated car-making country.General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford dabbled with radicaltiny cars such as the GM A-bodies with little success.As joint ventures such as the BritishMotor Corporation unified the market, captive imports and badge imports swept all over theUS and the UK.BMC first launched a revolutionary space-friendly Mini in 1959, whichturned out to harvest large global sales. Previously remaining under the Austin and Morrisnames,Mini later became an individual marque in 1969.The trend of corporate consolidation landed in Italy when niche makers such as Maserati, Ferrari, and Lanciawere bought by larger enterprises.By the end of the 20th century, there had been a sharpfall in the number of automobile marques.

ln the US, car performance dominated marketing, justified by the typical cases of ponycars and muscle cars. However, in the 1970s, everything changed as the American automobile industry suffered from the 1973 oil crisis, competition with Japanese and European imports, automobile emission-control regulations, and moribund innovation. Theirony in all this was that full-size sedans such as Cadillac and Lincoln scored a huge comeback between the years of economic crisis.

ln terms of technology, the most mentionable developments that postwar era had

seen were the widespread use of independent suspensions, broader application of fuelinjection, and a growing emphasis on safety in automobile design. Mazda achieved manytriumphs with its engine firstly installed in the fore-wheel, though it gained itself a reputationas a gas-guzzler.

The modern era also has witnessed a sharp elevation of fuel power in the modernengine management system with the help of the computer. Nowadays, most automobilesin use are powered by an internal combustion engine, fueled by gasoline or diesel.Toxicgas from both fuels is known to pollute the air and is responsible for climate change as wellas global warming.

Questions 14-19

Look at the following descriptions (Questions 14-19) and the list of automobilebrands below.

Match each description with the correct automobile brand,A-G.Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.14.Cars could be sold much cheaper than before.c

15. lt could provide bigger space with its unusual design. G

16.lt was produced during an otherwise unproductive period of unique design.F17. lt was not popular when produced at the time.A

18. ...improved the overall performance.

19. ....placed its wheel to the front.E

A. Motorwagen

B.Silver Ghost





G.Mini Minor

Questions 20-26

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER from the passage for

each answer: Write your answers in boxes 20-26 on your answer sheet.

20 What is the important feature owned by the modem engine since the 19th century?Petrol engine

21 What did a car symbolise to the rich at the very beginning of this century? A statussymbol

22 How long did Ford assembly line take to produce a car? About 90 minutes

23 .....?diesel engine

24 What's the negative term used to describe...Gas guzzler

25...?toxic waste

Question 26

Choose the correct letter, A.B,C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 27 on your answer sheet.26 What is the main idea of the passage?B

A The influence of the cars on the environment

B The historical development and innovation in car designsC The beginning of the modern designed gasoline enginesD The history of human and the Auto industry

Passage 3


synesthesia (mixed senses)


27 c

28 c

29 B

30 A


31 F


33 B

34 i

35 F





39 NG


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