
发布时间:2020-08-26 15:53



The key to solving environmental problems is simple: present generations must have a less comfortable life for the sake of future generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




关键词:solving environmental problems + present generation + less comfortable life





1. Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while other people think more benefits have been brought to world business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2016 /12/15)国际合作有利于环境保护还是更有利于世界贸易?

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3. More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for environment? (2018/8/24)汽车对个人的好处及对环境的坏处。

4. Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2018/4/14)政府应该让人们负责本地环境吗?

5. Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2019/6/13)个人对解决环境问题有作用吗?

6. Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger. However, others say that economic growth is damaging the environment and should be stopped. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(2019/9/7)经济发展还是环境保护?





It is well known that our present lifestyle has caused serious trouble for the environment. That is why many people suggest that we should give up our comfortable life so that the future generations will be able to enjoy a better environment. Though I think this suggestion is quite relevant, it is far from the best solution to environmental problems.

To be sure, the environment would be considerably improved if we chose to live a less comfortable life. As a matter of fact, our present lifestyle is largely responsible for many environmental problems. As more and more cars find their way into households, the exhaust gas emissions from cars have become the major culprit in the air pollution and even global warming. The cheap air travel has contributed a great deal to the consumption of nonrenewable energy. In addition, many people like to use animal products, so they never hesitate to kill wild animals, resulting in the loss of species diversity and destruction of the ecological system. Needless to say, if we drove less, traveled less, and enjoyed less, our environment would become much better.

The issue is, however, that few people would like to give up what they have already had. Once having been used to the conveniences of modern lifestyle, they may find it hard to go without them, even if for the sake of the environment. Furthermore, in most countries in the world, it would be too much to force people to adopt the simpler lifestyles of their parents and grandparents.

The key to solving environmental problems, then, does not lie in giving a mandatory order that people must live a simpler and less comfortable life, but probably in developing new technologies. Environmentally-friendly alternative energy such as solar energy ought to be widely used so that people may continue their present lifestyle but with little environmental impact. Besides, even with people living in the same lifestyle, the importance of environmental protection should be driven home to them.



It is well known that our present lifestyle has caused serious trouble for the environment. That is why many people suggest that we should give up our comfortable life so that the future generations will be able to enjoy a better environment. Though I think this suggestion is quite relevant, it is far from the best solution to environmental problems.




(2)That is why... 那就是为什么......

(3)Relevant 相关的;重要的;合适的

(4)Far from 一点也不


To be sure, the environment would be considerably improved if we chose to live a less comfortable life. As a matter of fact, our present lifestyle is largely responsible for many environmental problems. As more and more cars find their way into households, the exhaust gas emissions from cars have become the major culprit in the air pollution and even global warming. The cheap air travel has contributed a great deal to the consumption of nonrenewable energy. In addition, many people like to use animal products, so they never hesitate to kill wild animals, resulting in the loss of species diversity and destruction of the ecological system. Needless to say, if we drove less, traveled less, and enjoyed less, our environment would become much better.




(2)To be sure 当然;毫无疑问

(3)Considerably 极大地

(4)As a matter of fact 事实上

(5)Be responsible for... 对......负责;是......的原因

(6)Largely 在很大程度上

(7)Find one’s way to/into... 进入.......

(8)Culprit 罪犯;(造成后果的)原因

(9)Contribute to... 为......作贡献;有助于......

(10)Result in... 导致

(11)Species diversity 物种多样性


The issue is, however, that few people would like to give up what they have already had. Once having been used to the conveniences of modern lifestyle, they may find it hard to go without them, even if for the sake of the environment. Furthermore, in most countries in the world, it would be too much to force people to adopt the simpler lifestyles of their parents and grandparents.



(1) 本段转折过来:给出两个原因,论证强迫人们放弃舒适的生活方式很难做到。

(2) The issue is that... 问题是......

(3) For the sake of... 为了......

(4) Adopt 采纳;使用


The key to solving environmental problems, then, does not lie in giving a mandatory order that people must live a simpler and less comfortable life, but probably in developing new technologies. Environmentally-friendly alternative energy such as solar energy ought to be widely used so that people may continue their present lifestyle but with little environmentalimpact. Besides, even with people living in the same lifestyle, the importance of environmental protection should be driven home to them.




(2)Lie in 在于......

(3)Mandatory 强制性的

(4)Environmentally-friendly 环境友好的

(5)Alternative energy 替代能源

(6)Impact 冲击;影响

(7)Drive home something to somebody 让某人明白某事

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