
发布时间:2020-06-22 17:12

1 由该流程图我们可以推导出

The flowchart suggests that = The flowchart indicates that = As can be suggested from the flowchart = As can be indicated from the flowchart = As can be concluded from the flowchart = It can be suggested from the flowchart that = It can be indicated from the flowchart that = It can be concluded from the flowchart that

2 整个的过程可以分为...步

The process follows...steps = The process can be divided into...steps = The process can be divided into...stages = The process includes...steps

3 换言之

In other words = To put it like this = To put it differently = To put it from another way = To put it from another angle

4 因此

So = therefore = thus = hence = consequently = as a consequence = accordingly = as a result = because of this = as a result of this

5 明显的

Clear = obvious = evident = self-evident = manifest = apparent = crystal-clear

6 我们可以清楚地看出...

We can see clearly that = It can be seen clearly that

7 与…相比

Compared with = Compared to =In comparison with = In comparison to= By comparison with= By

comparison to

8 该柱状图展示了...的趋势

The bar chart shows trends in = The bar chart reveals trends in= The bar chart demonstrates

trends in = The bar chart depicts trends in= The bar chart illustrates trends in= The bar chart

presents trends in= The bar chart represents trends in= The bar chart describes trends in

9 该图展示了...的增长

The graph shows the increase in= The graph depicts the increase in= The graph presents the

increase in= The graph represents the increase in= The graph reveals the increase in= The graph

demonstrates the increase in= The graph illustrates the increase in= The graph describes the

increase in

10 大约

Approximately = Almost = About = Around = Nearly = Roughly

11 增长至...

Grow to = Rise to = Increase to = Go up to = Climb to = Ascend to = Jump to

12 降低至...

Dip to = Fall to = Decline to = Decrease to = Drop to = Go down to = Reduce to = Slump to = Descend to = Sink to = Slide to

13 ⼀种急剧的增长

A dramatic rise = A boom = A dramatic increase = A sharp rise = An upward trend = A sharp increase = A steep rise = A steep increase = A rapid leap = A sudden rise = A marked increase = A huge growth

14 急剧地

Dramatically = Drastically = Sharply = Hugely = Enormously = Steeply = Substantially = Considerably = Significantly = Markedly = Surprisingly = Strikingly = Radically = Remarkably = Vastly = Noticeably

15 缓慢地

Steadily = Smoothly = Slightly = Slowly = Marginally= Gradually = Moderately = Mildly

16 保持稳定

Level out = do not change = Remain stable = Remain still = Remain steady = Be stable = Maintain the same level = Remain unchanged = Be still = Remain the same level = Stay constant = Keep at the same level = Level off = Stabilize = Keep its stability = Even out

17 起伏不定

Fluctuate = Go ups and downs = Display a fluctuation = Demonstrate a fluctuation

18 与之相反

In contrast = By contrast = On the other hand = On the contrary = Conversely

19 事实上

Practically = In practice = Essentially = In essence = In reality = In effect = In fact = As a matter of fact= It is a fact that


There are four main stages in = There are four main steps in

21 如该地图所示

It is shown in the map that = It is depicted in the map that = It is demonstrated in the map that =

It is illustrated in the map that= It is presented in the map that= It is represented in the map that= It is revealed in the map that

The map gives= The map reveals= The map demonstrates= The map shows= The map depicts= The map illustrates= The map presents= The map represents= The map describes

As is shown in the map= As is depicted in the map= As is presented in the map= As is represented in the map= As is demonstrated in the map=As is revealed in the map= As is illustrated in the map

22 从...急剧地增长到...

Increase dramatically from…to…= Increase drastically from…to…= Increase sharply from…to…= Increase hugely from…to…= Increase enormously from…to…= Increase steeply from…to…= Increase substantially from…to…= Increase considerably from…to…= Increase significantly from …to…= Increase markedly from…to…=Increase surprisingly from…to…= Increase strikingly from…to…= Increase radically from…to…= Increase remarkably from…to…= Increase vastly from…to…= Increase noticeably from...to…

23 由这些数据我们可以推导出

The figures indicate = The figures suggest = It can be indicated from the figures that=It can be suggested from the figures that = It can be concluded from the figures that = As can be indicated from the figures = As can be suggested from the figures = As can be concluded from the figures = The statistics indicate = The statistics suggest = It can be indicated from the statistics that = It can be suggested from the statistics that = It can be concluded from the statistics that = As can be indicated from the statistics = As can be suggested from the statistics = As can be concluded from the statistics

24 由该表格我们可以清楚地看出...的数字发⽣生了巨大的变化

It is obvious in the table that the number of… has undergone dramatic changes=

It is clear in the table that the number of… has undergone dramatic changes=

It is apparent in the table that the number of… has undergone dramatic changes=

It is manifest in the table that the number of… has undergone dramatic changes

25 通过分析这两个图,我们可以清楚地看出

By analyzing the two charts, we can see that = By analyzing the two charts, we can see clearly that = By analyzing the two charts, we can conclude that


The first diagram shows that = The first diagram reveals that = The first diagram presents that = The first diagram represents that = The first diagram depicts that = The first diagram describes that = The first diagram demonstrates that = The first diagram illustrates that

27 该地图给出有关...的信息

The map gives information about… = The map offers information about… =The map provides information about…

The map gives information regarding…= The map offers information regarding…=The map provides information regarding…

The map gives information respecting…= The map offers information respecting…=The map provides information respecting…

The map gives information concerning…= The map offers information concerning…=The map provides information concerning…


First of all = First = In the first place = First and foremost = Firstly = Initially = To begin with = To

start with = The first step is to do something = The first stage is to do something = The first step involves = The first stage involves = The first step consists of = The first stage consists of = The first step includes = The first stage includes

29 第二步就是

Second = Secondly = Then = Next = After that = Following that = At the following stage = At the following step = At the next step = At the next stage = The next step is to do something = The next stage is to do something = The following step is to do something = The following stage is to do something

30 第三步就是/最后一步就是

Third = Thirdly = Third of all = In the third place = Last = Lastly = Last of all = In the last place = last but not least = Finally = Eventually = Ultimately = At the last stage = The last step is to do something = The last stage is to do something = The last step involves = The last stage involves = The last step consists of = The last stage consists of = The last step includes = The last stage includes

31 该表格展示了…

The table reveals = The table demonstrates = The table shows = The table depicts = The table

illustrates = The table presents = The table describes

32 占...

Comprise = Take up = Account for = Constitute = Consist of = Make up = Occupy

33 必须得关注...

It is noticeable that = It should be noted that = It must be noted that = It is to be noted that

34 从该表格中我们可以推导出…

The table suggests that= It can be concluded from the table that= It is suggested from the table

that= As is suggested from the table= As can be suggested from the table= The table indicates

that= The information shown in the table indicates that= The information shown in the table

suggests that

35 该图描述了了有关...的信息

The chart gives information about something. = The chart gives information concerning

something. = The chart gives information respecting something. = The chart gives information

regarding something.

The chart offers information about something. = The chart offers information concerning

something. = The chart offers information respecting something. = The chart offers information

regarding something.

The chart provides information about something. = The chart provides information concerning

something. = The chart provides information respecting something. = The chart provides

information regarding something.

试听预约 模考预约
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