
发布时间:2017-04-24 15:33

  雅思写作不过分,不会写,写不来?光是死记硬背是不行的!要会灵活运用写作技巧。上海雅思培训机构 的老师教你如何提高雅思写作,并且提供高分范文以供参考。



  Some people believe that a country benefits greatly when a highly percentage of young people are university educated. Others, however, believe that sending a great number of young people only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both these opinion. Give your own opinion.


  2016.6.16 雅思写作范文

  Nowadays, the general trend seems to be that more and more young people go to college and receive higher education. In china alone, for example, about 7 million out of 9.4 million high school students were accepted by universities in 2014, while only 35 years ago, only 5% high school students went to college. This rapid increase of the number of university students, though supported by almost all governments throughout the world, has given rise to doubts among some people who insist that there is close interrelationship between the large number of university graduates and the high unemployment rate.

  Obviously, as more people have access to university education, the entire country will benefit from it. For one thing, the country will be equipped with a workforce of higher quality. The specialized training these people receive at universities can help people in the country in many ways. With better doctors, people can enjoy longer lives; with more professional architects, people can live more comfortably and safely; with more skilled horticulturists, people can live in a more beautiful environment. Additionally, if universities are open to more high school students, they will face less intense academic pressure. As a result, these students can enjoy more freedom to learn things that really interest them and so they can learn them better as interest is always the best teacher.

  There are many people, however, who would link the rise of unemployment rate to the increased number of university graduates. In their viewpoint, as more and more young graduates pour into the job market, to get a job has become increasingly difficult. For example, here in China, a teaching position was rather easy to obtain 20 years ago, but now the position is open only to those with a M.A., or even Ph.D. degree.

  To my mind, it is certainly a good thing to have more people receive university education since this can upgrade the overall quality of the workforce in a country. Meanwhile, more university graduates do not naturally lead to more people losing their job. More university graduates will indeed make the competition for well-paid jobs more intense, yet they do not reduce the number of available jobs. This means some university graduates will have to do the jobs originally held by less educated people. This is not bad, since all jobs, well-paid or not so well-paid, will be done by people more qualified for them.

  (399 words)

  以上,就是 上海雅思培训机构 的老师为你带来2016年雅思写作task2大作文范文!另外,我们还提供相关的阅读,欢迎大家参考:2016年5月19日雅思写作task2大作文范文

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