
发布时间:2017-03-20 22:28


  雅思写作“旅游类”话题一直是雅思作文的宠儿,仅在 2015-2016年就出现过4次。主要涉及如下内容:




  有了电影,书籍或者互联网的宣传,旅游到一些城市去了解当地文化没有必要了。It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about their cultures. We can learn from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016/08/04)

  正方认为商业化旅游使文化受到损害,反方则认为这是保护文化的有效途径。Some think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aiming at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save such traditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.(2015/12/19)

  在国际旅行中,游客能近距离的观看国外的文化,而不是简单的恐惧和排斥。International travel makes people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit? (2015/08/13)

  许多人认为国际旅游对于他们来说是件不好的事情。 Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for them. Why do they think so? How to change their views?(2015/05/03)



  题目:Some people think that people can not benefit from international travel. Why is this case? How can people improve their understanding of other countries?


  Nowadays, life quality has been improved. Many people choose go travel abroad, but some people think that is not benefit from travel to the other counties. In my opinion, international travel is the best way to understanding other countries.

  Personally, some people think why people cannot benefit from international travel is they might never go travel abroad. Travel is my favorite thing. I have been travel to 10 countries. I met a lot interesting things for every times travel, although the country which I go there for the second time. I totally disagree people just use book or Internet to understand the other counties.

  Firstly, before I went to Singapore, I knew the official language in Singapore is English, but when I been there I found Singaporean usually speak Singlish. Singlish is the language that include English, Cantonese, Hokkien and Malay. For example they call milk tea ‘Teh’ and coffee as ‘kopi’. I haven’t known that on the book or Internet before I went to Singapore. The overseas information are very limit on the book or internet and the most book has similar content to describe a country. We have to stay their to real understanding the local customs and habits. Secondly, the process of travel is the best moment for me. I can taste the special local food and I can social with local people to know the country better. I prefer independent travel to guide tour. The time and schedule is freer for Independent travel.

  Admittedly, book and Internet are both the good way for people to understanding other counties. But real travel to the counties can know the local culture more understanding.






  Nowadays, life quality has been improved. Many people choose go travel abroad, but some people think that is not benefit from travel to the other counties. In my opinion, international travel is the best way to understanding other countries.


  Nowadays, life quality has been improved. Many people choose to travel abroad, but some people do not think they can benefit from travel to other countries. In my opinion, international travel is the best way to understand other countries.




  Both sides have benefited from the talk.


  We need people working for the benefit of the community.



  Personally, some people think why people cannot benefit from international travel is they might never go travel abroad. Travel is my favorite thing. I have been travel to 10 countries. I met a lot interesting things for every times travel, although the country which I go there for the second time. I totally disagree people just use book or Internet to understand the other counties.


  Personally, I think the reason why people think they cannot benefit from international travel is that they have never gone abroad or will never. Travel is my favorite thing. I have traveled to 10 countries. I met a lot of interesting things during my each travel, even when I went to a country for the second time. I totally disagree that people just use books or Internet to understand other countries.



  (1)句think引导的宾语从句中没有主语,正确的句型应该是the reason why... is that...;

  (2) “ I met a lot interesting things for every times travel, although the country which I go there for the second time”是比较大的表达错误,很难让人读懂,尤其是后半部分。


  Firstly, before I went to Singapore, I knew the official language in Singapore is English, but when I been there I found Singaporean usually speak Singlish. Singlish is the language that include English, Cantonese, Hokkien and Malay. For example they call milk tea ‘Teh’ and coffee as ‘kopi’. I haven’t known that on the book or Internet before I went to Singapore. The overseas information are very limit on the book or internet and the most book has similar content to describe a country. We have to stay their to real understanding the local customs and habits. Secondly, the process of travel is the best moment for me. I can taste the special local food and I can social with local people to know the country better. I prefer independent travel to guide tour. The time and schedule is freer for Independent travel.


  For example, before I went to Singapore, I thought that official language in Singapore is English, butwhen i visited this country i found Singaporean usually speak Singlish, a language that combines English, Cantonese, Hokkien and Malay. For example, they call tea‘Teh’and coffee“kopi”. I had not known that on books or Internet before I went to Singapore. The information is usually very limited on books or Internet and they often offer similar information about a country, so we have to stay in a foreign country in order to really understand the local customs and styles. In addition, when I am traveling, I can taste the special local food and I can social with local people to know the country better.




  Admittedly, book and Internet are both the good way for people to understanding other counties. But real travel to the counties can know the local culture more understanding.


  Admittedly, books and Internet are both the good ways for people to understand other countries, yet traveling to these countries in person, we will know, feel and taste their authentic culture.



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