雅思满分作文:More grandparents raising grandkids

发布时间:2015-12-25 15:31

雅思满分作文:More grandparents raising grandkids

Essay Topic:

Nowadays in many families, the grandparents are responsibe for brininging up children. Is it a good or bad development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience to support your opinion.


A growing number of grandparents are now raising their grandchildren, and typically the feeling of this role is often mixed with joy and sacrifice. Though most grandparents may be happy for the opportunity to spend so much time with one or more of their grandchildren, such later-in-life parenting is an exhausting job for those elders who can be less physically and mentally capable. It can be argued whether grandparents benefit or suffer from providing grandchild-care.

The tendency of grandparenting may be a positive development when parents are absent or unable to raise their children for whatever reason. It is understand able that bringing up grandkids brings many rewards, including the fulfillment of giving their little children a sense of security, developing a deeper relationship, and above all boosting their well-being. It is true that sometimes adults (ages 65 or older) may feel lonely or unneeded as though they are a burden; in this case the child-care responsibility is good for their self-esteem, being happily aware that they are able to take care of their grandchildren. Needles to say, grandparents are the best babysitters since they are full of that kind of devotion and affection which usually could not be offered by strangers like nanies. Experts say that a grandpa or a grandma or both who babysit report a slightly higher quality of life than their peers who do not. In general, grandparenting is a win-win-win phenomenon because it makes both working parents comfortable and little children comfortable, and themselves desirable, too. After all, who can do for their adult children as parents and their children's children what grandparents do?

However, grandparenting also comes with many challenges, referring in particular to grandparents' health concerns as well as to grandchildren's performance at school. To begin with, a study suggests that, while a moderate amount of baby-care is beneficial to physical and mental well-being, there seems to be a close link between intensive parenting and health declines. The same research shows that grandparents who raise their "grand kin" full-time tend to have elevated levels of stress that may negatively impact their well-being. At the same time, this can significant ly influence the development of their grandchildren in the school environment , who often experience severe academic and behavior al problems . It cannot fail to be seen that children brought up by their grandparents are most ly spoiled, so much so that discipline often does not exist, to say the least. In consideration of such circumstances, relying too much on grandparenting could result in negative effects on all parties involved.

In conclusion, it is a matter of circumstances in which grandparents benefit or suffer from being responsible for grandchild-care, either full-time or part-time. All this may depend on whether or not grandparents are physically and mentally fit to take the task And that will determ ine how much joy and how much sacrifice there is about grandparenting.



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