雅思口语话题库:Describe an interesting place that few people know

发布时间:2017-09-27 17:57

  本篇文章新航道雅思继续和大家分享9月-12月高频话题:Describe an interesting place that few people know.本话题,新航道雅思培训师给大家准备了两篇范文共烤鸭对比、参考!


  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it looks like

  How did you know about this place

  And explain why few people know

  To be honest, it really hard to say place which is an interesting place that few people know. And today I will talk about one of my favorite restaurants. It is actually in the suburbs of my hometown. You know, this restaurant even did not have a name. We always call it “GuiZu Grandma”. Because the owner and chefs are 5 old grandmas, and they only offer lunch

  The restaurant is on a not busy street very near to a school. It is quite a small and hectic place. From the outside, the restaurant doesn’t look very impressive and even a little bit poor. Inside there are lots of old square wooden tables, each with about four chairs around them.

  This restaurant only has several dishes, and you do not need to order the menu, just pick up what you want from the kitchen. And each of them is so delicious for me. If you go there too late, you won't get the most popular one. Whenever I was free, I'd like to go there with my friends or family to enjoy my favorite dishes.

  You know, even though it is a small restaurant, but the delicious food made everyone who has been there falling in love with it. In my mind, it should be the best restaurant in the word. However, few people know it, maybe because it didn't has a name and you know, my hometown is a small city, um, so, it cannot be a famous place.






  You should say:

  1, Where it is located

  2, Why it is interesting

  3, What you can do there 

  4、Why are few people go there

  As far as I am concerned, an interesting place generally can attract many tourists, attention. However, there are still some funny places in my country, but not so many people pay a visit. For example, an extremely interesting place I really want to share with you is my hometown. My hometown, Xin qiao, though it is an unknown place, it is actually a small, lovely and beautiful countryside of China. I do have a deep passion for my hometown.

  To my way of thinking, my hometown is interesting and is worth paying a visit. You maybe think why I think so. Now let me tell you . My hometown is labeled as Folk Painting Town of China. There are so many folk painters in my hometown. Though they are not famous, they are creative, talented. They are good at creating lots of works in their styles. It is very interesting to enjoy these characteristic works. In addition, my hometown has an ancient tradition. I can’t wait to tell you what it is. My hometown will hold Dancing Bench Dragon in Spring Festival every three years. A big village will cooperate and make a bench dragon of hundreds of sections. It is so funny and excited to see hundreds of villagers perform Dancing Bench Dragon.

Although my hometown has a lot of funny things to enjoy and play, in fact, not many people visit my hometown. In my opinion, it is possibly because it is a small village, not a big city, so the government doesn’t pay more attention to the development of my hometown. Besides, my hometown just don’t get a better promotion, so that’s why few people come to my hometown。



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