9月雅思口语话题:Describe a dream house or apartment you want to live in.

发布时间:2017-09-12 14:48

  今天上海雅思培训班 小编为大家带来的是9月雅思口语话题:Describe a dream house or apartment you want to live in.

  Describe a dream house or apartment you want to live in

  You should say:

  Where this piace is

  What it is like

  Wen you want to live in there

  And explain why want to live in such a place.



  Okay, so in an ideal world - I’d probably choose a house – because I think it has more options than an apartment – and it’d probably be located near water somewhere, at the beach for example.

  It wouldn’t have to be massive(这个房子不用很大) – like a mansion(n. 大厦) – or anything like that - but it would be spacious(adj. 宽敞的,可以替代大家常说的large) all the same – with lots of room.

  So, it’d be close to the beach overlooking(if a house overlooks something,it has a view of it,usually from above) the ocean – and with a deck out front so you could sit outside - relax - and hear the ocean. On the deck I’d probably havehammock(n. 吊床) so I could have a siesta([sɪ'estə] n. 午间小憩 ) in the afternoon or just chill out whenever I felt like it – maybe I’d string it up between two big palm trees - so there’d be some shade.

  Then, from the deck going into the house there’d be big glass sliding doors(n. 滑动门) - so you could enjoy the view from inside as well if you wanted.

  The house would have a nice big kitchen for cooking and preparing meals and also for socializing(社交) – and also a nice space for relaxing with a big screen TV and a huge couch to lie on.

  I guess it might be a two storey house(一个两层的房子) because then there could be a balcony on the second floor as well which would give you the chance to sit outside with a different view – being higher up - and of course some bedrooms - and maybe a space I would use for an office or something like that.

  It’d probably be built from wood so that it would have a nice natural feel (有一种大自然的感觉)to it - a kind of rustic(adj. 乡村的) environment - but with all modern appliances installed - I suppose it would be a bit of a mix between nature and technology – with plenty of big plants and good ventilation(n. 通风).

  If I was going to build the house - then I guess it would be in a place where there weren’t any other houses – or not right next door - so it would be a littleremote(adj. 偏远的) – but within easy travelling distance of a town or city – you know - so you could still get everything you need easily – but live someplace nice and quiet and tranquil(adj. 宁静的,指的是pleasantly quiet and peaceful).


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