Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

发布时间:2017-08-29 15:00

  雅思口语Part2话题:Describe a time you moved to a new home or school.搬家、转学。




  I am going to talk about the first time I went to my college.

  It was 12 years ago that I graduated from high school and entered college. Because I did not do well in the college entrance exam, I could only apply for a university up north in China. And I could still remember what that day was like. It went like this.

  I arrived at my dormitory quite early in the morning with all my luggage. Surprisingly, all of my roommates have arrived before me and they were all busy making beds or cleaning the dorm, so we just briefly introduced each other.

  At noon, I suggested that we have lunch together and my suggestion was supported by them. Since we were just college boys, we did not have that much money to go to any fancy restaurant. Instead, we went to the dinning hall in our school where the food was awful and the decoration was rather thrifty, but I would say it was the most unforgettable meal I had during my college years.

  During the meal, we got to introduce each other in details. The six of us found that we came from 4 different provinces ranging from the northernmost to the southernmost where the cultures and lifestyles are strikingly different. The conversation just went on and on.

  Before we even noticed it, it was dinner time. So we ordered another round of food and continued.

  That night, lying on our bed, we envisaged our college years and our future. We all had our dreams and ambitions. Those were the days of ideals. But unfortunately, through the years, some of us failed to stick to their faith and went astray.

  To be 100% honest, I miss those days.



  When I arrived in Northern California at the age of ten with my parents and younger two brothers, we were excited about being in America but apprehensive about our how our classmates would react to us in the new school.

  My earliest memories of starting school in the 4th grade were not having to wear uniforms like we did in my hometown, not having to stand up when speaking in class, and not having a regular morning assembly every morning prior to school starting.

  I welcomed the slightly relaxed curriculum, reading fun fiction titles in class and not having semester finals in elementary school.

  The challenges I found were as expected-not understanding the cultural context of what was happening in the classroom or references to American sports, entertainment, history and even holidays.

  It was also difficult fitting in and making friends initially in a close-knit school, where kids had grown up together since pre-school.

  Most of my classmates ignored me in the beginning. I found it difficult to engage in team sports activities or find lunchtime friends to visit with. Yes, there was some bullying, as well, about my mismatched, out-of-fashion clothes, my military-ready haircut, and even my accent, but I tried to take that all with good humor!

  While I recall eating lunch in solitude for several weeks and attending English as a Second Language classes trying to get accustomed to my new life in America, I did manage to make friends over the course of the school year and fit in. I even started getting invitations to birthday parties by the end of the year.



  Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

  You should say:

  When did you move

  Where did you move

  Why did you move

  How did you feel about the moving

  I would like to talk about a time I moved to a new apartment when I was in college in the United States. I have a very clear memory of it because it was the first time that I moved without the help of my parents. It was about five years ago, and I decided to move to a new apartment at that timebecause my old apartment raised the rent by a large margin, and I couldn’t afford it anymore. At first, I thought that this would not be a very difficult task because of my lack of experience at moving, so you know, I didn’t call anybody to help me. But it turned out that I made a terrible, terrible mistake. It took me almost a whole day to just clean my home and pack up everything, and I never realized that I had so much stuff in my home. I had loads of laundry and stacks of books, all of which I had to carry all by myself. What’s even worse was that I lived on the second floor and I had tocarry all the heavy furniture through the stairs. I remember I almost broke my back on that day trying to drag my mattress onto the moving van. And when the job was finally finished, I looked like I just came out of a swimming pool. All my clothes were completely soaked by my sweat, and I felt like I didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger anymore. Still, after two days of hard work, the moving was finally complete. Even though I was exhausted, I still felt very happy that I moved into a new home all by myself for the first time.






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