雅思口语话题库:Describe a special meal that you have had

发布时间:2017-05-31 19:15

  雅思口语话题库:Describe a special meal that you have had.以下是新航道整理的两篇范文,一起来看一下吧!


  I’d like to talk about a dish in Japan. Usually, speaking of Japanese cuisine, we always think of sushi or sashimi, something like that, but what I’m going to talk about is totally different, and maybe it will blow your mind, ‘cause the main ingredient of the dish is freshly shitted human waste.

  I first heard of it on Weibo, you know, the Chinese version of Twitter, and I was shocked! At first I thought it was just a twisted joke, but it turned out this kind of stuff really exists in Japan! And it’s not something that ordinary people could eat. According to the locals, you need to make a reservation at least half a year in advance. First, you need to pick a girl from a list, sign a contract with her, and decide which kind of flavor you want the poop to taste like, you can choose any flavor you want, let’s say, you prefer watermelon. From that day on, the girl you picked would eat vegetables, and only vegetables for two months, and after that, she would have to eat, and only eat watermelon three meals day. Half a year later, you and this girl would meet in a fancy restaurant. She would sit on a chair with a hole in the middle, and you can enjoy your “special meal” while it is still hot.

  You might wonder what kind of freak would do something revolting / disgusting / ridiculous like that, and to be honest, I’m curious as well.

  And another thing I have to mention is that this kind of dish is outrageously expensive. Believe it or not, they charge at least 500,000 RMB for one meal. So you see, it’s not like I’m going to eat it for real, I just want to try it to satisfy my curiosity.



  I had many meals and I took part in many celebrations and parties and among them the meal I had with my teachers and classmates in my high school was a very important one and I still remember it.

  I had the meal at our school community center. The meal was thrown as part of the fare-well of our batch from the high school. The party was help in the evening and our teachers, classmates and some of the members of the school committee as well as our guardians were present. My father was present with me and he was sitting next to me in the meal.

  This was a special meal because this was the last meal I had with my classmates who had been my friend for more than 4 years. I was bit sad to admit to myself that I won’t see most of them in my life again and I was happy that I had such a good memory about my school, teachers and friends.

  There was a short speech by 2-3 of our teachers and by 2-3 guardians and after that the meal was served. Many items were served in the feast and we all ate voraciously as we were hungry. I enjoyed the desert very much. I returned home at late night with my father and started feeling that I will never forget this event and the good meal I had with my teachers and friends whom I might not meet again.




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