雅思口语:Describe a person who once moved to live with you

发布时间:2017-05-27 17:10

  雅思口语话题题库之雅思口语part2范文-Describe a person who once moved to live with you

  You should say:

  when and where this person moved in

  how you know this person

  how you got along with this person

  and how you feel about living with this person.


  The person I would like to talk about who moved in with me is my coworker. She moved in with me at the end of last month, which was 30th of April.She will be stay with me temporarily until she finds herself a satisfied place. She just got a job here so she moved back from Beijing and tend to start a career in our hometown. It is not that easy to find a apartment to rent compare to Beijing. So I let her stay with me this month. I felt happier after she moved in. Before I was all alone by myself, eating randomly at some restaurants, going to bed and struggling to get up and go to work. Since she moved in, we had meals together. She is an execellent cook. We watch movies together and have some girl talks. So I might be a little sad if she moved out.



  Well, I once lived with a good friend when I was just graduated from university and rented an apartment with two bedrooms just near where I worked. He was a good guy and got alone well with me since we knew each other in the school. He asked if I would like to live with him so that we could share the rent and I thought it would be perfect to live with him because we were good friends and trusted each other.

  He found me firstly when he needed some players in his team to attend the school football league in the university. And we found some more hobbies in common such as travelling and photography, so we became good friends and spent lots of time together.

  We worked in the different companies so we had lots of working experiences to share at home, and he was a good cook too, so I could enjoy delicious food when back home at night. And we agreed to tidy up the room in turn so that our apartment was always clean. So I think living with him is quite enjoyable because we could share lots of things together, but did not have to worry about bothering each other in the daily life.


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