雅思口语Part2话题:A mistake that you once made

发布时间:2017-05-27 14:51

  雅思口语Part2话题:Describe a mistake that you once made


  You should say:

  what this mistake is

  when you made this mistake

  what the result of this mistake were

  and explain what you learned from this mistake

  This topic reminds me of an embarrassing mistake that took place in middle school. To say I’m not great with directions would be an understatement. I was as lost as a babe in the woods, but thankfully, my neighbor Paul, saved my bacon.

  I went to the local botanical garden to see an exhibition that day. The exhibition was great, and I saw many precious species and learned a great deal. However, when I decided to go home, I found myself get lost in the vast garden and thick crowd. To make this mistake worse, I lost my map with no cellphone at the early age. I tried to ask for others’ help, but I could not remember which exit I should go to.

  Luckily, my neighbor Paul who also went to the exhibition that day encountered me. It was a bit of a shock to run into my neighbor when I least expected to see him. I’m so grateful for his timely arrival, because I don’t know how I would have found my way without him. Actually he was ready to go home, too. So I followed him, and finally found the right direction.

  After chatting with him along the way back home, as an older brother, he told me that remembering the place name and landmark was the key to find the right direction. Maybe I was so frightened that I almost forgot every detail on my original route. Several years have passed away, I am confident enough to say that I could never make such a stupid mistake again mainly because bringing along a 4G smart phone with GPS is much easier to get used to rather than carrying a traditional paper map.

  这个暑期来新航道上海雅思辅导班 ,我们给你!

  Describe a mistake that you once made.

  You should say:

  What the mistake was

  When, where you made it

  Who was with you

  and how the mistake affected you

  The most embarrassing(尴尬的) mistake I made in my life was that I went to school without my books. I was studying really hard all night, actually I was pulling an all-nighter, and I forgot to bring my books to school. As I was sitting in the class my math teacher asked all the students to take their books out , and as the students were taking their book out the principal entered the class.

  I put my hand in the bag and I realized that I had forgotten the books at home. Everyone in the class had brought the books and I was the only one who had not brought the books. Principal approached me and asked me that why had I not brought the books? I told him that I was studying late, so I forgot the books in house. He said that to me that the only reason you have to study at home is that you do not bring your books to school and you do not study over here. At that moment, I even felt like crying. The entire class started laughing at me and I was the new dumbo of the class.

  I do not think that we can avoid(避免) these mistakes in our life. They are beyond our control as in my situation(情况) my hard work for the night was not acclaimed and a slightest(轻微的) mistake just turned out to be a blunder(粗心导致的错误) and I had to face embarrassment in front of the whole class. Some people say that we can avoid certain things to avoid these incidents(小插曲), but I do not think in a similar way. But anyway, we need to be careful and make as few mistakes as possible.



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