雅思口语范文:Describe a short vacation that you were impressed

发布时间:2017-05-17 17:42

  Describe a short vacation that you were impressed短暂假期。关于此雅思口语part2话题,你可以从以下这几点说:

  Where you went

  Who you went with What you did

  And explain why this was an impressive vacation

雅思口语范文:Describe a short vacation that you were impressed


  Speaking of a short vacation I had,I'd like to describe my trip to Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. I went there in early May, a week before Mother's Day, and I went there with my mom and my auntie, because I wanted to celebrate the Mother's Day with them inThailand.

  As for what we did when we were in Bangkok, we had a great time shopping around and touring around when we are there, I have to say shopping was a must for our everyday schedule, because Bangkok is a paradise of shopping and all the things are cheaper than in Hong Kong. For example, we bought a lot of handicrafts made of wood at a pretty reasonable price, while these stuff are super pricey in Hong Kong.

  Besides,we bought countless high quality aroma oil and snacks made from local fruits in Bangkok, not just for the reasonable price but also for the great qualities of goods.

  Another thing I want to mention about our trip to Bangkok is sight-seeing. I have to say, Bangkok is an amazing place for tourists, since Bangkok can meet all your expectations. During our trip,we went to several tourists spots for sight-seeing, such as the floating market, where you can experience the way of 1ife of local Thai people, and the WatPoh, you know, the sleeping Buddha temple, where you can learn how loyal Thai people are to Buddha. Apart from sight-seeing, we also tried tons of stall food in Thailand, which was also a wonderful attempt. For example, we stopped by a fruit store called MaeVaree,and I think they offered the best mango sticky rice in Thailand after I tried it, the rice were chewy and mangoes were sweet and creamy, which was to my appetite.

  And now let me explain how I felt after this trip.I think it was of great joy to travel with my mom and auntie after a long time we didn't see each other, and as they told me, they had a great time there, too.

  Another thing that was impressive to me is the shopping I had in Thailand, I bought nearly everything that I want there, especially the two colognes1got from Jo Malone, one of the most renowned cologne grand. So, the trip to Bangkok was the most impressive vacation1had.


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