Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future

发布时间:2017-05-02 20:10

  雅思口语part2高频范文:Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future。新航道雅思给大家分享了4篇范文,共烤鸭参考!

  Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future.

  You should say:

  what this law would be about

  how this law will take effects

  why it is important to have this law


  and what changes will happen because of this law.Well, you know, the city of Beijing has become infamous for its heavy smog, which is thought to lead to widespread illness and discomfort. And the main pollution sources are thought to be the surrounding chemical and steel plants in the neighbouring provinces. Therefore, I hope that there would be some environmental law introduced by government to close or move these factories to other remote areas.

  Beijing had been badly polluted by the toxic industrial exhaust and chemicals, making the whole city unliveable. So I feel that the strict pollution control policy can force the coal-fired power plants and factories to close in the future, and petrol quality has been improved as well. Therefore, though pollution might still persist for a long time in Beijing, we could enjoy more fresh air in the city.

  If the air-quality degradation is under control, I believe that we will have more blue sky and white cloud. And I would have more opportunities to do outdoor activities with my child to enjoy the warm sunshine and clean air. Besides, there will be much less patients suffering from respiratory related diseases in the hospitals.



  I hope someday the government could implement/enforce a law which forbids people littering at tourist sites, especially on the beach.

  The law should be like this, if someone is caught in the act of throwing away/dumping garbage at tourist sites, he or she would be seriously punished, like being put to prison for a month or fined a huge amount of money or sent away to do social service for a year. Actually I’m sure everyone knows that it’s not right to litter in public places, but right now all they get is a slap on the wrist, like a warning or something, so no one would take it seriously.

  I believe this law is necessary because littering has an outrageously negative effect on our environment. Needless to say, the beauty and attraction of the sites are seriously damaged. The piles or scattering of garbage is truly an eyesore and can ruin everyone’s mood. And also, the trash is a safety hazard for creatures living in the coastal area. For example, if tourists throw away plastic bags into the ocean, they can pose a deadly threat to those marine animals like turtles or fish that would be trapped or choked to death. I’ve heard of lots of news about tragedies like these on TV and the Internet. And the pieces from broken glass bottles can easily cut people’s feet while tourists are walking on the beach barefoot.

  If this law can really be enforced, I’m pretty positive that the environment around the tourist sites can be dramatically improved and people would definitely have a better travel experience.



  Well, you know, the city of Beijing has become infamous for its heavy smog, which is thought to lead to widespread illness and discomfort. And the main pollution sources are thought to be the surrounding chemical and steel plants in the neighbouring provinces. Therefore, I hope that there would be some environmental law introduced by government to close or move these factories to other remote areas.

  Beijing had been badly polluted by the toxic industrial exhaust and chemicals, making the whole city unliveable. So I feel that the strict pollution control policy can force the coal-fired power plants and factories to close in the future, and petrol quality has been improved as well. Therefore, though pollution might still persist for a long time in Beijing, we could enjoy more fresh air in the city.

  If the air-quality degradation is under control, I believe that we will have more blue sky and white cloud. And I would have more opportunities to do outdoor activities with my child to enjoy the warm sunshine and clean air. Besides, there will be much less patients suffering from respiratory related diseases in the hospitals.



  Ok right then, well after racking my brains for a bit just now, I think the environmental law I would like to seeimplemented in the future some time would be that every building must be fitted with solar panels, because I think if this was done, then it would reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy, thereby benefitting the environment.

  And I admit this idea might seem a little outlandish at present, but in the not-too-distant future, I think it will be quite feasible. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, many homes around the world are already being fitted with solar panels. So I think it would be a huge step in the right direction for this to be made into a law.

  And one of the biggest consequences would be that considerably less fossil fuels will be used for power generation, which will have a very positive impact on the environment, as I’m sure you’d agree, cos I mean, solar power is a far cleaner way of generating electricity than using fossil fuels. And whether we like it or not, fossil fuels are gonna soon run out, so it’s in all of our interests that we start promoting the use of solar power on a much wider scale, which this law would do.

  So yeah, that’s pretty much it. Thanks for listening!


  racking my brains - 绞尽脑汁

  implement – put into effect, 实施

  Solar panels - 太阳电池板

  Outlandish - 荒诞不经

  Feasible - 可行的

  A step in the right direction -是向正确方向迈进的一步

  fossil fuels -化石燃料

  power generation -发电

  it’s in all of our interests - 这符合我们每个人的利益

  Other possible future environmental law:

  Transportation must be either hybrid (petrol + electricity combination) or completely electric-powered


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