雅思口语Part2范文:Describe the member of your family who is successful.

发布时间:2016-12-17 20:42


  雅思口语Part2范文:Describe the member of your family who is the most successful.烤鸭们,你怎么作答?更多雅思口语及雅思口语话题范文,请下载:《9分达人雅思口语真题还原及解析》。

  关注12月份雅思口语话题的同学,请:2016年12月份雅思口语预测-Part 22016年12月份雅思口语预测发布-Part1


  雅思口语part2作文:描述你的家庭成员谁是最成功的。Describe the member of your family who is the most successful.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how often you see each other

  what this person does

  and explain why he/she is successful.


  I think that the person who is the most successful in my family would be my father. I think also that the answer to the question ‘Who is the most successful person in your family?’ basically depends on what you think ‘success’ means, so, my answer is in the context of working life, rather than personal life. And that's why I've chosen my dad. He has a job that is rewarding. He feels like he's accomplishing something, that is obviously personally and professionally satisfying, but he also feels like he's contributing to society in a positive way, which is a quality that a lot of jobs these days seem to lack and is something that I gauge success on.

  It's a bit hard to explain exactly what he does, but basically he works for a charitable organisation that runs retirement homes for old people, especially old people who haven't got much money. It's a management job, but working in a context which is really worthwhile.

  His success is due to a lot of different things basically ... finding the right job for him, one that suited him and his personality as well as his qualifications, and the goals that he wants to reach in his working life. But he's also just worked hard over a lot of years, which means that it's more likely that he'll be successful, I guess, if success comes from hard work, which it often does.

  I see my dad very regularly, about once a week. We often eat breakfast together before we go to our respective workplaces, so, yes, I think that I'd have to say he was the most successful because he enjoys what he does, as well as making a decent living out of it and I admire that in him. I think that in a work context this is what success means.

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