
发布时间:2017-02-13 20:20


  1. important - significant, essential, vital, crucial 重要的

  2. necessary - indispensable, compulsory 必要的

  3. main - major 主要的

  4. big - large, huge, giant 大的

  5. basic - elementary, fundamental 基础的

  6. enough - sufficient, abundant 足够的

  7. correct - accurate 准确的

  8. expensive - costly, pricey 贵的

  9.cheap - cost effective, economical, inexpensive 便宜的

  10. useful - beneficial, advantageous, rewarding 有益的

  11. obvious - clear, evident, apparent 明显的

  12. attractive - appealing 有吸引力的

  13. fashionable - trendy, stylish 时尚的

  14. special - particular, unusual, extraordinary 特别的

  15. complex - complicated 复杂的

  16. historic - time-honored 历史悠久的

  17. traditional - conventional 传统的

  18. interesting - funny, amusing, entertaining 有趣的

  19. boring - dull, tedious 无聊的

  20. hard - difficult, challenging 困难的

  21. close - intimate 亲密的

  22. beautiful - gorgeous 漂亮的

  23. smart - clever, intelligent, wise, brainy 聪明的

  24. hardworking - industrious, diligent 勤奋的

  25. creative - innovative 有创造力的

  26. humorous - hilarious 滑稽的

  27. reliable - trustworthy 可靠的

  28. famous - renowned, well-known 的

  29. delicious - tasty, appetizing, mouthwatering 美味的

  30. memorable - unforgettable 难忘的

  31. happy - joyful, cheerful, pleasant, enjoyable 使人高兴的

  32. happy - delighted, glad, pleased 高兴的

  33. satisfied - contented 满足的

  34. upset - gloomy, frustrated 沮丧的

  35. angry - irritated 生气的

  36. scared - frightened 被吓到的

  37. surprised - shocked, astonished 吃惊的

  38. tired - exhausted 疲惫的

  39. on time - punctual 准时的

  40. want - expect, intend 想

  41. think - suppose, hold the opinion that 认为

  42. like - enjoy, love, adore 喜欢

  43. take much interest in - be fond of, be keen on 感兴趣

  44. dislike - hate, loathe 不喜欢

  45. increase - rise, go up, ascend 上升

  46. decline - drop, fall, descend 下降

  47. relax - loosen up, unwind 放松

  48. happen - occur, take place 发生

  49. wonder - feel curious about 想知道

  50. research - investigate, look into 调查

  51. start - begin 开始

  52. choose - select 选择

  53. decide - determine 决定

  54. join - take part in, participate in 参与

  55. cause - lead to, contribute to, result in, bring about 导致

  56. have enough of - be fed up with, be tired / sick of 受够了

  57. change - alter, convert 改变

  58. replace - substitute 替代

  59. appear - show up 出现

  60. disappear - vanish 消失

  61. deal with - cope with, tackle, handle 处理

  62. contact - keep in touch with 联系

  63. encourage - inspire, motivate, stimulate, cheer up 鼓励

  64. evaluate - estimate, assess 评估

  65. ensure - guarantee 保证

  66. finish - complete, accomplish 完成

  67. put off - postpone 推迟

  68. admire - respect, worship, look up to 崇拜

  69. envy - feel jealous of 羡慕

  70. praise - speak highly of 赞赏

  71. criticize - blame 批评

  72. punish - penalize 惩罚

  73. limit - restrict 限制

  74. forbid - ban, prohibit 禁止

  75. allow – permit 允许

  76. buy - purchase 购买

  77. have - own, possess 拥有

  78. look after - take care of 照顾

  79. represent - symbolize 代表

  80. express - convey 表达

  81. claim - declare 宣称

  82. show - indicate, reveal, demonstrate, illustrate 表现

  83. review - revise, go over 复习

  84. build - construct 修建

  85. tear down - demolish 拆除

  86. protect - preserve, conserve 保护

  87. remove - clear up, eliminate 消除

  88. focus - concentrate 全神贯注

  89. ignore - neglect 忽略

  90. men - males 男性

  91. women - females 女性

  92. city - urban area 城市

  93. countryside - village, rural area 农村

  94. city center - downtown 市中心

  95. suburb - outskirt 郊区

  96. neighborhood - community 小区

  97. view - scenery 风景

  98. company – corporation, enterprise 公司

  99. product - commodity, merchandise 产品

  100. equipment - facility, device 设备

  101. job - vocation, profession, occupation, career 职业

  102. advantage - benefit, merit, pro, strength 优势

  103. disadvantage - drawback, demerit, con, weakness 缺点

  104. choice - option 选择

  105. goal - aim, target 目标

  106. task - assignment, mission 任务

  107. chance - opportunity 机会

  108. problem - obstacle, barrier 问题

  109. effect - influence, impact 影响

  110. stress - pressure 压力

  111. mistake - error, flaw 错误

  112. way - method, approach 方法

  113. advice - suggestion 建议

  114. success - achievement, accomplishment 成功

  115. competition - contest 比赛

  116. rival - component 对手

  117. prize - award 奖品

  118. holiday - vacation 假期

  119. car - automobile 汽车

  120. article - essay 文章

  121. novel - fiction 小说

  122. advertisement - commercial 商业广告

  123. character - personality 性格

  124. talent - gift 天赋

  125. feeling - emotion 情绪

  126. tradition - convention, custom 传统

  127. really - quite, pretty, extremely 非常

  128. sharply - dramatically, considerably 急剧地

  129. steadily - smoothly, slightly 平稳地

  130. completely - entirely, utterly 完全地

  131. on purpose - deliberately 故意地

  132. by chance - accidentally 偶然地

  133. in advance - ahead of time, ahead of schedule 提前

  134. often - frequently, on a regular basis 经常

  135. usually - generally, mostly, normally 通常

  136. hardly - barely, seldom 几乎不

  137. at present - currently, in modern society 目前

  138. at the same time - simultaneously 同时

  139. at first - in the beginning, initially 起初

  140. finally - eventually, at last, in the end 最终

  141. first of all - to start with 首先

  142. besides - in addition, furthermore, apart from that 除此之外

  143. oppositely - on the contrary, by contrast 与之相反

  144. so - therefore, consequently, as a result 因此

  145. more and more - increasing, a growing number of 更多的

  146. most - majority of 大多数

  147. many - a great number of, plenty of, enormous 很多

  148. much - a large sum of, a great deal of 很多








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