
发布时间:2017-03-14 16:18














  谈话场景 :关于某一郊区建设的访谈 人物关系 :主持人与市政议员
谈话话题 :探讨改进 Red Hill 郊区的计划



  1. 本文是一个采访节目,节目组是 Your City Today,而被采访者是来自市政议会的一名议员 Graham Campbell。With me today is Graham Campbell, a councilor from the city council. 此句是倒装句,将介词 with 置于句首,主语放在句首,a councilor 是主语的同位语。

  2. 每个采访节目都会有相应的主题。He (Graham) will be telling us about the plan to improve the fast-growing suburb of Red Hill.(此次节目的主题则是如何改善红山区正在蓬勃发展的 郊区的计划。)plan 在此处是名词,意为“计划”;也可作动词,用法为 plan to do sth.“计划、 打算做某事”,可与 intend to do sth. / tend to do sth. / be about to do sth. / attempt to 等替 换使用。

  3. 经济发展自然会带来很多问题,但是 Graham 表态 we’ve tried to address some of the con- cerns that local groups told us about.(我们已经竭尽全力去应对那些本地组织向我们反映 的一些问题。)address 在此处为动词,意为“应付,处理”;address 也可以表示“发表演讲; 称呼...为(as);写地址”等其他意思,当然我们最为熟悉可能还是 address 作名词表示“地 址 ;演说”的意思。

  4. 当地人最关心的是哪些问题呢? People we’ve heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area, and, in particular, the increasing speed of cars near school.(人们主要关心的是 此地的交通问题,尤其是轿车在学校附近根本不减速,反而越来越快。)hear from 意思是“接 到...来信”;注意区分其与 hear of(听说)意义上的不同。in particular 意为“尤其、特别”, 与 particularly 同义。

  5. 学校附近的交通情况如此之差,那么 it is only a matter of time before there is an accident(事故何时发生,这只是一个时间问题而已)。amatterof意为“(关于...的)问题”,如:amatter of money“只是金钱问题”。as a lot of the children walk to the school(因为许多的 孩子都是步行上学),as 在此处是从句引导词,表示“因为”,如 :As she has been ill per- haps she’ll need some help. walk to the school(步行去学校),walk 在此处是动词,其他类

  似 用 法 还 有:walkhome(步行回家),walktowork(步行去上班)等。

  6. 人们除了关心该地的交通问题之外,他们还关注另一个问题(another area of concern is the overhead power lines),即头顶上的电线。前面提到过人们关心的一个问题,那么另 一个问题则用 another 引出。one...the other...(一个...另一个,暗示只有两个);one... another...(一个...另一个,暗示不止两个)。

  7. 关于电线的问题,市政议员说 I am happy to report that the power company have agreed to move the power lines underground at cost of $800,000(我很高兴地告诉大家,电力公司 已经同意耗资 800,000 美元,将这些电线转移到地下)。I am happy to do sth. 意为“很高 兴做某事”;表达相反的意思用 I am sorry to do sth. 意为“很遗憾做某事”。另外,at the cost of 意为“以...为代价,造价”。

  8. 这 800,000 美元可不是一个小数目,对当地经济是不是会产生影响呢?幸而电力公司同意 承担这些费用。This is wonderful news as the council now has some extra funds for us to put into other things like tree planting and art work.(这可是一个天大的因为议会可以 将这些额外的资金投入到植树或艺术工作之中。)as 在此处用作从句引导词,表示“因为”。

  9. 电线问题得到了解决,但是交通问题也应该采取相应的措施。In order to address the traf- fic problems, the pavements on the corner of Carberry and Thomas Street will be widened(. 为 了解决交通问题,将会加宽 Carberry 与 Thomas 街道拐角处的人行道。)in order to 这个 短语表示目的,有时可直接用 to 或者 so as to 来表示同样的意思。

  10. 除了加宽人行道之外,we think it’s very important to separate the local residential streets from the main road(市议会认为将住宅区旁的街道与主干道分开也很重要)。it is impor- tant to do sth. 意为“做某事很重要”,it 只是形式主语,不定式 to 引导的短语才是真正的 主语。

  11.One way of making sure that the pedestrians are safe is to increase signage at the intersec- tions.(确保行人安全的方法之一是增加十字路口的标志。)此句的主干成分是 One way is to increase...。a way of doing sth. 意为“做某事的方式”,way 后也可接不定式 :a way to do sth.。make sure 意为“确定、设法确保”,后接 that 引导从句。

  12. A“keep clear”sign will be erected at the junction of Evelyn Street and Hill Street, to enable traffic to exit at all times。keep clear 意为“让路”,此处个 to 表目的,相当于 in order to ;enable...to... 意为“使可能,使可行”。

  13. Something we’re planning to do to help control the flow of traffic in the area is to install traffic lights half way down Hill Street where it crosses Days Road.(为了控制交通量我们计 划去做一些事情,如在 Hill Street 的中点,即与 Days Road 相交处安装交通灯。)此句的 主干为 something is to install traffic lights...。

  14.Finally, we’ve agreed to build a new children’s playground which will be at the other end of Hill Street close to the intersection with Carberry Street.(最后,我们已统一意见,在 Hill Street 邻近 Carberry Street 十字路口的尽头为孩子们建一个游乐场。)在此句中 which 引 导定语从句,修饰 playground。




  Question 11 答案 A

  听前预测 :定位词为 community groups、concerned。

  题目解析 :本题考查考生一定的理解能力,文章开头双方先简单问候,紧接着直接进入主题, community consultation for the new plan(针对新计划的社区征询建议)。People we’ve heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area, and, in particular, the increasing speed of cars near schools. They feel that it is only a matter of time before there is an accident as a lot of the children walk to the school.(人们最担心的是本区域的交通问题,特别是学校附近汽车数量的 增加,出现交通事故只是时间的问题,因为很多孩子是走着上学的。)其中 accident、walk to the school 与选项 A 中的 pedestrian safety(行人的安全)属于同义替换。

  Question 12 答案 B

  听前预测 :定位词为 overhead power lines。

  题目解析 :本题不难定位。文中说 :Another area of concern is the overhead power lines.(另 一个担忧是头顶上的电线问题。)I’m happy to report that the power company have agreed to move the power lines underground at a cost of $800,000.(我很高兴的通知大家,电力公司已经 同意花费 $800,000 将电线移到地下了。)underground 对应选项 B 中的 buried(埋入)。

  Question 13 答案 B

  听前预测 :定位词为 expenses、power lines。

  题目解析 :本题的核心在于谁负责这笔花费。文中说 the power company have agreed to bear the cost of this themselves after a lot of discussion with the council.(经过与市政府的多次协商, 电力公司已经同意自行承担这笔费用了。)bear the cost themselves 意为“自行承担费用”。本 题还要注意 C 选项的干扰。

  Questions 14-20

  听前预测 :本题为选择式地图题,听前需注意以下几点 :

  (1)扫描街道名称,提前看清各个建 筑与街道的关系,如本文主要有 Evelyn Street、Hill Street、Carberry Street、Thomas Street、 Days Road 等 ;

  (2)看清建筑物的名称,如本文中的 supermarket ;

  (3)提前扫描选项,并预 测其发音。此外,还要特别注意按照题号顺序做题。

  Question 14 答案 C

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,根据 ...we’ll plant mature pine trees to provide shelter and shade just to the right of the supermarket in Days Road 定位于 supermarket,搞清楚方向 the right, 核心词为 mature pine trees,所以选 C。

  Question 15 答案 D

  题目解析 :文中原句为 the pavements on the corner of Carberry and Thomas Street will be widened。 根据 pavements 和 widened 定位,用方向词 on the corner of(为在...角落)解题,故本题答案 为 D。

  Question 16 答案 G

  题目解析 :文中说 So the roadway at the entry to Thomas Street from Days Road will be painted red,根据 painted red 定位,用方向词 at the entry(在...入口)解题,故本题答案为 G。

  Question 17 答案 B

  题目解析 :文中说 A‘keep clear’ sign will be erected at the junction of Evelyn Street and Hill Street,根据‘keep clear’ sign 进行定位,用方向词 at the junction(在...交汇处)做题,故本 题答案为 B。

  Question 18 答案 F

  题目解析 :文中说 Something we’re planning to do to help control the flow of traffic in the area is to install traffic lights half way down Hill Street where it crosses Days Road。根据 traffic lights 进行定位,用方向词 half way down(一半)、cross(穿过)做题,故本题答案为 F。

  Question 19 答案 A

  题目解析 :文中说 ...and an artist will incorporate that story into paintings on the wall of a building on the other side of Hill Street from the supermarket。根据 paintings 进行定位,用方向词 on the other side of(在...另外一边)做题,故本题答案为 A。

  Question 20 答案 E

  题目解析 :文中说 ...we’ve agreed to build a new children’s playground which will be at the other end of Hill Street close to the interaction with Carberry Street。根据 children’s playground 进 行定位,用方向词 at the other end of(在...的另一个尽头)、close to(靠近...)做题,故本题 答案为 E。

试听预约 模考预约
剑桥雅思8听力Test4 Section3真题解析
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