
发布时间:2017-03-14 15:53


  雅思写作题目:Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?



  题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理 解。

  1. 问题问的是提高汽油的价格是否是“的”办法,而非是否是“的”办法。这一 点在第二个问题(其他可能的措施)里得到了强调。

  2. 没有必要对两种观点(支持的和反对的)都进行详细的讨论,但是一篇好的文章会涉及 到两种观点。

  3. 机动车数量的下降也会减少污染,因此,一些论点可以同时运用到减少机动车数量问题 和减少污染上。


  作文需要一个简短的介绍部分和一个简短的结论。正文应该有两个或三个段落,每段分别 阐述一个点。至少要有一个段落讨论汽油的价格,一个段落讨论其他的方法。考生可以写 更多的段落,特别是如果作文字数超过 300 字的话。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与考 生意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及相反的观点。考生应尽量避免得出过于极 端的结论,比如只有一种方法可以减轻污染和交通堵塞。



  雅思写作范文 1——提高汽油价格不是解决日益增长的交通和污染问题的方法

  I disagree with the idea that increasing petrol prices is the best way to deal with traffic and pollution.

  First of all, if petrol prices are increased, this will most likely lead to less petrol being used. This will make environmentalists happy, but it will also increase the cost of anything that uses petrol in its production or in transport – in other words, everything from plastic bags to computers. This is likely to lead to slower economic growth as less is bought and produced. Of course, there will be less traffic and there will be less pollution, but I do not think that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.

  I think that traffic problems can be dealt with by making drivers pay more to use certain roads at certain times. This has been very effective in London, where there is a charge for cars to use roads in the centre of London during working hours. As a result, traffic and pollution have decreased without harming the local economy.

  Pollution could also be reduced by encouraging people to use energy more efficiently. The government could use and advertise campaign to show people that wasting energy by, for example, leaving electrical items on when they are not being used results in more pollution from electricity generation. In a similar way, the government could inform people about the financial benefits of insulating their homes.

  To conclude, I believe that a rise in petrol prices would reduce pollution, but cause economic problems. Therefore, I think there are better alternative solutions available.

  (258 words)


  首先,汽油价格的上涨最有可能会降低汽油的使用。这会使得环境保护者兴高采烈,但 是也将提升任何在生产中或运输中使用到汽油的东西的费用,换句话说,包括从塑料袋到电 脑在内的一切。这很可能会导致经济增长速度的放缓,因为人们购买和生产的东西少了。当 然,机动车数量和污染也将减少,但是我认为这种做法弊大于利。

  我认为交通问题可以通过在某些时间段让司机在某些路段缴纳更多的路费来解决。这 种方法在伦敦非常管用,在上班时段,开车通过伦敦市中心的路段要缴纳一定的费用。这样 一来,在不损害当地经济的情况下,机动车数量和污染都减少了。

  鼓励人们更有效率地使用能源也可以减少污染。政府可以向公众宣传一些这样的活动, 例如:不在使用中的电子产品仍处于开启状态会造成能源的浪费,而这种浪费所产生的污染 比发电时还多。与此类似的,政府应该告知公众绝缘房屋所能带来的财政利益。

  结论是我认为汽油价格的上涨会减少污染,但是也会产生不少经济上的问题。因此,我 认为会有其他更好的办法可以解决这个问题。


  雅思写作范文 2——提高汽油价格是解决日益增长的交通和污染问题的方法

  In this essay, I shall say why I believe that increasing petrol prices is the best way to reduce traffic and pollution problems and suggest other measures that might be effective.

  If the price of petrol is increased, it is likely that people will try to use less of it. This should see a reduction in car use and therefore less pollution. Some people claim that this will have negative effects on the economy, but I disagree. People will almost certainly use less petrol in cases where using it is not very economic. For example, most drivers use their vehicles for short journeys which they could easily make on foot. It is these journeys that they are likely to stop making by car, not essential ones for their private lives or for work.

  Another way of reducing traffic problems is to only allow certain cars to use the roads on given days. This method was used effectively in Beijing during the Olympic Games, reducing both traffic problems and pollution without any significant negative effects on the local economy. However, for a scheme like this to be successful, there needs to be a good public transport system.

  Pollution can also be reduced by using other forms of energy generation. If we use these, we can make our economy better in the long term by investing in the technologies of the future. We will also improve the health of the population through having less pollution.

  To summarise, I think that increasing petrol prices is the best way of reducing traffic and pollution problems and that there are other good ways of achieving this.

  (271 words)

  通过本文,我将阐述为什么我认为提高汽油的价格是减少机动车数量和污染的途 径。此外,我还将提出其他切实可行的措施。

  如果汽油价格上涨的话,汽油使用量很可能会减少,汽车的使用也会随之降低,从而使得 污染的减少。一些人表示这种做法对经济会产生消极的影响,但是我却不这样认为。当使用 汽油不那么经济实惠时,人们必将会减少使用量。例如:大多数人短途也会开车去,然而这 种短程完全可以通过步行来实现;正是这种短程的目的地,人们很可能不再开车前往,而不 是那些个人生活或者工作中必须开车的路程。

  另外一种减少交通问题的方法是在特定的日子只允许某些车上路。北京奥运会时使用 过这种方法,并且效果不错,在减少交通问题和污染问题的同时,也没有对当地经济产生任何 严重的消极影响。然而,如果要想这种方案获得成功的话,良好的公共交通系统是必不可少 的。

  使用其他形式的能源发电也可以减少污染。如果我们这样做的话,就可以通过对未来的 技术进行投资使经济从长期来看更为良好。污染少了,我们也可以提高人民的健康水平。

  总的来说,我认为提高油价是减少机动车数量和污染的方式,当然,也有其他好的方 法来解决这个问题。



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