剑桥雅思10Test2口语Part3范文-local business

发布时间:2017-05-16 20:13

剑桥雅思10Test2口语Part3范文-local business

  1. What types of local business are there in your neighbourhood? Are there any restaurants, shops or dentists for example?

  参考 答案 1 In my neighbourhood, there are a bunch of different stores that cater to the apartment complexes surrounding them. There’ s two supermarkets, a restaurant, a slightly more expensive restaurant, a caf é and two Korean barbecue places right next to each other. There’ s also a pet store that never seems to be open.

  参考 答案 2 There are many different shops in my neighbourhood, including small shops and larger chain stores. It’ s a good neighbourhood for shopping, which is why I live there.


  2. Do you think local businesses are important for a neighbourhood? In what way?

  参考 答案 1 I think local businesses can be important for a neighbourhood if they add character to it. Bars, caf é s and such places are useful as they provide a place to meet with friends and get to know other people from the area. Small grocery shops are handy since they save a trip to the supermarket and so on. However, an area can be kind of brought down by the businesses sometimes. In America, for example, a lot of black neighbourhoods have an overabundance of gun and liquor stores, which is both unnecessary and fundamentally depressing at the same time.

  参考 答案 2 I think businesses are not too important for a neighbourhood. Nowadays, we can buy everything we need from large shopping malls, so the idea of local businesses being necessary is kind of redundant.


  3. How do large shopping malls and commercial centres affect small local businesses? Why do you think that is?

  参考 答案 1 Large shopping malls traditionally put smaller retailers out of business, due to the larger stores being able to sell goods cheaper. But this only applies to stores which are in direct competition with each other. When it comes to a bakery, for example, I would say the smaller store may actually have an edge over the larger one due to having more room for creativity and the much- vaunted “personal touch” .

  参考 答案 2 Large shopping malls force small businesses to be more competitive – ultimately, if a large store puts a small one out of business then it’ s the smaller store’ s fault for not providing the goods and services customers need at an acceptable price. 


  4. Why do some people want to start their own business?

  参考 答案 1 I think people want to start their own businesses for two reasons. Either they believe they can provide a product or service that is unique or at a higher quality than anyone else, or they think they’ ve spotted an avenue to make money, although I suppose the two aren’ t mutually exclusive. So love, money or a combination of the two.

  参考 答案 2 People want to start their own business to make money and help society in general. It’ s true that business is the only thing that really matters in life, so people who start businesses are filling the need of society as well as providing a meaning to their own existence.


  5. Are there any disadvantages to running a business? Which is the most serious?

  参考 答案 1 I would say the biggest disadvantage is the pressure of responsibility – since there’ s no- one above you, there’ s no- one to blame when things inevitably start to go wrong. If you’ re the sort of person who can’ t handle criticism from others and from yourself, you probably shouldn’ t start a business, or at least shouldn’ t be surprised when it fails.

  参考 答案 2 There are no disadvantages to running a business. It teaches you the importance of hard work and competition, and gives you a feeling that you are a better person than everyone else, which is definitely true – I can’ t understand anyone who wouldn’ t want to run a business. I think they’ re weird.


  6. What are the most important qualities that a good business person needs? Why is that?

  参考 答案 1 I think the most important quality is an ability to communicate well, since everything stems from that in business. Otherwise, organisation, determination and a strong sense of self- reliance would seem to be crucial.

  参考 答案 2 The most important quality to running a business is believing that you know more than anyone else and are a smarter, more capable person than your rivals. I think if you let any weakness rule your life, you deserve to fail.


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