
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团



本章上海新航道雅思培训班为烤鸭们带来的是:剑桥雅思9Test2雅思听力Section3答案解析。了解雅思1对1培训 来新航道雅思培训学校,突破高分只需十天!




谈话话题:老师和学生代表共同讨论Self-Access Centre的规划




1. 本段对话发生在老师和学生代表之间,讨论的是Self- Access Centre 的发展前景。两个人见面Pam 就直入主题…As you know, I’ve asked you here today to discuss the future of our Self- Access Centre(你知道,我今天想和你讨论一下自主学习中心的发展前景),其中“as you know”表示“就你所知,你知道”之意,是固定搭配。

2. Jun 回答说Well, from the students’point of view, we would like to keep it(从学生的角度来看,我们应该保留它),“well”放在句首是语气词,一般不用翻译;“point of view”意为“观点,立场”。

3. The majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major component of their course…(大多数学生说喜欢使用它,因为它使课堂常规发生了变化,并且他们把它看作课程学习的重要组成部分),其中“the majority of”意为“……的大多数”,其后跟可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数;当作为一个整体看,其后跟单数名词。该表达与a majority of 可以通用。

4. Pam 反对Jun 的观点,说Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Self- Access Centre to the main University library building. 其中“benefit”在这里是动词,表示“受益”的意思;常用短语为“benefit from”,表示“因……而得到好处”;同时常见的“benefit”的名词用法,意为“利益,好处”;for the benefit of 表示“为……的利益”。

5. Jun 又说Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self- Access Centre, but it wouldn’t be like a class activity anymore(图书馆是大到足以包含自主学习中心,但它不再像一个课堂那样有互动了),“big enough”意为“足够大”,“anymore”意为“不再,再也不”,同义词组为“not any longer”。此外,容易产生混淆的词组为“any more”,意为“再、还”,同义词组为“any longer”。

6. Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the activities of the students…(还是应该有一个老师出席指导学生的活动……),“guide”这里做动词,意为“引导”,它还常作名词,意为“指南,向导”,如“tour guide”意为“导游人员”。

7. Is the cost going to be a problem?(费用将是一个问题吗?)其中,“cost”在这里用作名词,意为“费用,成本;代价”,常用短语“at the cost of”意为“以……为代价”。

8. Pam 有些顾虑:It’s not so much the expense that I”m worried about, and we’ve certainly got room to do it, but it’s the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours.“be worried about”意为“担心”,它是系动词+ 形容词表语+ 介词结构,系表结构侧重一种状态,这里表示担心的状态,和它同义的“be concerned about”则强调“关注、关心某事”。

9. Pam 说What about other resources?(其他资源如何?),这句话中的“what about”可以替换成“how about”,意为“如何”,“resources”意为“资源”。

10. Jun 又问What about if we agree to only use it before and after class?(如果我们同意只在课前课后用如何?),“what about”意为“怎么样”,中间省略了“is it”,完整句应该是“what is it about…”,常与“how about”相互


Question 21 C 听前预测:定位词为keep、Self- Access Centre、because。题目解析:快速浏览三个选项,找出核心区别点:A 选项为“喜欢各种设备”;B 选项为“喜欢自学”;C 选项为“学习的重要组成部分”。仔细捕捉定位词,出题句为:…we would like to keep it…because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major component of their course…(我们希望能保留自主学习中心……因为它使课堂常规发生了变化(即不再是以往的上课),学生把它看作课程学习的重要组成部分。)所以正确答案为C。另外,特别注意but 之后…we would like to see some improvements to the equipment…(我们希望设备有所完善……),借此排除A 选项。

Question 22 B 听前预测:定位词为some teachers、prefer。题目解析:快速浏览三个选项,找出核心区别点:A 选项为“关闭”;B 选项为“搬走”;C 选项为“限制使用”。本题干扰性不强,仔细捕捉定位词,出题句为:Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Self- Access Centre to the main University library building,该句中“relocating”表示“迁移”,所以选项B 为正确答案。

Question 23 B 听前预测:定位词为main concern、using library。题目解析:快速浏览三个选项,找出核心区别点:A 选项为“图书馆大小”;B 选项为“求助困难”;C 选项为“缺少资料”。出题句为:…the library is big enough to incorporate the Self- Access Centre, but it wouldn’t be like a class activity anymore. Our main worry would be not being able to go to a teacher for advice. 本题定位较为容易,题干中concern 替换为worry,后面强调“无法得到老师的建议”,故选项B 为正确答案。

Question 24 C 听前预测:定位词为Director of Studies。题目解析:快速浏览三个选项,找出核心区别点:A 选项为“升级成本”;B 选项为“缺少空间”;C 选项为“不容易监管”。本题有一定难度,主要在于定位词不明显,根据It’s not so much the expense that I’m worried about, and we’ve certainly got room to do it, but it’s the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours 排除选项A 和B,特别注意否定词not,强调词certainly,故正确答案为C。

Question 25 reading 听前预测:定位词为resources,提示词为material,此处应填形容词或名词。题目解析:本题不难,谈到other resources 时,Jun 同学说到…one of the comments that students frequently make is that they find it difficult to find materials that are appropriate for their level, especially reading resources…(学生主要的评价是他们不太容易找到适合自己水平的资料,尤其是阅读资料……),故reading 为正确答案。

Question 26 CD 听前预测:定位词和提示词为Update,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题听到:In fact, I think we should review all of the study resources as some of them are looking a bit out- of- date. 其中“out- of- date”为“过时”的意思,言外之意需要update,随后:The CD section especially needs to be more current. 其中“more current”为“最近”的意思,所以核心名词CD 为正确答案。

Question 27 workbooks 听前预测:定位词为Buy,提示词为some,此处应填名词(复数)。题目解析:本题出题句为:What do you think of the idea of introducing some workbooks? If we break them up into separate pages…,其中核心名词workbooks 为正确答案,注意答案为复数形式。

Question 28 timetable/ schedule 听前预测:定位词为Use of room、organise,提示词为a,此处应填名词(单数)。题目解析:本题难度不大,定位词的同义替换“…how the room is used”及“…talk to the teachers…”过后,出现“…we can all reach some agreement on a timetable to supervise the centre after class”,所听即所得,其中核心名词timetable 为本题答案。

Question 29 alarm 听前预测:定位词为Install,提示词为an,此处应填名词(单数)。题目解析:本题难度不大,所听即所得,“What about putting in an alarm?”(安装一个警报器如何?)注意答案为单数。

Question 30 email/ emails 听前预测:定位词为Restrict,提示词为of,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题难度不大,“…see whether we could somehow limit the access to email.”题干定位词Restrict 在原文中替换为limit,核心名词email 为本题答案。

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